Sundacapsus kinabaluensis, Yasunaga & Chérot & Schwartz, 2021

Yasunaga, Tomohide, Chérot, Frédéric & Schwartz, Michael D., 2021, New genera and species of the Oriental mirine plant bugs from Southeast Asia, with six new combinations (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae: Mirini), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 69, pp. 137-155 : 150

publication ID 10.26107/RBZ-2021-0012

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scientific name

Sundacapsus kinabaluensis

sp. nov.

Sundacapsus kinabaluensis , new species

( Figs. 4D, E View Fig , 7 View Fig , 12 View Fig )

Type material. Holotype: male, MALAYSIA: Sabah, Borneo, Sabah Mt. Kinabalu National Park , HQ, 1,560 m, 6.00574, 116.54268, 15 May 1987, A. Smetana ( AMNH _ PBI 00418901 About AMNH ) ( CNC) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: MALAYSIA: Sabah, 3 males, 31 females, same data as for holotype ( AMNH _ PBI 00418900 About AMNH , 00418902–36 About AMNH ) ( CNC) GoogleMaps ; 2 females, Mt. Kinabalu National Park, HQ, Mempening Trail , 1,600 m, 6.01209, 116.54112, A. Smetana, 17 May 1987 ( AMNH _ PBI 00418937–38 About AMNH ) ( CNC) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Distinguished by its larger size and overall dusky greenish tan colouration with dark brown apical portions of antenna segments II–IV and scutellum (except for corners), clavus and endocorium faintly darkened, cuneus with faint reddish brown tinge ( Fig. 4D View Fig ); endosoma with long narrow, apically pointed lobal sclerite and supporting basal sclerite extending to apical margin of membrane and pointed; interramal lobes of posterior wall very short and fin-shaped.

Description. Male. COLOURATION: Body practically uniform dusky greenish tan for pinned specimens ( Fig. 4D View Fig ). Antenna pale yellowish tan; variable dark brown on apical portion of segment II and on most of segments III–IV except bases. Labium with apical one-third of segment IV darkened. Head with portion ventral to antennal insertions dark brown. Pronotum anterior of calli diffusely dark brown, collar contrasting yellowish white. Thoracic pleura dark brown, with yellowish white ostiolar peritreme; mesoscutum shiny dark brown, except lateral margins tan, scutellum shiny dark brown except for tan apex. Hemelytron with clavus and endocorium variably and diffusely brown, darkest lateral of anal vein; cuneus with faint reddish brown tinge; membrane pale brown, translucent, with concolourous veins. All coxae and legs yellowish tan; bases of tibiae with dark mark; metafemora with two subapical, poorly defined, reddish brown rings. Abdomen shiny reddish brown, except for tan on median parts of sternites II−VII and base and ventral portions of pygophore. Surface, vestiture, and structure as in generic description. Genitalia ( Fig. 7A–D View Fig ): Hypophysis of left paramere developed, with sharply arrowed apex ( Fig. 7B View Fig ); distal lobal-sclerite of endosoma slender, tapered towards apex ( Fig. 7D View Fig ). Surface, vestiture, and structure as in generic description.

Female. Similar to male, but body somewhat longer and wider ( Fig. 4E View Fig ). COLOURATION: Generally paler than male, with dark markings restricted to maxillary plate, ventral margin of tylus, apex of antennal segment II, apical ¼ of III and apical ½ of IV; reddish markings as in male. Genitalia ( Fig. 7E, F View Fig ): Posterior wall with short interramal lobe ( Fig. 7E View Fig ).

Measurements. See Table 1.

Etymology. Named for its occurrence in Kinabalu National Park, a World Heritage Site.

Distribution. Currently known only from Sabah, East Malaysia (northern highlands of Borneo) ( Fig. 12 View Fig ).

Biology. Unknown; all known specimens were taken from foliage near park headquarters.


American Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes













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