Microgephyra elegans, Hauser & Irwin, 2005

Hauser, Martin & Irwin, Michael E., 2005, The subfamily Xestomyzinae (Diptera: Therevidae) new to Madagascar, with the description of four new species, African Invertebrates 46, pp. 181-202 : 189-191

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Felipe (2023-02-22 18:53:43, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-08 15:02:27)

scientific name

Microgephyra elegans

sp. nov.

Microgephyra elegans View in CoL sp. n.

Figs 1E, 1F View Fig , 2E, 2F View Fig , 3E, 3F View Fig , 4E, 4F View Fig , 5E, 5F View Fig , 6C View Fig , 7C View Fig , 8C View Fig , 9B View Fig

Etymology: L. elegans (fine, graceful). Named in reference to its long antennae and delicate body.

Diagnosis: This species is recognised by its red-orange thorax and extremely long antennae, which can be several times the length of the head in the male ( Figs 2E, 2F View Fig ).



Head: Ocellar tubercle polished greyish-black, with a few short, black setae. Eyes dichoptic, separated by distance greater than width of ocellar tubercle, ommatidia homogeneous ( Fig. 1E View Fig ). Frons cuticle color greyish-black dorsally, lower frons brown, lacking setae or pubescence ( Fig. 1E View Fig ). Parafacial white pubescent, lacking setae. Genal setae sparse, brownish-black. Lower face dense, white pubescent. Antenna four times longer than head, orange-brown. Scape nearly twice as long as wide with short, black setae overall and some longer setae on ventral apical end. Pedicel nearly square with few black setae. First flagellomere 14 times as long as wide, covered with microsetae bent towards apical tip of antenna. Second flagellomere very small, square with stylus ( Fig. 2E View Fig ). Maxillary palp brown, constricted in middle with long, erect setae on basal half, short, appressed, brown setae in apical half. Proboscis as long as head.

Thorax: Mesonotal and pleural cuticle orange-brown, polished without any pubescence, except faint silver pubescence on scutellum, metanepisternum and anatergite. Mesonotum with sparse, short, black setae, and two brown vittae laterally enlarged towards humeral callus, disappearing towards scutellum. Katepisternum and katatergum with sparse, black setae. Wing membrane translucent brownish-grey, covered with microtrichia except the baso-apical part of cell cu-p; two dark bands ( Fig. 7C View Fig ). Pterostigma black. Halter dark brown. Coxae and femora light orange brown, hind coxa with small, brown, apical spot. Fore and hind tibia brown, basally orange, mid tibia orange. Tarsi dark brown, hind basitarsus yellowish. Hind coxa with intense silver pubescence. Coxae with two black macrosetae; hind coxa lacking dorso-lateral macroseta but with hair-like, black setae laterally.

Abdomen: Cuticle dark brown, contrasting to orange thorax, polished, with sparse, short, black setae. Gonocoxite with two long black macrosetae laterally ( Figs 3E View Fig , 4E View Fig ). Inner margin of gonocoxite with atrium-like cavity. Epandrium with corners folded inwards over nearly a third of width of epandrium and with row of setae on this part; subepandrial sclerite with setae only in most apical part ( Fig. 4F View Fig ). Gonostylus elongate and thin, and curved apically ( Figs 3E, 3F View Fig , 4E View Fig ). Hypandrium with about 20 black macrosetae.Aedeagus with apical cap broadly bilobed ( Figs 5E, 5F View Fig ). Ejaculatory apodeme not broadened apically ( Fig. 5E View Fig ).

Body length: 6.3 (5.4–6.4) mm. Wing length: 5.4 (4.7–5.4) mm.

Female similar to male except as follows:

Head: Antenna 2.5 times longer than head, orange-brown ( Fig. 2F View Fig ). First flagellomere 10 times longer than wide, covered with microsetae bent towards apical tip of antenna. Wing membrane generally more infuscate and darker than in males.

Abdomen: Sternite 8 dark brown with a row of 10–12 and a row of 10 long, dark brown macrosetae. Furca as in Fig. 6C View Fig .

Body length: 6.5–8.5 mm. Wing length: 5.1–6.5 mm.

