Merodon olympius Vujić et Radenković, 2020

Radenković, Snežana, Vujić, Ante, Vidaković, Dragana Obreht, Djan, Mihajla, Milić, Dubravka, Veselić, Sanja, Ståhls, Gunilla & Petanidou, Theodora, 2020, Sky island diversification in the Merodon rufus group (Diptera, Syrphidae) - recent vicariance in south-east Europe, Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 20 (3), pp. 345-368 : 355-357

publication ID 10.1007/s13127-020-00440-5

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Merodon olympius Vujić et Radenković

sp. nov.

Merodon olympius Vujić et Radenković , sp. nova

Description Male. Head ( Fig. 2 View Fig ): Antenna brown-orange; basoflagellomere 1.5–1.6 times as long as wide, 1.4–1.5 times longer than pedicel, concave dorsally, apex acute; arista: second, third and basal part of fourth flagellomeres pale, fourth flagellomere brown and thickened basally and dark brown apically, 1.4–1.6 times longer than basoflagellomere, covered with dense pollinosity. Face and frons black, covered with long whitish-yellow pile and silver to gray pollinosity. Oral margin shiny black, well protruded ( Fig. 2a View Fig : o) Vertical triangle isosceles, 2–2.5 times longer than eye contiguity ( Fig. 2c View Fig ), shiny black, covered with long whitish-yellow pile, except black ones in the ocellar triangle. Ocellar triangle isosceles ( Fig. 2c View Fig ). Eye contiguity about 9–11 ommatidia long. Eye pile as long as pedicel, whitish in the lower part, light brown in the upper third. Occiput with whitish-yellow pile, along the eye margin with dense white pollinosity and posteriorly with metallic blue-greenish or bronze luster.

Thorax Scutum and scutellum black with bronze-green luster and trace of short medial pollinose vitta; covered with dense, erect yellow-orange pile, as long as, or slightly longer than basoflagellomere; pile on scutum arranged in indistinct longitudinal vittae (two narrow submedial and two wider sublateral are darker). Pleura covered with gray pollinosity, and the following parts with long yellow pile: most of anepisternum (except the ventral part of anterior anepisternum and anteroventral part of posterior anepisternum), anteroventral corner of proepimeron above procoxa, anteroventral and posterodorsal part of katepisternum, anepimeron, metasternum; katatergum covered with dense, erect, short, light-brown pile. Wing hyaline, with dense, brown microtrichia, with the exception of a small bare area above and below vena spuria, in the proximal 1/3 of br cell. Calypter pale yellow. Halter with light brown pedicel and capitulum; capitulum darker on lower part. Femora brown-black, except paler apex and posterior margin of apical triangular lamina; tibiae brown-black, with paler basal 1/3–1/4 and apex; tarsi orange-yellow, except brown-black apical two tarsomeres, partly second and third tarsomeres darkened dorsally and joints between tarsomeres black. Metatrochanter with medium-sized processus, of triangular shape ( Fig. 4c View Fig : p). Metafemur moderately thickened (3.1–3.3 times longer than wide) and with slightly convex dorsal margin ( Fig. 3c View Fig ). Metatibia simple, without apical spur(s), but with angular apex ( Fig. 3c View Fig ). Pilosity of legs predominantly yellow-orange, with the exception of some short brown-black pile antero-basally on pro- and mesofemora and apically on meso- and metafemora (in addition to medium long black pile intermingled ventrally in apical 1/3 of mesofemur), some black pile also present dorsally on dark areas and apically on tarsomeres, as well as in a row antero-dorsally. Pilosity long on pro- and mesofemora posteriorly; antero-dorsally and ventrally on metafemur (not longer than half width of metafemur).

Abdomen Black with bronze reflections, slightly tapering, as long as mesonotum. Tergite 2 with a pair of lateral orange spots. Tergites and sternites shiny, without pollinosity; predominantly covered with yellow-orange pile, except few black pile on central part of tergite 3. Male genitalia similar to Merodon kozufensis sp. nova (as on Fig. 10 View Fig ).

Female Similar to the male, with the exception of normal sexual dimorphism and the following characteristics: frons and vertex shiny and without pollinosity, except narrow line of pollinosity along eye margin on frons; ocellar triangle wider, almost equilateral ( Fig. 2d View Fig ); pleurae usually shiny, exhibiting reduced pollinosity; metatrochanter without processus, but angular ( Fig. 5c View Fig ); lateral orange spots on tergite 2 longer, reaching posterior margin, and also some trace of orange lateral line can be present on tergite 3; pile on tergites and sternites shorter and more adpressed.

Sky island diversification in the Merodon rufus group ( Diptera , Syrphidae ) — recent vicariance in south-east... 357

Length Medium-sized species, with body measuring 10– 12 mm and wing 6–8 mm in length.

Diagnosis Male: metatrochanter with medium-sized thorn-like processus, gradually tapering towards apex ( Fig. 4c View Fig : p). Molecular data: 3′-end mtCOI gene (MN264342–264344); 5′-end mtCOI gene (MN295605–295607), and 28S rRNA gene (MN264388–264390).

Material examined Type material: Holotype, male, Greece: Mount Olympus , Prionia, N: 39.902785, E: 22.184138,

4.ix.2012, leg. A. Vujić ( FSUNS). Paratypes: male and female, the same data as holotype .

Additional records Greece: ♂, 4 ♀♀ ( UOA) .

Distribution Mount Olympus in Greece.


Faculty of Science, The University of Novi Sad


UOA/HCPF University of Athens/Hellenic Collection of Pathogenic Fungi













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