Nops maculatus Simon, 1893

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121 : 85-87

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4427.1.1

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Nops maculatus Simon, 1893


Nops maculatus Simon, 1893 View in CoL

Figures 56A‒G View FIGURE 56 ; 57A‒F

Nops maculata Simon, 1893b: 449 . Female holotype from Caracas, Venezuela (no more data) (MNHN 10916; examined). Petrunkevitch, 1911: 133. Roewer, 1942: 316.

Nops maculatus: Bonnet, 1958: 3115 View in CoL (emendation of N. maculata )

Nops craneae Chickering, 1967: 6 View in CoL , fig. 4. Male holotype from Simla, Arima Valley, in close vicinity to the William Beebe Tropical Research Station (10°41′1″N, 61°17′0″W), Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, 17.iv.1964, A. M. Chickering (MCZ 20920; examined). Female paratype from Trinidad, N.A. Weber (MCZ 128294; examined). New Synonymy

Remarks. Female holotype of Nops maculatus from Caracas, Venezuela is in bad condition of preservation. However, the abdominal pattern is intact, which matches with the abdominal pattern of other specimens examined from Venezuela, including males. All these Venezuelan specimens are conspecific with the types and other material examined of Nops craneae Chickering from Trinidad and Tobago. Therefore, both species are synonymized herein.

Additional material examined. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO : Trinidad: Trinidad (no more data), 1♀ ( MNHN 14257 About MNHN ) . Ditto, 1♀ (MCZ 128288). Mount St. Benedict, Curepe (10°39′48″N, 61°23′54″ W), 30.v.1992, L.R. Hernandez, 1♀ (MNHNCu). Andrews Trace (off Blanchisseuse Rd. ), Arima Valley, St. George County, 16.vii.1979, L.N. Sorkin, 1♂ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Maracas Bay (10°45′35″N, 61°26′34″W), ii.1972, J.A. Cooke, 1♀ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Piarco (10°36′N, 61° 20′W), 3‒6.i.1955, A.M. Nadler, 1 immature ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Las Lapas road (off Blanchisseuse Rd. ) (10°43′11″N, 61°17′50″W), Arima Valley, St. George County, 23.vii.1979, L.N. Sorkin, 1♀ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . Balandra bay (10°43′11″N, 60°59′31″W), iv.1922, Reynolds, 2 immatures ( MCZ 128 About MCZ 293) GoogleMaps . Same data as paratype, 2♀ (MCZ 128291). Simla , Arima Valley, iv. 1964, A. M. Chickering, 8 immatures ( MCZ 128292 About MCZ ) . La Laja Rd. (sunny roadside) (10°42′N, 61°17′W), 500 m asl, Arima Valley, St. George County, 7.ii.1984, J. Coddington, 1♂ ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Simla Research Station ( William Beebe Tropical Research Station , 10°41′1″N, 61°17′0″W), Arima Valley, St. George County, 13‒24.vii.1988, A.H. Wynn, 1♀ ( USNM) GoogleMaps . VENEZUELA: Monagas: Caripito (10°6′39.62″N, 63°6′17.21″W), 15‒30.v.1942, W. Beebe, 1♀ ( AMNH) GoogleMaps . 27 km. SW Caripe , 300 m elevation., 19‒31.vii.1987, S. Peck & J. Peck, 1♂ ( AMNH) . Cerro San Bonifacio (10°10'27.120"N, 63°28'59.160"W), iv‒vi.1964, Rondenal, 1♀ ( MACN 20138 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . GUYANA: Cuyuni – Mazaruni: Kartabo (no more data), 1♂ ( AMNH) .

Diagnosis. Both sexes resemble the similar congener N. amazonas n. sp. by having similar abdominal pattern as in figure 6J, and PLS two times longer than PMS; but can be distinguished by having the embolus curved to the prolateral side in males ( Fig. 56B‒D View FIGURE 56 ) and females with narrow invagination on receptaculum ( Figs 56G View FIGURE 56 ; 57F).

Description. Male (MCZ 20920): Carapace dark reddish orange ( Figs. 56A View FIGURE 56 ). Chelicerae, labium, endites, legs and coxae reddish orange, metarsi and tarsi lighter. Sternum reddish orange. Abdomen light pale gray, with an irregular, median, dark gray, stripe extends throughout the dorsum; on each dorsolateral sides there is a series of four irregular, elongated dark gray spot the last of which spreads and unite with the median stripe distally, and ventrally with a pair of larger gray spot in a ventrolateral position and two small, irregular and dark gray spot distally close to spinnerets ( Figs. 56A View FIGURE 56 ). Anal tubercle and spinnerets whitish gray. Total length 9.5. Carapace 5.5 long, 4.7 wide. Sternum 4.5 long, 4.0 wide. Leg measurements: I: 4.1; II: 4.0; III: 3.7; IV: 4.25. Posterior unpaired claws small, as in other three‒clawed spiders. PLS longer than PMS. Palp with embolus distinctly longer than tibia, thin and curved to the prolateral side ( Fig. 56B‒D View FIGURE 56 ); beveled embolar tip, with one ventral short extension ( Fig. 57D‒E View FIGURE 57 ).

Female (MCZ 128294): Carapace, chelicerae, labium, legs, coxae, endites and sternum as in male, but a little darker. Abdomen as in male ( Fig. 56E View FIGURE 56 ). Total length 10.1. Carapace 5.9 long, 5.0 wide. Sternum 4.95 long, 4.4 wide. Leg measurements: I: 4.3; II: 4.2; III: 3.8; IV: 4.4. Posterior unpaired claws and PLS as in male. External genital area with weakly sclerotized anterior plate, strongly sclerotized lep and remarkable ess ( Fig. 56F View FIGURE 56 ). Internal genitalia with narrow invagination on receptaculum and uterus externus with narrow base ( Figs 56G View FIGURE 56 ; 57F).

Distribution. Known from Venezuela, Guyana and Trinidad Island ( Fig. 57G View FIGURE 57 ).


American Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Nops maculatus Simon, 1893

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D. 2018

Nops maculata

Simon, 1893b : 449
Petrunkevitch, 1911 : 133
Roewer, 1942 : 316

Nops maculatus:

Bonnet, 1958 : 3115

Nops craneae

Chickering, 1967 : 6
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF