Heteropoda acris, Korai & Jäger, 2024

Korai, Shakal Khan & Jäger, Peter, 2024, Five new species of Heteropoda Latreille, 1804 spiders (Araneae: Sparassidae) from Southeast Asia, Zootaxa 5481 (2), pp. 241-259 : 242-247

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5481.2.4

publication LSID




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scientific name

Heteropoda acris

sp. nov.

Heteropoda acris spec. nov.

Figs 1A–F View FIGURES 1 , 2A–I View FIGURES 2 , 3A–K View FIGURES 3 , 4A–E View FIGURES 4 , 11 View FIGURE 11

Type material. Holotype male: VIETNAM: Tuyên Quang Province: 5 km E of Na Hang , 22°20′59″N, 105°25′36″E, 290 m, 4–13 November 2015, D. V. Logunov leg., G7573.34 ( MMUE) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 2 females, with same data as for holotype ( MMUE) GoogleMaps . 2 females, with same data as for holotype, except for: G7573.35 ( MMUE) GoogleMaps . 1 male, 1 female, with same data as for holotype, except for: G7573.36 ( SMF) GoogleMaps .

Additional material examined. VIETNAM: Bắc Kạn Province : 1 female, CH Ợ Đồn district, Ba Be National Park , between Nam Cý ờng village and Bố Lù village , Nam Mau community, Na PHong Cave, 22°23′24″N, 105°36′36″E, 316 m, 1 female, 11 April 2011, D.S. PHam leg. ( CBEE) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin adjective acer, acris , acre, meaning sharp, referring to the proximo-apical branch of conductor and the distal tip of dRTA in the male, both structures being relatively sharp; adjective.

Diagnosis. Males of this new species are characterized by the unique combination of a bifurcate tip of the conductor, a tegular ventral protuberance, a distinctly S-shaped spermophor in ventral view and a flat vRTA. They are most similar to those of H. jasminae Jäger, 2008 and H. squamacea Wang, 1990 , but can be distinguished from both species by 1. Conductor being longer, as long as tegulum, and reaching retromargin of cymbium (in H. jasminae and H. squamacea definitely not reaching cymbial retromargin and shorter than tegulum), 2. Tegular protuberance situated subproximo-medially on tegulum, blunt, but distinctly raised in comparison to the proximal and distal tegulum sections (protuberance situated prolatero-proximally, close to embolus base, and being slightly pointed in H. jasminae ; only barely raised in comparison to central and distal tegulum sections in H. squamacea , cf. Liu et al. 2008: fig. 3), and 3. Embolus arising from tegulum in 5:00-o’clock-position (embolus arising in 6- o’clock-position in H. jasminae and H. squamacea ). Males of H. acris spec. nov. are also similar to those of H. schwalbachorum Jäger, 2008 in having a distinctly S-shaped spermophor in ventral view, embolus arising from 5:00-o’clock-position, and vRTA relatively flat, but can be identified by the bifurcate conductor tip (widened triangular in H. schwalbachorum ) ( Figs 1A–F View FIGURES 1 , 3A–D View FIGURES 3 ).

Females of this new species can be distinguished from all other Heteropoda species by the unique combination of a transversal rim on the freely visible median septum in combination with at least partly fragmented and externally serrated anterior bands and 1.5 windings in the internal duct systems from opening to glandular pores, the latter ones posteriad to postero-laterad. The female is most similar to H. schwalbachorum ( Li et al., 2013: figs 1D–F), but can be distinguished from the latter by the following characters: 1. The trapezoid part of the median septum posterior of the transversal rim ending up in a very narrow posterior margin of the median septum, 2. The narrow anterior part of the median septum and 3. The helical parts of the first winding separated by roughly one of their diameters (posterior margin and anterior margin of median septum not that narrow and helical parts of first windings very close to each other in H. schwalbachorum ) ( Figs 2A–I View FIGURES 2 , 3E–K View FIGURES 3 , 4A–E View FIGURES 4 ).

