Vishnuloka Distant, 1906

Constant, Jérôme & Bartlett, Charles R., 2019, New records and species in five planthopper families from Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia with checklist of Cambodian planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha), Belgian Journal of Entomology 83, pp. 1-27 : 1-27

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13270816

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scientific name

Vishnuloka Distant, 1906


Genus Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 View in CoL

Vishnuloka DISTANT, 1906a: 345 View in CoL . Type species: Vishnuloka prominula Distant, 1906 View in CoL .

Delia MELICHAR, 1906: 265 View in CoL . Type species: Delia deserta Melichar, 1906 . Junior homonym of Delia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 View in CoL .

Ardelia MELICHAR, 1907: 324 , nom. nov. pro Delia Melichar, 1906 View in CoL , nec Delia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 View in CoL ; synonymized by GNEZDILOV (2012: 240).

Vishnuloka View in CoL – METCALF, 1958: 484 (catalogued). — GNEZDILOV, 2012: 240 [synonymy; lectotypes; key to species]. — GNEZDILOV et al., 2014: 81 [listed doubtfully from Vietnam]. — MENG et al., 2016: 3 View Cited Treatment [keyed], 12 [diagnosis].

DISTRIBUTION. Southeast Asia: northern India, Myanmar, Cambodia and Sumatra.

NOTES. The genus Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 is here placed in the tribe Sarimini Wang, Zhang & Bourgoin, 2016 based on the following diagnostic tribal characters given by WANG et al. (2016): 3 lobed hind wing with Pcu-A1 lobe more or less as wide as ScP-R-MP-Cu lobe and Pcu single or branched. Pcu and A1 anastomosing on a short or longer distance. A2 not branched. GNEZDILOV (2012) treated the record of Vishnuloka deserta ( Melichar, 1906) given by LALLEMAND (1942) as being from North Vietnam and stated that this record was dubious for this species and probably referred to an undescribed genus. However, Lallemand failed to give a precise location for the material he had identified that might as well come from China, and Gnezdilov actually did not examine this material. Moreover, the recent discovery of the genus in Cambodia does not allow a priori exclusion of its presence in Vietnam and/or China although the species identification given by Lallemand (a species known from Indonesia) requires verification.

Species included

1. Vishnuloka bunonga sp. nov. [ Cambodia: Mondulkiri].

2. Vishnuloka deserta ( Melichar, 1906) [ Indonesia: Sumatra].

3. Vishnuloka prominula Distant, 1906 [ India: Sikkim; Myanmar: Tenasserim].

Vishnuloka bunonga sp. nov.

Figs 8–10 View Fig View Fig View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet refers to the Bunong ethnic group, who inhabit the same area as the new species in Mondulkiri Province.




TYPE MATERIAL. CAMBODIA: holotype ♂ ( Fig. 8 A–G View Fig ): [Cambodia, Mondulkiri Prov., Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, nr O Pam station, 12°11’39”N 107°01’01”E, 14–24.XI.2018, leg. J. Constant, I.G.: 33.919] ( RBINS) GoogleMaps .

Paratypes: 4♂♂, 3♀♀ ( Fig. 8 H–K View Fig ): same collection data as holotype (2♂♂, 3♀♀: RBINS; 2♂♂: RUPP) GoogleMaps .

DIAGNOSIS. The species can be separated from the other Vishnuloka by its longer cephalic process, representing 1.34 times the length of the eye in lateral view (1.17 times maximum in the other species) and by its more elongate head, 1.1 times longer than broad including eyes in dorsal view (0.95 times maximum in other Vishnuloka ).


Measurements and ratios: LT: ♂ (n = 5): 8.6 mm (8.40–9.04); ♀ (n = 3): 9.1 mm (8.73–9.39). LTg/BTg = 2.5; LV/BV = 0.42; LF/BF = 1.22.

Head: ( Fig. 8 A–B, D–E, H–K View Fig ) strongly projecting for length greater than width of eye, coniform, distally narrowed to rounded apex; back of head roundly concave. Vertex brown, weakly concave, wider than long with distal margin weakly marked with red and very narrow longitudinal mediobasal groove reaching half-length of vertex. Frons strongly elongate and protruding anteriorly into a strong conical proboscis; brown to dark brown ventrally with strongly contrasting lateroventral yellowish white vitta reaching apex of proboscis; whitish line overlaid with dark brown to black; apex of proboscis with small reddish spot ventrally. Clypeus brown, paler medially. Genae coloured, from ventral to dorsal margin, brown, yellowish white and dark brown, prolongating pattern of frons. Antennae short; scape short, ring-shaped, whitish; pedicel bulbous, dark brown, bearing many irregularly arranged rhinia. Labium brown, narrow, not reaching posterior trochanters; last segment longer than broad, shorter than penultimate.