Holotype ( CASC type number: 18070): MADAGASCAR: Toliara Province: Andohaela National Park, Tsimela , [24.937, 46.627], 175 m, in transitional forest, Parcel II, 19–26.iv.2003, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 1ơ, (153174, CASC). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: MADAGASCAR: Toliara Province: Parc National d’Andohahela, 23.5 km 63 deg ENE Amboasary 7.6 km 99 deg E Hazofotsy, Forêt de Manantalinjo , [24.817, 46.61], 150 m, in spiny forest thicket , 12–16.i.2002, MTr, Fisher, Griswold et al., 1ơ (146490, MEI) ; Andohaela National Park, Tsimela, Parcelle II, [24.937, 46.627], 175 m, transitional forest GoogleMaps , 6–16.i.2003, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 1ơ (166265, MEI) ; 15–26.ii.2003, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 1ơ (166264, MEI) ; 26.ii–8.iii.2003, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 1ơ (166267, MNHN) ; 8–18.iii.2003, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 1ơ (166310, MEI) ; 28.iii–8.iv.2003, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 3ơ (166276, 166283, 166303, MEI) ; 28.i–12.ii.2004, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 2ơ (166261, 166301, MEI) , 1^ (166274, MNHN); 12–23.ii.2004, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 1^ (166275, MEI) ; Andohaela National Park , 1 km S Ihazofotsy, [24.831, 46.536], 62 m, in spiny forest, Parcel III GoogleMaps , 13–20.v.2003, MTr, RHH, MI, 4ơ (146485, 146486, 146488, 146489, MEI) , 1^ (146487, MEI); Andohaela National Park, Tsimela , [24.937, 46.627], 175 m, in transitional forest, Parcel II GoogleMaps , 19–26.iv.2003, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 15ơ (153155, NMSA), (153160, USNM), (153156, 153159, 153162, 153170, 153171, 153172, 153180, 153181, 153182, 153183, 153184, 153185, MEI), (153161, BMNH) , 3^ (153186, 153187, 153196, MEI); 1–26.iv.2003, MTr, RHH, MI, 1ơ (146504, MEI) , 1^ (146503, MEI); 26.iv–3.v.2003, MTr, MI, RHH, 2ơ (153163, 153167, MEI) , 7^ (153189, INHS), (153190, NMSA), (153193, ZMUC), (153191, 153192, 153194, 153195, MEI); 31.v.2003, MTr, RHH, MI, 2ơ (153178, MEI), (153179, SMNS) , 1^ (153188, MEI); Berenty Special Reserve , [25.007, 46.303], 36 m, in gallery forest GoogleMaps , 23–30.xi.2002, MTr, MI, FDP, RHH, 1ơ (166284, MEI) ; 30.xi–7.xii.2003, MTr, MI, RHH, 1ơ (166280, MEI) ; 8–15.xi.2002, MTr, RHH, 1ơ (165114, MEI) , 1^ (165105, MEI); 16–23.xi.2002, MTr, MI, RHH, 1ơ (165128, MEI) , 1^ (165107, MEI); 23–30.xi.2002, MTr, MI, RHH, 1ơ (165102, MEI) ; 17–26.i.2003, MTr, MI, RHH,ơ (165112, MEI) ; Andohaela National Park, Tsimela, Parcelle II, [24.937, 46.627], 176 m GoogleMaps , 26.i–5.ii.2003, MTr, MI, RHH, 2ơ (165104, INHS), (166406, MEI) ; 26.xi–2.xii.2003, MTr, MI, RHH, 1ơ (165103, MEI) ; 11–21.xii.2003, MTr, MI, RHH, 1ơ (166244, MEI) .

Biology: This species has been collected from November to May in Malaise traps in spiny forest and in transitional forest.

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Fig. 1 A–H. Heads frontal; left column males, right column females: (A, B) Microgephyra chrysothorax sp. n.; (C, D) Microgephyra falx sp. n.; (E, F) Microgephyra elegans sp. n.; (G, H) Microgephyra madagascariensis sp. n. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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Fig. 2 A–H. Heads lateral; left column males, right column females: (A, B) Microgephyra chrysothorax sp. n.; (C, D) Microgephyra falx sp. n.; (E, F) Microgephyra elegans sp. n.; (G, H) Microgephyra madagascariensis sp. n. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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Fig. 3 A–H. Gonocoxites; left column ventral, right column dorsal: (A, B) Microgephyra chrysothorax sp. n.; (C, D) Microgephyra falx sp. n.; (E, F) Microgephyra elegans sp. n.; (G, H) Microgephyra madagascariensis sp. n. Abbreviations: gc – gonocoxite, gr – gonocoxal ring, gs – gonostylus, h – hypandrium, spa – spiculose area. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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Fig. 4 A–H. Male terminalia; left column gonocoxites (lateral), right column epandria (ventral): (A, B) Microgephyra chrysothorax sp. n.; (C, D) Microgephyra falx sp. n.; (E, F) Microgephyra elegans sp. n.; (G, H) Microgephyra madagascariensis sp. n. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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Fig. 5 A–H. Aedeagi; left column ventral, right column lateral: (A, B) Microgephyra chrysothorax sp. n.; (C, D) Microgephyra falx sp. n.; (E, F) Microgephyra elegans sp. n.; (G, H) Microgephyra madagascariensis sp. n. Abbreviations: ac – apical cap, da – dorsal apodeme, ea – ejaculatory apodeme, lds – lateral distiphallus sclerite, va – ventral apodeme. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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Fig. 6 A–D. Furcae, dorsal view: (A) Microgephyra chrysothorax sp. n.; (B) Microgephyra falx sp. n.; (C) Microgephyra elegans sp. n.; (D) Microgephyra madagascariensis sp. n. Abbreviations: ag – accessory gland, f – furca, sr – sclerotized ring, ss – spermathecal sac, ssd – spermathecal sac duct, st – spermatheca, std – spermathecal duct, S10 – sternite 10. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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Fig. 7 A–D. Right wings: (A) Microgephyra chrysothorax sp. n.; (B) Microgephyra falx sp. n.; (C) Microgephyra elegans sp. n.; (D) Microgephyra madagascariensis sp. n.

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Fig. 8 A–D. Distribution maps: (A) Microgephyra chrysothorax sp. n.; (B) Microgephyra falx sp. n.; (C) Microgephyra elegans sp. n.; (D) Microgephyra madagascariensis sp. n.

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Fig. 9 A, B. SEM images: (A) Microgephyra falx sp. n., apical part of gonocoxites with spiculose area (spa). Scale bar = 100 µm. (B) Microgephyra elegans sp. n., tip of distiphallus. Scale bar = 50 µm.


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