Bonjeania zwicki, Winterton, Shaun L., 2007

Winterton, Shaun L., 2007, New species of Acraspisoides Hill & Winterton and Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Agapophytinae), with the description of a new genus, Zootaxa 1438, pp. 1-25 : 20-22

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.175919


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bonjeania zwicki

sp. nov.

Bonjeania zwicki View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figures 1 View FIGURE 1 , 8 View FIGURE 8 )

Holotype male, AUSTRALIA: NEW SOUTH WALES: Budawang NP, ~ 10 km on Western Distributor Rd., ~ 350 m, 35°31’48.8”S, 150°01’42.7”E, 18.xi.2004, mv lamp, A. Zwick ( ANIC 29 17728) ( ANIC).

Diagnosis. Lower frons and face protruding anteriorly; body dark red with dark medial stripe on scutum; pleuron and anterior segments of abdomen with white-silver stripe of pubescence; anterior margin of wing infuscate; male genitalia with aedeagus and gonocoxal apodemes greatly elongate; ejaculatory apodemes greatly enlarged; lateral flanges of ejaculatory apodeme angled lateroventrally; posteroventral margin of gonocoxites dark pigmented.

Description. Male. Body length: 8.5 mm.

Head. Frons glossy black, slightly narrower than ocellar tubercle at narrowest point; antennal base positioned low on frons; frons flat, slightly concave and rugose above antennal base; lower frons and face protruding anteriorly; pale setae sparsely distributed on frons, brown pubescence on upper frons, narrow strip of silver pubescence along eye margin; face overlain with silver pubescence; ocellar tubercle slightly raised, black with sparse, grey pubescence posteriorly admixed with short, dark setae; occiput concave, black, overlain with grey pubescence; single row of relatively short, black, postocular setae dorsally; gena black with long, pale setae; silver-white pubescence more dense along margin of eye; palp and labellum brown with scattered, dark setae; antenna dark brown, overlain with grey-brown pubescence; antennal length shorter than head; short, dark setae on scape and pedicel; flagellum with small patch of short, dark setae dorsally; flagellum longer than length of scape and pedicel combined.

Thorax. Scutum and scutellum dark red with broad, black medial stripe; narrow pale dorsocentral stripe along lateral margin of medial stripe; scutum sparsely covered grey pubescence admixed with erect, pale setae; setae darker laterally; scutal macrosetae black; pleuron dark red, pale elongate setae on proepisternum, anepisternum, katepisternum, katatergite and coxae; setae dark on katatergite; distinct white-silver stripe of pubescence on proepisternum, katepisternum, katepimeron, meron and metanepisternum; coxae dark red, overlain with sparse, grey pubescence admixed with pale setae; macrosetae on all coxae black; legs dark red; pale setae on femora; tibia with black macrosetae; dense yellow pubescence on ventral surface of fore tibia; fore tarsus dark; mid and hind tarsi cream basally, dark red distally; wing hyaline, anterior margin slightly infuscate; pterostigma dark; venation light brown; haltere dark brown; scutal chaetotaxy (pairs): np, 5; sa, 1; pa, 1; dc, 1; sc, 1.

Abdomen. Dark red, tergites 1–3 black medially, sternites 1–3 overlain with white-silver pubescence laterally; numerous scattered pale setae on all segments, setae longer laterally; setae on terminalia both pale and dark.

Male genitalia. Epandrium arched, trapezoid, medially slightly shorter than wide, emarginate on both posterior and anterior margins, posterolateral corners produced, rounded ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 A, C); cercus quadrangular; tergite 8 slightly emarginate medially, elongate setae laterally; sternite 8 quadrangular; gonocoxite wedge-shaped in profile ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 C), elongate, dark setae ventrally and along posterior margin; posterior margin with distinctive dark pigmentation ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 D); medial atrium relatively small, overlain with velutum covered membrane; hypandrium small, fused to gonocoxites laterally; gonocoxal process much shorter than gonostylus; inner gonocoxal process equal length to gonostylus, spatulate apically; gonostylus recurved medially; ventral lobe narrow, directed dorsally; gonocoxal apodeme ca. 3x length of gonocoxite; aedeagus elongate, distiphallus recurved dorsally proximal to ejaculatory apodeme; dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath poorly sclerotised, curved dorsally; arms of ventral apodeme of aedeagal sheath relatively broad apically, length approximately 1/2 length of ejaculatory apodeme; lateral ejaculatory apodeme enlarged; ejaculatory apodeme greatly enlarged, flanges of apodeme cross-shaped in axial view, with horizontal flanges deflexed ventrally ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 B).

Female. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym in honour of Andreas Zwick, who collected this species.

Comments. The distinctive dark red colouration and white-silver pubescent lateral stripe of B. zwicki sp. nov. are diagnostic for this species. Bonjeania zwicki sp. nov. is known only from a single male specimen from New South Wales.


University of Newcastle


Australian National Insect Collection













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