Thorax: ( Fig. 8 A–B, D–E, H–K View Fig ) brown dorsally; sides with colour pattern prolongating that of frons. Pronotum with small yellowish dots (~7–8 each side, some obscure) and 2 weakly impressed points on disc near midline; short with anterior margin rounded, carinate, following contour of head; posterior margin weakly concave, weakly notched medially. Mesonotum longer than pronotum, with disc flat, and with obsolete median carina and obsolete oblique peridiscal carinae; scutellum yellowish. Tegulae dark brown.

Tegmina: ( Fig. 8 A–B, H–K View Fig ) elongate, coriaceous, distally pointed with small black marking at apex; slightly bulging near basocostal angle; hypocostal plate absent; in males: brown with a few irregular small yellowish markings; in females: brown with darker brown to black elongate fascia along costal margin; dorsal margin of fascia sinuate. Veins: ScP+R furcate near base; MP sometimes furcate near apex; CuA furcate at 2/3 of tegmen length; Pcu and A1 fused at about half-length of clavus; Pcu+A1 reaching apex of clavus; numerous crossveinlets.

Hindwings: ( Fig. 8 C View Fig ) brown with veins dark reddish brown; trilobed; Pcu-A1 lobe slightly wider than ScP-R-MP-Cu lobe; and Pcu single, anastomosing with A1 on a short distance; A2 not branched. ScP-R-MP-Cu lobe with 4 apical cells; anal area well developed.

Legs: ( Fig. 8 A–B, F–K View Fig ) elongate and slender; pro- and mesotibiae dorsoventrally flattened. Pro-, meso- and metacoxae dark brown. Pro- and mesofemora yellow-brown. Pro- and mesotibiae with narrow basal black ring followed by short yellow-brown portion, longer dark brown portion, subapical blackish ring and apex yellow-brown. All tarsi yellow-brown. Metafemora dark brown ( Fig. 8 F View Fig ). Metatibiae dark brown basally, turning to yellow-brown

19 towards apex; on distal half, 2 strong lateral spines with black apex; 8 apical spines with black apex. Metatarsi with basal segment with 2 strong and 2 small spines and a large pad of microsetae; second segment with spine on each side ( Fig. 8 G View Fig ). Metatibiotarsal formula: (2) 8/4/2.

Abdomen: ( Fig. 8 J View Fig ) uniform brown.

Genitalia ♂: ( Fig. 9 View Fig ) pygofer (Py) higher than long (in lateral view), anterior margin concave, posterior margin convex, smoothly narrowing on dorsal 1/4; posterior margin roundly emarginate in dorsal view ( Fig. 9 A–D View Fig ). Gonostyli (G) subtriangular in lateral view, elongate in ventral view, and convex; ventral margin slightly sinuate in lateral view; posterodorsal margin incurved in lateral view; apex rounded; capitulum of gonostyli (ca) with strong dorsoapical tooth directed anteriorly and apicolateral laminate process directed medially, ending in a tooth anteriorly ( Fig. 9 A–D View Fig ). Connective well developed, bearing elongate narrow apodeme ( Fig. 9 E, G–I View Fig ). Periandrium strongly upcurved basally, with dorsal lobe (dlp) laterally flattened and apically rounded in lateral view ( Fig. 9 E View Fig ), bilaterally symmetrical; strong lateral tooth (ltp) directed laterally ( Fig. 9 F–I View Fig ) and horn-shaped apical process (hap) incurving and abruptly narrowing before apex ( Fig. 9 E–I View Fig ). Ventral lobe of periandrium (vlp) lanceolate apically ( Fig. 9 F–G View Fig ). Aedeagus with dorsal tooth (dta) on each side apically and very long ventral hooks (vha) folded along ventral portion of periandrium ( Fig. 9 E–I View Fig ); base of hooks laminate (blh) laterally ( Fig. 9 G–I View Fig ). Anal tube (An) elongate, about 2.5 times longer in median line than broad, with lateral margin sinuate near base and apex rounded, smoothly narrowing from base of anal column (ac) to apex in dorsal view; underside slightly concave; anal column at basal third ( Fig. 9 A–B, D View Fig ).

BIOLOGY. The specimens were collected by sweeping grass and forest undergrowth plants in an area where the forest was severely impacted by illegal logging ( Fig. 10 View Fig ).



Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Royal University of Phnom Penh












Vishnuloka Distant, 1906

Constant, Jérôme & Bartlett, Charles R. 2019


MENG R. & WANG Y. & QIN D. 2016: 3
GNEZDILOV V. M. 2012: 240
METCALF Z. P. 1958: 484


GNEZDILOV V. M. 2012: 240
MELICHAR L. 1907: 324

Vishnuloka DISTANT, 1906a: 345

DISTANT W. L. 1906: 345


MELICHAR L. 1906: 265
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