Paludomus huberi Thach, 2020

Bolotov, Ivan N., Konopleva, Ekaterina S., Vikhrev, Ilya V., Gofarov, Mikhail Y., Lopes-Lima, Manuel, Bogan, Arthur E., Lunn, Zau, Chan, Nyein, Win, Than, Aksenova, Olga V., Tomilova, Alena A., Tanmuangpak, Kitti, Tumpeesuwan, Sakboworn & Kondakov, Alexander V., 2021, Nominal taxa of freshwater Mollusca from Southeast Asia described by Dr. Nguyen N. Thach: A brief overview with new synonyms and fixation of a publication date, Ecologica Montenegrina 41 (1), pp. 73-83 : 83

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Paludomus huberi Thach, 2020

syn. nov.

Paludomus huberi Thach, 2020 syn. nov.

= Paludomus andersoniana Nevill (1877) : 35.

= Paludomus huberi Thach (2020a) : 23; pl. 5, figs 67–68; pl. 6, 69–74.

Holotype: NCSM 113633 View Materials (North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences , Raleigh, North Carolina, United States of America).

Type locality: Inle Lake , Myanmar [approx. 20.55°N, 96.92°E, Salween River basin] GoogleMaps .

Comments: In the original diagnosis, this nominal taxon was compared with Paludomus siamensis Blanford, 1903 . Regrettably, however, the author overlooked several Paludomus taxa described from Myanmar (Benson 1856; Nevill 1877; Annandale 1918b). Paludomus huberi is conspecific with P. andersoniana Nevill, 1877 based on the identical shell shape, similar size, and the same coloration patterns (Nevill 1877).

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