Pseudocriopsis abare, Monné & Souza & De Mello & Monné, 2020

Monné, Marcela L., Souza, Diego De S., De Mello, Amanda P. & Monné, Miguel A., 2020, Synopsis of the genus Pseudocriopsis (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Zootaxa 4772 (3), pp. 512-516 : 514

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4772.3.4

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scientific name

Pseudocriopsis abare

sp. nov.

Pseudocriopsis abare View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 4–6 View FIGURES 4–6 )

Description. Holotype female. Integument dark brown; basal 2/3 of antennomeres III–VII brownish, and distal third gradually darkening to dark brown toward apex. Head. Frons densely micropunctate, with spots of yellow pubescence not obscuring integument. Vertex with pubescence as in frons, with suture evident. Antennal tubercles densely micropunctate, with pubescence as on frons. Area behind upper eye lobes with moderately dense yellowish pubescence close to eye, with two distinct long setae near upper margin of eye; area behind lower eye lobes with yellowish pubescence close to eye, and with row of distinct long setae near margin of eye. Genae densely micropunctate, with spots of yellowish pubescence, apex glabrous, with transverse row of distinct long setae below eye. Postclypeus with decumbent yellowish pubescence. Labrum coplanar, with anteclypeus at posterior third, minutely punctate interspersed with yellowish pubescence and distinct long setae, with apical margin glabrous and fine punctures on posterior 2/3, nearly smooth on anterior third; with short, decumbent, sparse grayish-white pubescence interspersed with moderately short yellowish-brown setae directed forward. Antennae with missing antennomeres VIII–XI on left antenna, VII–XI on right antenna; scape, pedicel and dark areas of antennomeres with brownish pubescence obscuring integument; light areas of antennomeres with yellowish pubescence; pedicel and antennomeres III–IV with sparse, erect, long brownish setae ventrally; scape as long as antennomere III, with sparse, erect, long yellow and yellowish-brown setae on distal quarter of ventral surface; antennomere IV 1/3 shorter than III; V–VII decreasing in length; antennomeres III–VII with stout dark setae around apex. Thorax. Prothorax with moderately small conical tubercle at distal third; with shallow suture near anterior margin, gradually widening from anterior margin to lateral tubercles, and abruptly narrowing from lateral tubercles to posterior margin. Pronotum with longitudinal elevation centrally, with row of coarse punctures near posterior margin; mostly covered with dark brown with interspersed spots of yellowish and white pubescence. Sides of prothorax with sparse, erect setae around each lateral tubercle. Ventral surface of thorax with yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument (appearing more grayish-white, depending on light intensity, and slightly denser than on dorsal surface). Scutellum with sparse spots of yellowish pubescence in center, dark brown on sides. Elytra. A denser yellowish crossband in middle of elytra, formed by small setae, with sparse dark spots. Pubescence as follows: circum-scutellar area with sparse but thick dark pubescence; with irregular spots of yellowish setae interspersed with irregular lighter setae on basal and apical third; apex with yellowish pubescence. Legs. Femora with sparse spots of yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument on dorsal surface (denser on ventral surface). Tibiae mostly covered with dark-brown pubescence obscuring integument, with distinct dense, erect, long yellowish setae on dorsal and lateral surfaces and apex. Tarsomeres I–IV entirely covered with dark-brown pubescence; tarsomere V bicolored (basal two-thirds with yellowish pubescence, apex with dark-brown pubescence). Abdomen. Ventrites with paleyellow pubescence not obscuring integument, denser on toward apical ventrites.

Dimensions (mm). Total length, 10.3; prothoracic length, 1.8; prothoracic width, 3.1; humeral width, 4.5; elytral length, 7.1.

Type material. Holotype female from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Teresópolis, PARNASO, Trilha Pedra do Sino, Rio Beija Flor , malaise trap, 30.XI.2018 – 10.I.2019, L.H. Azevedo col. ( MNRJ).

Etymology. Abarê, in the Tupi Guarani language, means ‘friendly people.’ The name of the new species is dedicated to all our friends who helped us to restart our research after the fire in the Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Remarks. The main feature that differentiates Pseudocriopsis abare sp. nov. ( Figs. 4–6 View FIGURES 4–6 ) from its congeneric species is the yellowish crossband on the middle of the elytra, which is absent in P. modesta ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURES 1–3 ). Moreover, the lateral yellowish band on the pronotum in the new species is slighter and narrower than the band at the corresponding location in P. modesta ; the yellowish setae on the apex of the elytra are restricted to the apical margin in Pseudocriopsis abare sp. nov., whereas in P. modesta the yellowish setae occupy about the apical quarter of the elytra; and the yellowish setae on the tibiae of the new species are sparse and do not obscure the integument, whereas in P. modesta these setae are dense and cover the integument.

Examined material of P. modesta . Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Itatiaia , 700 m, 1 female, 19.XI.1947, Zikán leg.; 1 female, 9.XII.1947, Zikán leg. ( FIOC). Lectotype female, Brazil, Espírito Santo, Santa Tereza, 02.I.1929, O. Conde leg. ( MZSP) (examined through photographs).


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Fundacao Instituto Oswaldo Cruz


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo

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