Elmomorphus corpulentus, Selnekovič & Jäch & Kodada, 2024

Selnekovič, Dávid, Jäch, Manfred A. & Kodada, Ján, 2024, Taxonomic revision of the genus Elmomorphus Sharp, 1888. II. Redescription of the genus and review of the species from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam (Coleoptera: Dryopidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 957, pp. 1-229 : 70-73

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.957.2651

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scientific name

Elmomorphus corpulentus

sp. nov.

Elmomorphus corpulentus sp. nov.


Figs 31–32 View Fig View Fig , 110A View Fig

Differential diagnosis

Elmomorphus corpulentus sp. nov. ( Fig. 31 View Fig ) is characterised by the presence of plastron on the dorsal cranial surface (except for a triangular area on the vertex), on the anterior angles of the pronotum, and the lateral sides of the elytra. Elytral punctures are scattered over the entire surface, striae absent. Such a combination of characters is also found in E. ellipticus sp. nov., E. montanus , E. paramontanus sp. nov. and E. prosternalis . From these species, E. corpulentus may be distinguished by the narrow lateral plastron bands on the elytra, which are absent in the basal fourth. In the other species mentioned above, the plastron bands almost reach the elytral base and cover at least one-third of the elytron width (measured at elytral midlength). Elmomorphus corpulentus has a broadly oval and strongly convex body with the elytra widest around midlength ( Fig. 31 View Fig ). In E. ellipticus , the elytra are widest before midlength ( Fig. 33 View Fig ). The phallobase is shorter and broader proportionally to the parameres (PhL/PrL: 1.42 (n=1)) than in E. ellipticus (PhL/PrL: 1.53 (n=1)), E. montanus (PhL/PrL: 2.30, n=1)), and E. paramontanus PhL/PrL: 1.37–1.81 (1.57± 0.11, n=25) ( Fig. 32 View Fig ).


The epithet is a Latin adjective in the nominative singular, meaning ‘corpulent’ or ‘stout’, referring to the broad and strongly convex body form.

Type material


CHINA – Fujian Province • ♂; “CHINA: Fujian, Longyan 2 km S Dachi , 750m Ceyan Shan , 29.1.1997 leg. Ji & Wang (CWBS 262)”; IAECAS.


CHINA – Fujian Province • 1 ♀; “CHINA: FUJIAN, Longyan, Xiaochi (20 km W Longyan ) Meihua Shan , 650m, 30.1.1997 leg. Ji & Wang (CWBS 263)”; NMW.

Type locality

China, Fujian Province, Longyan City Region, ca 30 km west of Longyan City, 2 km south of Dachi Village; stream, ca 1–2 m wide, descending from Ceyan Shan (ca 1500 m), rocky steps with waterfalls, pools with crystalline sand, coarse granitic gravel, in the upper section surrounded by broadleaf forest, in the lower section by rice fields, 750 m a.s.l. (CWBS 262; Jäch & Ji 1998).


Measurements (mm): TL: ♂ 3.32 (n=1), ♀ 3.31 (n =1); PL: ♂ 0.82 (n= 1), ♀ 0.84 (n =1); PW: ♂ 1.47 (n=1), ♀ 1.45 (n =1); EL: ♂ 2.50 (n =1), ♀ 2.47 (n =1); EW: ♂ 1.85 (n=1), ♀ 1.79 (n=1); PhL: 0.57 (n=1); PrL: 0.40 (n= 1).

Body broadly ovate, strongly convex dorsally ( Fig. 31 View Fig ). Integument black; mouthparts, antennae and legs dark reddish brown. Pubescence consists of short, sparse yellowish setae. Dorsal plastron present on cranium (except for triangular area on vertex), on anterior angles of pronotum, and in narrow bands on lateral sides of elytra. Ventral plastron absent on prosternal process, wide median portion of metaventrite, and middle of ventrites 1–2.

Dorsal head surface with round setiferous punctures, smaller than eye facet, separated by ca 1–2 × puncture diameters; plastron present on dorsal surface, except for median triangular area on vertex reaching behind middle of eyes. Labrum transverse, anterior margin moderately emarginate; exposed portion microreticulate, with small setiferous punctures; setae moderately extending beyond anterior margin in both sexes. Anterior margin of clypeus straight. Eyes protruding from head outline, interfacetal setae short; ID: ♂ 0.48 mm (n =1), ♀ 0.47 mm (n =1); APD/ID: ♂ 1.96 (n =1), ♀ 1.95 (n =1). Antennae 10-segmented.

Pronotum transverse, moderately convex dorsally, widest at base, PW/PL: ♂ 1.78 (n =1), ♀ 1.73 (n =1); rim of anterior margin as wide as 2–3 eye facets, narrowly interrupted in middle; lateral sides convergent, moderately rounded; anterior angles protruding, acute; dorsal surface smooth, with round setiferous punctures; plastron covering small triangular areas on anterior angles. Prosternal process wider than long; lateral and apical edge rounded; lateral margins raised, without clusters of long setae; median keel rather flat. Scutellum small, apically acute, with round punctures. Metaventrite covered with plastron, except for moderately convex median part; clusters of longer setae absent in both sexes. Elytra broadly oval, strongly convex, widest around middle, EL/EW: ♂ 1.35 (n= 1), ♀ 1.38 (n =1); dorsal surface finely microreticulate; small round punctures scattered over entire surface. Plastron confined to narrow lateral strip in posterior half. Tibiae slightly curved; protibia ca 1.2× as long as protarsus; PrTL/PL: ♂ 1.03 (n=1), ♀ 0.96 (n= 1). Terminal protarsomere as long as three preceding tarsomeres combined.

Ventrites covered with plastron, except for middle of ventrites 1–2. Ventrite 5 in females with narrow longitudinal keel before the apex. Aedeagus ( Fig. 32 View Fig ): phallobase robust, expanded proximally, PhL/ PrL: 1.42 (n=1); parameres long and slender, curved ventrad, apices narrowly rounded (lateral aspect); apex of penis rounded in lateral aspect.

Secondary sexual dimorphism

Females with narrow longitudinal keel at the apex of ventrite 5.


China (Fujian) ( Fig. 110A View Fig ).


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Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien













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