Brincadorus cruceno, Camisão & Zahniser & Takiya, 2024

Camisão, Beatriz M., Zahniser, James N. & Takiya, Daniela M., 2024, On the Neotropical Brincadorus: redescription, new species, taxonomic key and description of a related new genus (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae), Zootaxa 5497 (4), pp. 537-558 : 542-545

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Plazi (2024-08-30 14:12:04, last updated 2024-11-29 13:17:32)

scientific name

Brincadorus cruceno

sp. nov.

Brincadorus cruceno sp. nov.

( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 )

Type-locality: Potrerillos del Guenda Nature Reserve, Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia.

Length: 5.3–5.6 mm (males)

Coloration: Body yellow dorsally, and light yellow ventrally ( Figs. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ). Crown, pronotum, and mesonotum with muscular markings slightly darker ( Figs. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ). Forewing translucent, yellow, without maculae or spots ( Figs. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ).

External morphology: Coronal suture reaching midlength of crown; frontal region slightly upturned in lateral view; crown texture with arching carinae coarse anteriorly and becoming faint posteriorly (3A–B); anterior margin with numerous transverse carinae ( Figs. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 , 3A–D View FIGURE 3 ). Clypellar suture arcuate. Clypellus tumid in lateral view; constricted at base and tapering toward apex. Forewing without extra crossveins on costal margin ( Figs. 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ). Profemur intercalary row with 12 to 14 setae; row AV with 4 to 7 short, stout macrosetae. Protibia rows AD+PD with 1+4 or 1+5 macrosetae. Other characters as in the generic description.

Male genitalia: Pygofer with dorsal process, acute, curved posterodorsally ( Fig. 3E–F View FIGURE 3 ). Subgenital plate apex acuminate, extending beyond apex of pygofer in lateral view ( Figs. 2C–D View FIGURE 2 ). Connective arms somewhat parallel in dorsal view ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ). Style apophysis apex rounded, smooth, somewhat straight, not reaching midlength of subgenital plates in dorsal view ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ). Aedeagus shaft curved dorsally; without basidorsal processes; preapical spine dorsally; apical region curved downwards; gonopore preapical, opening ventrally ( Fig. 2F–G View FIGURE 2 ). Phragma forming elongate lobes, membranous dorsally, with setae dorsally, lightly sclerotized ventrally ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 ). Segment X ventrally protuberant ( Fig. 3F–G View FIGURE 3 ).

Female terminalia: Female unknown.

Etymology: The epithet of the new species refers to those who are born in the Santa Cruz department, Bolivia, the type-locality of the holotype. The epithet is a noun in apposition to the generic name.

Notes: Brincadorus cruceno sp. nov. is similar to B. laticeps , as they both share the subgenital plates acuminate apically, and the long, slender and curved aedeagus. However, the new species can be distinguished by the shorter subgenital plates ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ), with apical region straighter and less projected beyond pygofer in lateral view, style apophysis slightly shorter in dorsal view ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ), and aedeagus with a pre-apical dorsal spine and apical region curved downward ( Figs. 2F–G View FIGURE 2 ). In addition to the material examined below, the species is known from the misidentified paratype of B. laticeps from Rurrenabaque, Bolivia.

Type-material: holotype ♂, “ BOLIVIA: Dept. Santa Cruz | Prov. Andres Ibáñez, Potreillos | del Guenda , 17º40.27’S, | 63º27.45’ W, 370 m, 5 Dec. 2008 | T. J. Henry, at mv/black light” “USNMENT01513046” (held in trust at USNM) GoogleMaps . Paratypes, 7 ♂. Six males, same data as holotype, except one USNMENT01513074, and one USNMENT01513497 ( USNM) . 1♂, “BOLIVA: Dept. Santa Cruz | Prov. Florida, Refugio los | Volcanes , 18º06’S, 63º36’W | 1045 m, 9–13 Dec. 2008, | T. J. Henry, general beating” ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Four additional specimens examined. 1♂, “ PERU: Huánuco, 5km W | Tingo María, Pte.Perez , 600m | 9°20’51”S 75°58’51”W | 25 Oct 2002, C.H. Dietrich | merc.vapor light, 02-41-1” ( INHS) GoogleMaps . 1♂, “ PERU: SM, San Antonio de Cumbaza | S0625 / W 7624, 400 masl | VII.2004, col. C. Rasmussen ”, “ Brincadorus | laticeps | Oman, 1938 | det. Camisão, B. 2016” ( INHS) . 1♂, “ BOLIVIA: Dpto. Santa Cruz | nr. Buena Vista | S 17°30.867’ W 063°40.245’ | 334m; 13.XI.2009, at MV / UV | lights nr. River | Coll: G. J. Svenson ”, “ Brincadorus | laticeps | Oman, 1938 | det. Camisão, B. 2016” ( INHS) . 1♂, ” BOLIVIA: Saavedra | Dept. Santa Cruz |Agr. Exp. Sta.”, “ R. B. Cummings | 5-I-60 | Blacklight trap ”, “ Brincadorus | laticeps | Oman, 1938 | B. Camisão det. 2016” ( FSCA) .

Oman, P. W. (1938) A generic revision of american Bythoscopinae and South American Jassinae. Bulletin of the University of Kansas, 37 (14), 343 - 420.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Brincadorus cruceno sp. nov. A–B, USNMENT01513497. C–F, USNMENT01513074. H, USNMENT01513046. A, Dorsal habitus; B, Lateral habitus; C, Pygofer,valve, subgenital plates andanal tube, lateral view; D, Pygofer, valve, subgenital plates and anal tube, ventral view; E, Connective, styles and aedeagus, ventral view; F, Connective, styles and aedeagus, lateral view; G, Apex of aedeagus, lateral view; H, Holotype labels.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 3. Brincadorus cruceno sp. nov. A–D, SEM images, USNMENT01513497. E–G, USNMENT01513074. A, Head, pronotum, and part of mesonotum, dorsal view (scale bar 0.5 mm); B, Detail of head and pronotum, dorsal view (scale bar 0.25 mm); C, Face, ventral view (scale bar 0.5 mm); D, Detail of antennal ledges and anterior margin of frontoclypeus, ventral view (scale bar 0.15 mm); E, Genital capsule (connective, styles and aedeagus removed), caudal view; F, Dorsal part of genital capsule, caudolateral view; G, Same, lateral view.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


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Sarawak Museum


University of Montana Museum


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Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology













