Busonia Distant

Xue, Qingquan & Zhang, Yalin, 2015, Five new species in the idiocerine genus Busonia Distant (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Idiocerinae) from Thailand and Malaysia, with one new record from China, Zootaxa 4021 (4), pp. 541-552 : 542

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4021.4.4

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scientific name

Busonia Distant


Busonia Distant View in CoL

Busonia Distant, 1908: 198 View in CoL .

Type species: Busonia amentata Distant , by original designation.

Body generally brown. Scutellum with basal triangles dark brown, apex yellowish, brownish or ivory. Forewing generally transparent, with dark brown on apical area, costal margin and veins.

Body small. Head slightly wider than pronotum. Crown short with median length longer than length next to eyes. Head and thorax shagreen. Face approximately as long as wide or slightly longer than wide; lateral frontal sutures absent; apex of frontoclypeus and lateral margin curved, extending just above antenna; anteclypeus broad basally, wider than long, surpassing apex of gena, apex of anteclypeus pointed; lora small, very narrow; lateral margin of gena concave; with short seta adjacent to corresponding eye; ocelli placed close to eye (a distance of about 3 X own diameter) than to each other; rostrum long, surpassing hind coxae. Pronotum with short lateral margins, elevated and convex. Combined length of mesoscutum and scutellum about as long or longer than pronotum and crown together. Forewing usually with hyaline spot on costal margin preapically, with 4 apical and 2 subapical cells, outer apical cell largest; appendix broad. Fore femur with AD and PD setae irregularly arranged and very short; AV and PV often with few fine setae. Fore tibia usually with fine AV and PV setae, and stout setae 4–6 on apical half. Hind femur with 2+1 apical setae. Hind tibiae with 8–10 setae on row PD, 4 setae on AD and 5 setae beginning from half-length of tibia on row AV. Hind basitarsus with two platellae and a ventral seta (Fig. 6B).

Male abdomen with pair of leaflike long apodemes arising from sternite 3 extending almost entire length of sternite 5. Anterior margins of sternite 7 and 8 also with smaller sternal apodemes on anterior margin and directed anteriorly.

Male pygofer broadened medially, dorsal margin with posterior dorsally directed lobe. Segment X with internal process hook-shaped. Subgenital plate narrow and long, with few short setae on dorsal and ventral margin. Style slender, curved dorsally with ventral marginal tooth, with or without small setae on dorsal margin. Connective T-shaped. Aedeagus poorly sclerotized, pigmented, with large atrial opening and ventral projection, shaft rather depressed, with lateral marginal carina, curved anteriorly, gonopore elongate occupying entire length of shaft on ventral margin, often with serrated margin.

Female genitalia. Seventh sternite wider than long, caudal margin produced in middle, triangular. First valvulae broad in middle, apex pointed, distal sculpturing granulose. Second valvulae rounded in middle, cancellate (Figs. 6C–G).

Distribution. Burma, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Thailand, Vietnam.














Busonia Distant

Xue, Qingquan & Zhang, Yalin 2015


Distant 1908: 198
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