Flavina Stål

Zhang, Yalin, Che, Yanli & Wang, Yinglun, 2010, Two new species of the planthopper genus Flavina Stål (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae) from China, Zootaxa 2641, pp. 27-36 : 28

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.198607



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scientific name

Flavina Stål


Flavina Stål View in CoL View at ENA

Flavina Stål, 1861: 209 View in CoL . Type species: Flavina granulata Stål, 1861: 212 View in CoL , by original designation. Nilalohita Distant, 1906: 358 . Type species: N. curculioides Distant , by original designation. Synonymised by Gnezdilov and Wilson, 2007: 106.

Dolia Kirkaldy, 1907: 95 . Type species: Hiracius walkeri Signoret, 1861: 57 , by original designation. Synonymised by Gnezdilov, 2009: 84.

Head with eyes narrower than pronotum. Vertex approximately hexagonal with disc depressed, lateral margins carinate; anteriorly angularly convex and posteriorly angularly concave. Ocelli present. Frons with a carina medially and dorsally between eyes, disc slightly elevated, length greater than widest part ventrally, anterior margin distinctly concave; frontoclypeal suture weak to strongly arched. Clypeus elevated, smooth. Rostrum long, reaching to hind-trochanter. Pronotum with pale tubercula, short laterally, posterior margin horizontal to slightly convex; disc elevated with median carina and two pits. Mesoscutellum nearly triangular, with two pits along lateral margin; disc slightly elevated, with or without carina. Tegmen elongate, nearly quadrate; Sc long, extending beyond mid-length of tegmen; longitudinal veins prominent, between them with a number of obscure veinlets, rendering the whole surface faintly reticulate; claval suture present. Wing broader and a little shorter than tegmen, apically forming 2 lobes, veins reticulate. Legs relatively long, not dilated; lateral margin of hind tibia with 3–5 teeth. Spinal formula of hind leg 8-(8-13)-2, indicating number of spines at apex of hind tibia and tarsomeres I and II.

Male genitalia symmetrical; anal segment in dorsal view longer than greatest width subbasally or circular in dorsal view; pygofer without spines; aedeagus tubular, symmetrical, divided distally into a dorsal and ventral lobe, the latter sometimes split, a pair of elongate lateral lobes and a pair of spiniform processes lying ventrolaterally and directed either cephalad or caudad.

Female genitalia with anal segment cup-like, longer than widest part. First valvula with teeth; third valvula nearly triangular.

Diagnosis. This genus resembles Fortunia Distant , but differs from the latter by vertex with apical and posterior margins not truncate, frons only produced anteriorly, not angulate in dorsal view, fore and middle femora not foliately expanded. Its superficial resemblance to Mahanorona Distant , is discussed below.

Distribution. Oriental region and Pacific.












Flavina Stål

Zhang, Yalin, Che, Yanli & Wang, Yinglun 2010


Gnezdilov 2009: 84
Kirkaldy 1907: 95
Signoret 1861: 57

Flavina Stål, 1861 : 209

Gnezdilov 2007: 106
Distant 1906: 358
Stal 1861: 209
Stal 1861: 212
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