Plathanocera albopunctata Hintz, 1905

Gerstmeier, Roland & Stapel, Jessica, 2016, A review of the Tillicera genus group with a revision of Plathanocera Schenkling (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), Zootaxa 4193 (3), pp. 517-540 : 528-531

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4193.3.4

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scientific name

Plathanocera albopunctata Hintz, 1905


Plathanocera albopunctata Hintz, 1905

( Figs 5–6 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 )

Hintz 1905: 310.

Plathanocera albopunctata : Togo (Danyi), Danyi, 10-2008, G. Toussah Leg. (1 Ex., MFCB) ; Togo (Plateaux), Blifou, 5-2010, G. Toussah Leg. (1 Ex., MFCB) ; Musée du Congo: Lulua: Kafakumba, 12-1932, 8, F.G. Overlaet, Coll. M. Pic (1 Ex., MNHN) ; Musée du Congo, Bumbuli , 1-4-1915, R. Mayné, Coll. M. Pic (1 Ex., MNHN) ; Congo belge Gemena , 10-VIII 1947, R. Cremer / M. Neuman, Coll. R. I. Sc. N.B. (1 Ex., RGCM) ; Joko Kamerun, Samml. Colin (1 Ex., RGCM) ; Canopy Fogging, Fog 2, 23-6-2009, Old Secondary Forest , Congostream Exp, Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B. (1 Ex., RGCM) ; acq. Donekier de Donceel, 1923, Cameroon (1 Ex., NCBN) , Congo Belge, Pays de Bakouba, ILEBO (1 Ex., NCBN) .

Length: 6.5–9.5 mm (9 specimens measured).

Head: Head red brown, with dense and fine punctation, between eyes finely and diffusely punctate; with short and isolated, long, black and yellowish, posteriorly directed hairs. Antennal base red to red brown, from A5 onwards mostly black, A11 compact, outer margin broadly rounded, inner margin pointed at tip.

Thorax: Pronotum glossy red brown, with conspicuous, diffuse punctation, length to width index 0.79:1– 0.84:1, vested with some short and many isolated, long, white or black colored hairs. Metendosternite narrow, furcal arms very short and curved inwards, furcal stalk narrow.

Elytra: Elytral ground color reddish to black, with reddish macula near apex, each elytron with 5 small maculae composed of white tomentose hairs. Elytral punctation at base coarse and deep, diameter of punctures twice as large as interstices, diameter of punctures decreases towards apex, but punctation almost reaching apex; length to width index 1.59:1–1.77:1. The following elytral color aberrations have been described by Pic (1950): var. basalis , elytra mostly red with black part at elytral base (not reaching the suture); var. cincta , mostly dark brown to black, apical part red, base near suture also red; var. reducta , elytra red, tibiae with dark line; var. rufa , elytra red, without dark line; var. violaceipennis , dark purple, with conpicuous red apex.

Legs: Legs red brown, densely vested with long, red brown or yellow, erect hairs; tibiae with very short carinae at base.

Abdomen: Lower surface uniformly yellow-red, with short, golden-brown, depressed hairs; pygidium laterally rounded, apical margin straight, arms long, with isolated long setae at outer margin, V6 without conspicuous emargination.

Aedeagus: Very long and narrow, phallobasic lobes pointed, phallobasic apodeme broadly dilated distally; spicular fork very slender ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ).

Distribution: Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Togo.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle













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