Atlanticus (Sinpacificus) fairyi Liu, 2013

Liu, Chun-Xiang, 2013, Review of Atlanticus Scudder, 1894 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Tettigoniinae) from China, with description of 27 new species, Zootaxa 3647 (1), pp. 1-42 : 33-34

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3647.1.1

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scientific name

Atlanticus (Sinpacificus) fairyi Liu

sp. nov.

Atlanticus (Sinpacificus) fairyi Liu View in CoL sp. n.

( Fig. 8L View FIGURE 8 ; Table 2)

Holotype. Female [No. IOZ(E)361824], China: Fujian Prov., Jiangle, Longqishan , Xianrentang , 800m, 1990.IX.20, Coll. Huang Chunmei.

Paratypes. 3 females, China: Fujiang Prov. , Jiangle , Longqishan, on the road to Xianrentang, 800m, 2012.VII.20, Coll. Liu Chunxiang.

Diagnosis. Large-sized compared to the congeners in the group. Lateral lobes of pronotum longer than high, deepest at middle. Female tegmen not completely covered by pronotum. Ovipositor approximately straight, with slightly recurved apex.

Description. Holotype. Female. Disc of prozona slightly convex, and metazona approximately flat. Pronotum narrowest in proximal one-third, and then gradually ampliate caudad. Lateral lobes of pronotum typical of the group. Fore femora with 4 interior ventral spines. Middle femur with 1 external ventral spine in apical quarter. Hind femur with 1 exterior and 6 interior spines on ventral margins. Fore tibia with 3 dorsal spines on exterior margin and 6 ventral spines on both margins. Middle tibia with 6 ventral spines on both margins, 2 exterior and 4 interior spines on dorsal margins. Hind tibiae with 22 exterior and 19 interior spines on dorsal margins. Tenth abdominal tergum with a central “U”-shaped notch. Cerci conical, with obtuse apex. Ovipositor long, straight, apical half slightly recurved, with apex obliquely truncated. Subgenital plate distinctly transverse, triangularly emarginate at apex, forming two small obtuse triangular lateral lobes.

Coloration. Generally brown. The following parts greyish brown: head with exception of a blackish postocular fascia, disc of pronotum, and each femur except for one central dark brown stripe separating upper and lower portion of hind femur. Ventral pines on hind femur black.

Male unknown.

Notes. The new species most resembles others in the Magnificus Group in the general shape of pronotum, ovipositor and subgenital plate. It differs from others in some specifics including length of female tegmen, hind femora and ovipositor. Consequently, we temporarily put it into the Magnificus Group, but its true placement can be determined not until its male has been discovered.

Etymology. The new species is named for the type locality—“living space for fairies”.

Distribution. China (Fujian).













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