Caballeronia ptereochthonis HMF

Kim, Yong-Seok, Yi, Hana, Kim, Myung Kyum, Seong, Chi-Nam, Kim, Wonyong, Jeon, Che Ok, Kim, Seung-Bum, Im, Wan-Taek & Cha, Kiseong Joh and Chang-Jun, 2020, A report of 39 unrecorded bacterial species in Korea belonging to the classes Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria isolated in 2018, Journal of Species Research 9 (4), pp. 346-361 : 353

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Caballeronia ptereochthonis HMF


Description of Caballeronia ptereochthonis HMF 7541

Cells are Gram-staining-negative, non-flagellated and rod-shaped. Colonies are circular, convex, smooth and white-colored after 3 days of incubation on R2 A at 30° C. Negative reactions are obtained for indole production, glucose fermentation, esculin hydrolysis, gelatinase and β -galactosidase in API 20NE. Does not utilize D- maltose and adipic acid. Strain HMF7541 (= NIBRBAC000 502514) was isolated from a wooden post surface sample, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, Korea .

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