Nops toballus Chickering, 1967

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D., 2018, A revision of the Neotropical spider genus Nops MacLeay (Araneae: Caponiidae) with the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the Nopinae genera, Zootaxa 4427 (1), pp. 1-121 : 53

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4427.1.1

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scientific name

Nops toballus Chickering, 1967


Nops toballus Chickering, 1967 View in CoL

Figures 32A‒F View FIGURE 32 ; 33A‒L

Nops toballus Chickering, 1967: 14 View in CoL , figs 18–19. Male holotype from St. Catherine Parish, near May Pen (17°56′57″N, 77°08′33″W), Jamaica, 22.xi.1957, A. M. Chickering ( MCZ 23306) GoogleMaps ; female paratype from Clarendon Parish, 2.5 miles N of May Pen (17°59′N, 77°14′W), Jamaica, 10.xi.1963 ( MCZ 128549 About MCZ ); all types examined. GoogleMaps

Additional material examined. JAMAICA: St. Catherine: Port Henderson (17°56′N, 76°52′W), 4.v.1956, A. M. Chickering , 1 immature ( MCZ 12 About MCZ 8547). Innswood Estate , 10.xi.1963, A. M. Chickering, 1 immature ( MCZ 128546 About MCZ ). 7 miles SE of Toundung 4,5 thorn scrub, 28.vii‒1.viii.1974, S. Peck, 1immature ( MCZ 128240 About MCZ ) GoogleMaps . St. Andrew: NW part of Long Mountain (17°59′N, 76°44′W), 8.v.1956, C.C. Hoff, 1 immature ( MCZ 128550 About MCZ ) GoogleMaps . St. Thomas : 14 miles E of Kingston (17°57′N, 76°36′W), 25.v.1956, A. M. Chickering, 1♂ ( MCZ 128545 About MCZ ) GoogleMaps . Morant Bay (17°53′N, 76°19′W), 4.x.1957, A. M. Chickering, 2 immatures ( MCZ 128551 About MCZ ). Portland: Blue Mountains , main range (18°08′N, 76°40′W), 17‒19.viii.1934 GoogleMaps , Darlington, 1♀ ( MCZ 128548 About MCZ ) . Blue Mountains (18°02′N, 76°37′W), 19.xi.2013, CarBio Team, 2♂ (for SEM) ( USNM). Ditto, 14‒16, 22.xi.2013, CarBio Team, 2 immatures ( USNM). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Males resemble similar congeners Nops ernestoi and Nops campeche n. sp. by having a long and prolaterally twisted embolus; but can be distinguished by its embolus with a narrower base and weakly curved ( Fig. 32B‒C View FIGURE 32 ), ending with three extensions, one thicker than the other ( Fig. 33D‒E View FIGURE 33 ). Females with narrow invagination on receptaculum and uterus externus with narrow base ( Fig. 33G‒H View FIGURE 33 ).

Description. Male (holotype): Carapace dark orange. Chelicerae, palps and legs orange; coxae and trochanters lighter ( Fig. 32A View FIGURE 32 ). Endites, labium and sternum light orange. Abdomen green grayish dorsal pattern as in figure 6I ( Fig. 32A View FIGURE 32 ). Anal tubercle and spinnerets lighter than abdomen. Total length 8.4. Carapace 5.7 long, 4.7 wide. Leg measurements: I: 4.0; II: 3.9; III: 3.5; IV: 4.15. Posterior unpaired claws elongated and dorsally reflexed ( Fig. 33K‒L View FIGURE 33 ). PLS longer than PMS. Palp with embolus longer than palpal tibia, with a narrow base and weakly curved ( Fig. 32B‒C View FIGURE 32 ), ending with three extensions, one thicker than the other ( Fig. 33D‒E View FIGURE 33 ).

Female (paratype): Carapace, chelicerae, labium, legs, coxae, endites and sternum as in male. Abdomen as in male, but somewhat darker. Anal tubercle and spinnerets lighter than abdomen. Total length 8.6. Carapace 5.8 long, 4.7 wide. Sternum 3.8 long, 3.2 wide. Leg measurements: I: 4.0; II: 3.85; III: 3.60; IV: 4.15. Posterior unpaired claws and PLS as in male. External genital area with weakly sclerotized anterior plate and lep, unremarkable ess ( Fig. 32E View FIGURE 32 ). Internal genitalia with narrow invagination on receptaculum and uterus externus with narrow base ( Figs 32F View FIGURE 32 ; 33G‒H).

Natural history. The majority of specimens were collected under stones.

Distribution. Known only from Jamaica ( Fig. 32G View FIGURE 32 ).


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Nops toballus Chickering, 1967

Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander & Brescovit, Antonio D. 2018

Nops toballus

Chickering, 1967 : 14
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF