Elmomorphus similis, Selnekovič & Jäch & Kodada, 2024

Selnekovič, Dávid, Jäch, Manfred A. & Kodada, Ján, 2024, Taxonomic revision of the genus Elmomorphus Sharp, 1888. II. Redescription of the genus and review of the species from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam (Coleoptera: Dryopidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 957, pp. 1-229 : 140-144

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.957.2651

publication LSID




persistent identifier


taxon LSID


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scientific name

Elmomorphus similis

sp. nov.

Elmomorphus similis sp. nov.


Figs 68–69 View Fig View Fig , 74A View Fig , 107B–D View Fig , 113A View Fig

Differential diagnosis

Elmomorphus similis sp. nov. ( Fig. 68 View Fig ) belongs to a group of species characterised by having the dorsal plastron on the anterior parts of the head and the posterolateral portions of the elytra. Elytral punctures are scattered over the entire surface and striae are absent. Males possess conspicuous long erect setae or setal clusters on the labrum, prosternal process, and metaventrite. The disc of the metaventrite is strongly depressed in males. The male metatibia has a conspicuous tooth on the apical third. This species most closely resembles E. dentipes sp. nov. and E. curvipes sp. nov. but can be distinguished by the subtruncate parameral apices (lateral aspect) ( Fig. 69 View Fig ). The spines on the bursa copulatrix are scattered over the lateral and dorsal portions, not forming a dorsal row ( Fig. 74A View Fig ). Meso- and metatibiae ( Fig. 68 View Fig ) are more strongly curved than in E. dentipes ( Fig. 70 View Fig ) but less so than in E. curvipes ( Fig. 72 View Fig ).


The epithet is a Latin adjective in the nominative singular referring to the overall similarity of this species with E. dentipes sp. nov. and E. curvipes sp. nov.

Type material


LAOS – Luang Namtha Province • ♂; “N-LAOS: Prov. Lg. Nam Tha ca. 30km NW Lg. Nam Tha 16./ 18.6.1996, 800m leg. Schillhammer (28, 30)”; NMW.


LAOS – Champasak Province • 1 ♀; “S-LAOS: Prov. Champasak W Muang Paksong , 900m Ban Itou Wf . [waterfall] 28.5.1996 leg. Schillhammer (10)”; NMW. – Luang Namtha Province • 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; NMW 3 ♀♀; “ N-LAOS: Prov. Lg. Nam Tha, ca. 20 km NE Muang Sing 10.6.1996, 700 m leg. Schillhammer (20)”; NMW 1 ♂; “ N-LAOS: Prov. Lg. Nam Tha ca. 20km SE Muang Sing 12./ 13.6.1996 950m leg. Schillhammer (25)”; NMW 1 ♂; “ N-LAOS: Prov. Lg. Nam Tha ca. 25km SE Muang Sing 14./15./20.- 22.6.1996, 900m, leg. Schillhammer (27, 34)”; NMW .

Additional material examined

CHINA – Yunnan Province • 37 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀; “CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna ca. 15km W Menglun 5. 11. 1999, ca. 700 - 800m leg. Jäch, et al. (CWBS 354)”; CKB, NMW 8 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; “ CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna , ca. 3km S Menglun, 6. 11. 1999, ca. 500m leg. Jäch, et al. (CWBS 357)”; CKB, NMW 3 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀; “ CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna, Menglun, Trop. Bot. Garden , 6.11.1999, ca. 500m, leg. Jäch et al. (CWBS 358)”; CKB, NMW 4 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀; “ CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna , ca. 10km NW Menglun, 7.11.1999, ca. 700m leg. Jäch, et al. (CWBS 359)”; CKB, NMW 15 ♂♂, 14 ♀♀; “ CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna ca. 10km NW Menglun 7.11.1999, ca. 700 – 800 m leg. Jäch, et al. (CWBS 360)”; CKB, NMW 1 ♂; “ CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna , ca. 6km NW Mengla 8.11.1999, ca. 700m, leg. Jäch, et al. (CWBS 365)”; NMW 1 ♂; “ CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna , ca. 50km NW Mengla, 9.11.1999, ca. 800m, leg. Wang & Wei (CWBS 370)”; NMW 3 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀; “ CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna ca. 20km W Jinghong 11. 11. 1999, ca. 1000m leg. Jäch, et al. (CWBS 374)”; NMW 21 ♂♂, 18 ♀♀; “ CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna ca. 11km N Mengyang 12.11.1999, ca. 700 m leg. Jäch, et al. (CWBS 378)”; NMW 7 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀; “ CHINA: Yünnan, Xishuangbanna, pass betw. Jinghong – Mengyang , 12.11.1999, ca. 1100m leg. Jäch, et al. (CWBS 379)”; CKB, NMW. – Guangdong Province • 5 ♀♀; “ CHINA, GUANGDONG prov. Danxia Shan NP, 23.-26.iv.2013 Wo Long Gang Forest Walkway 25°01.3′N, 113°44.5′E, 100 m J. Hájek & J. Růžička leg.”; NMPC GoogleMaps .

VIETNAM – Ha Noi Province • 1 ♂; “ Ao Vua , Ha Tay Prov., N Vietnam 27-IV-1995 M. Satô leg.”; CKB. – Thanh Hóa Province • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; “Thanh Hóa Prov, Bá Thước Distr. , Thành SƠn, Kho Mư ờng, 20°28′51.3″N, 105°07′51.6″E, 390 m a.s.l., 11.11.2022, Kodada & Selnekovič leg. (3)”; CKB GoogleMaps 19 ex.; “ VIETNAM, Thanh Hóa Prov., Bá Thước Distr., Thành SƠn, 20°30′01.4″N, 105°06′19.3″E, 467 m a.s.l., 15.11.2022, Kodada & Selnekovič leg. (10)”; CKB GoogleMaps .

Type locality

Laos, Luang Namtha Province, 30 km northwest of Luang Namtha.


Measurements (mm): TL: ♂♂ 2.94–3.33 (3.13± 0.08, n= 29), ♀♀ 2.81–3.32 (3.11± 0.12, n=22); PL: ♂♂ 0.67–0.78 (0.72 ± 0.03, n =29), ♀♀ 0.63–0.75 (0.70 ± 0.03, n=22); PW: ♂♂ 1.25–1.35 (1.31 ± 0.03, n =29), ♀♀ 1.16–1.42 (1.31 ±0.06, n =22); EL: ♂♂ 2.24–2.60 (2.42± 0.07, n =29), ♀♀ 2.18–2.57 (2.41 ±0.10, n=22); EW: ♂♂ 1.49–1.66 (1.57± 0.04, n= 29), ♀♀ 1.40–1.84 (1.59± 0.09, n= 22); PhL: 0.83–1.08 (0.97 ± 0.06, n=28); PrL: 0.52–0.60 (0.56 ± 0.02, n=28).

Body ( Fig. 68 View Fig ) oblong oval, moderately convex dorsally. Integument dark brown to black; mouthparts and antennae light reddish brown, legs dark reddish-brown. Pubescence consists of short sparse yellowish setae. Plastron covering anterior parts of head, apicolateral portions of elytra, and entire ventral body surface, except prosternal process, median part of metaventrite, and median portions of ventrites 1–2.

Head with round setiferous punctures, each slightly smaller than an eye facet, separated by 1–2× puncture diameters; plastron present on frontoclypeus. Labrum wider than long, anterior margin slightly rounded, dorsal surface microreticulate with densely arranged setiferous punctures; males with conspicuous long setae. Anterior margin of clypeus straight. Antennae 9-segmented. Eyes oval, interfacetal setae short; ID: ♂♂ 0.40–0.46 mm (0.44 mm ± 0.01, n=29), ♀♀ 0.40–0.49 mm (0.45 mm ± 0.02, n =22); APD/ ID: ♂♂ 1.65–1.85 (1.75± 0.05, n=28), ♀♀ 1.63–1.85 (1.73± 0.04, n=22).

Pronotum wider than long, widest at base, PW/PL: ♂♂ 1.67–1.95 (1.82± 0.06, n=29), ♀♀ 1.75–1.98 (1.86 ± 0.06, n=22); surface with round setiferous punctures; microreticulation absent; plastron absent; rim of anterior margin as wide as three eye facets; lateral pronotal sides convergent, straight. Prosternal process with lateral edges divergent, straight; posterior edge broadly V-shaped; lateral portions raised, flat, anteriorly with groups of long setae in males; median keel moderately arcuate. Scutellum longer than wide, with setiferous punctures, microreticulation absent. Median part of metaventrite widened posteriorly, in males depressed, with two groups of long setae. Elytra oval, moderately convex, widest close before middle, EL/EW: ♂♂ 1.44–1.60 (1.53± 0.04, n =29), ♀♀ 1.31–1.56 (1.52± 0.05, n=22); surface with round setiferous punctures; microreticulation very fine; plastron present on epipleura and apicolateral portions. Tibiae slightly curved; mesotibia in male slightly expanded behind middle; male metatibia with conspicuous tooth on apical third; PrTL/PL: ♂♂ 1.01–1.19 (1.11 ±0.04, n =29), ♀♀ 0.97–1.13 (1.05± 0.04, n =22). Protarsus slightly shorter than protibia; terminal protarsomere as long as all preceding tarsomeres combined.

Ventrites covered with plastron, except on middle of ventrites 1–2. Ventrite 5 with short glabrous apical keel; apical margin in females with small median triangular excision. Aedeagus ( Fig. 69 View Fig ): phallobase robust, moderately curved ventrad, expanded proximally, PhL/PrL: 1.48–1.93 (1.75± 0.13, n=28); parameres constricted in middle, apices broadly subtruncate (lateral aspect); penis narrowly rounded apically in dorsal aspect, expanded and produced dorsally in lateral aspect. Ovipositor: valvifers long, flattened, 1.60–1.90× as long as right coxite; coxites asymmetrical, right one ca 1.30 × as long as left one. Bursa copulatrix ( Fig. 74A View Fig ) with microsclerites scattered over lateral and dorsal portions, dorsal row absent; spermatheca tubular, with accessory gland.

Secondary sexual dimorphism

Males with groups of long setae on labrum, prosternal process, and median part of metaventrite; mesotibia weakly expanded in distal half; metatibia with a tooth; median part of metaventrite depressed, with groups of long setae. In females, median part of metaventrite slightly convex; apical margin of ventrite 5 with small apical triangular excision.


China (Guangdong, Yunnan), Laos, Vietnam ( Fig. 113A View Fig ).


Austria, Wien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


National Museum Prague













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