Malmgreniella darbouxi Pettibone, 1993

Barnich, R. & Fiege, D., 2001, Mediterranean species of Malmgreniella Hartman, 1967 Polychaeta: Polynoidae: Polynoinae), including the description of a species, Journal of Natural History 35, pp. 1119-1142 : 1126-1128

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Malmgreniella darbouxi Pettibone, 1993


Malmgreniella darbouxi Pettibone, 1993 View in CoL

(®gure 2A±L)

Malmgreniella darbouxi Pettibone, 1993: 39 View in CoL , ®gure 24.

Harmothoe lunulata: Katzmann, 1983: 93 View in CoL [not delle Chiaje, 1830].

Type material. Malmgreniella darbouxi , HOLOTYPE: Yugoslavia, near Zlorin Island , middle Adriatic Sea, 20±60 m, sand and mud, 1971, leg. W. Katzmann, USNM 74370 About USNM . (Holotype not checked for this study.)

Material examined. One specimen, 1 October 1993, Banyuls, KuÈstenschlick , leg.1 det. D. Fiege as Harmothoe castanea (McIntosh, 1876) , SMF 4615 About SMF / 1. One specimen (af), E1, 1976, Cortiou (Marseille), 69 m, leg. A. Jojaruria, Coll. Bellan. One specimen (af), Pozzuoli, det. M.C. Gambi as Harmothoe cf. castanea, Coll. Gambi. Two specimens (af), P / 49 7B-25, August 1985, Puglia, det. M. C. Gambi

Harmotho e marphysa e, Coll. Gambi.

Diagnosis. Elytral surface with patch of microtubercles in anterior part, elytral margin smooth. Short notochaetae stout, with blunt tips; long notochaetae slender, with pointed tips; upper and middle neurochaetae bidentate, lower neurochaetae unidentate.

Description. Prostomium bilobed, without cephalic peaks; median antenna with ceratophore in anterior notch, style papillate, tapering to ®liform tip; lateral antennae with ceratophores inserted terminoventrally and with short, papillate, tapering styles; palps smooth, long, tapering; anterior pair of eyes dorsolaterally in front of widest part of prostomium, posterior pair dorsally near hind margin (®gure 2A). Tentaculophores inserted laterally to prostomium, each with a single chaeta on inner side and a pair of papillate dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri, tapering to ®liform tip (®gure 2A). Second segment with ®rst pair of elytra, biramous parapodia, and long ventral buccal cirri, similar to tentacular cirri.

Fifteen pairs of elytra; elytral surface with patch of conical microtubercles in anterior part and few scattered, dark papillae in posterior part, elytral margin smooth; pigmentation variable, in form of transverse or C-shaped band

gure 2B, C). Styles of dorsal cirri papillate, tapering to ®liform tip, extending to tips of neurochaetae; styles of ventral cirri with few papillae, tapering, shorter than neuropodia (®gure 2A, D).

Parapodia biramous, both rami with single aciculum penetrating epidermis; notopodia with short, rounded prechaetal and longer, pointed postchaetal acicular lobe, neuropodia with subconical prechaetal acicular lobe with digitiform supraacicular process and shorter rounded postchaetal lobe (®gure 2D). Notochaetae with distinct rows of spines, shorter ones stout with blunt tips (®gure 2E, F), longer ones slender with pointed tips (®gure 2G, H); neurochaetae with distinct rows of spines only in distal part, upper and middle neurochaetae bidentate with distinct secondary tooth, lower neurochaetae unidentate (®gure 2I±L).

Remarks. Among the Mediterranean Malmgreniella species having a patch of microtubercles on the elytra (i.e., M. darbouxi Pettibone, 1993 (®gure 2B, C);

. lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830) (®gure 3B, C); M. andreapolis (McIntosh, 1874)

gure 4B, C); and M. castanea (McIntosh, 1876) (®gure 5B, C )), M. darbouxi shows

unique, distinguishing character: short and long notochaetae of diOEerent kinds, the shorter being stout with blunt tips and the longer slender with pointed tips

IG. 2. Malmgreniella darbouxi ( SMF 4615 / 1): (A) anterior end; palps and styles of median and left lateral antenna, left tentacular cirri, and left dorsal cirrus of third segment missing; dorsal view; (B) second left elytron; (C) detail of anterior margin of same; (D) right cirrigerous parapodium of chaetiger 14; posterior view; (E) short, stout notochaeta; (F) tip of same; (G) long, slender notochaeta; (H) tip of same; (I) middle neurochaeta; (J) tip of upper neurochaeta; (K) tip of middle neurochaeta; (L) tip of lower neurochaeta (scales 5 500 m m for A, B; 100 m m for C, E, G, I; 250 m m for D; 50 m m for F, H, J, K, L).



Forschungsinstitut und Natur-Museum Senckenberg














Malmgreniella darbouxi Pettibone, 1993

Barnich, R. & Fiege, D. 2001

Malmgreniella darbouxi

Pettibone 1993: 39

Harmothoe lunulata:

Katzmann 1983: 93
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