Description. Male (holotype): Measurements: BL 23.4; PL 11.2, PW 10.2; AW 5.0; OL 12.2, OW 6.8. Eyes: AME 0.51, ALE 0.75, PME 0.60, PLE 0.74, AME–AME 0.28, AME–ALE 0.06, PME–PME 0.36, PME–PLE 0.66, AME–PME 0.58, ALE–PLE 0.60, CH AME 1.22, CH ALE 0.91. Spination: Palp 131, 101, 212; Fe I–II 323, III 333, IV 332; Pa I–IV 101; Ti I–II 2028, III 2226, IV 2126; Mt I–II 1014, III 2014, IV 3036; Mt I–III ventro-distally with scopulae, Mt IV with distal field and double row of setae along entire length. Measurements of palp and legs: Palp 17.6 (5.9, 2.6, 4.0, -, 5.1); I 70.5 (18.1, 6.4, 20.8, 20.5, 4.6); II 78.0 (20.4, 6.5, 23.6, 22.4, 5.1); III 55.6 (15.4, 5.4, 16.5, 15.0, 3.3); IV 61.4 (16.3, 5.1, 17.5, 18.6, 3.9). Leg formula: II–I–IV–III. Cheliceral furrow with 3 promarginal, 4 retromarginal teeth, ca. 40–60 denticles in patch close to promarginal teeth and 1 escort seta.

Palp as in diagnosis. RTA arising in distal half from tibia, with distinctly recognizable vRTA and dRTA, enclosing a right angle, dRTA slightly acuminate. Cymbium slightly longer than tibia, with distinct small retrolateral bulge and moderately elongate tip. Tegulum elongate with prolateral bulge close to conductor base.

Conductor arising in a 9.30-o’clock-position from tegulum, bent only basally and distally, otherwise more or less straight, distal part in comparison to apophysis relatively broad and truncated apophysis narrow and slightly acuminated. Embolus with simple tip and subapical opening, slightly S-shaped in apical and subapical part ( Figs 1A–F View FIGURES 1 ).

Colouration in ethanol ( Figs 3A–D View FIGURES 3 ). Dorsal shield of prosoma reddish-brown to yellowish-brown, with light clypeal moustache and light transversal crescent submarginally posteriorly, fovea and striae marked dark, submarginal with dark bands, marginally with light patches. Chelicerae reddish-brown, with distinct longitudinal stripes in proximal two third. Labium, sternum, gnathocoxae and ventral coxae yellowish-brown, without pattern. Legs dark-yellowish brown to brown, coxae to femora dorsally with pattern of patches and stripes. Opisthosoma dorsally brown with pattern of small light patches and dark transversal chevron in posterior half; laterally with irregular pattern of small dots; ventrally light-brown, with ca. 28 epiandrous spigots and many small muscle sigilla in front of epigastric furrow forming anteriorly some sort of anterior bands, behind epigastric furrow with two longitudinal lines of muscle sigilla medially. Live specimens with distinctly more contrasting pattern, especially the transversal rows of light patches and the two light patches close to each other at the anterior margin of opisthosoma and the sexually dimorph dark pattern of the dorsal prosoma with the V-shaped patch behind the eyes and two postero-lateral patches (as in H. venatoria Linnaeus, 1767 or in other species) ( Fig. 3D View FIGURES 3 ).

Female (paratype): Measurements: BL 30.4; PL 12.9, PW 12.4; AW 6.3; OL 17.5, OW 10.1. Eyes: AME 0.60, ALE 0.84, PME 0.70, PLE 0.82, AME–AME 0.31, AME–ALE 0.10, PME–PME 0.56, PME–PLE 0.81, AME–PME 0.59, ALE–PLE 0.60, CH AME 1.54, CH ALE 1.21. Spination: Palp 131, 101, 2121, 1014; Fe I–II 323, III 333, IV 331; Pa I–IV 101; Ti I–II 2026, III–IV 2126; Mt I–II 1014, III 2024, IV 3036; Mt I–III ventrally with scopulae, IV with distal patch and double row of setae. Measurements of palp and legs: Palp 20.5 (6.3, 3.2, 4.9, –, 6.1); I 62.4 (17.1, 7.5, 18.4, 15.6, 43.8); II 66.8 (18.6, 7.9, 20.0, 16.4, 3.9); III 55.1 (16.1, 6.5, 15.9, 13.1, 3.5); IV 59.6 (16.8, 5.6, 16.5, 15.5, 4.2). Leg formula: II–I–IV–III. Cheliceral furrow with 3 promarginal, 4 retromarginal teeth, ca. 85–90 denticles along entire furrow and 1 escort seta.

Copulatory organ as in diagnosis. Epigynal field wider than long, with anterior bands more or less separated from the field and partly fragmented anteriorly. Medium septum anteriorly narrow, then laterally covered by lobal wings, central section much wider than anterior section, widest at transversal rim, section posterior of rim converging posteriorly. Anterior part of internal duct system partly covered slightly by posterior part, with 1.5 windings until turning point. Glandular pores postero-laterad to postero-mediad. Posterior part of IDS wider than anterior part, both parts connected by a semicircular duct bulging ventrally. Fertilization ducts separated by about one width of posterior part of internal duct system ( Figs 2A–I View FIGURES 2 , 3E–K View FIGURES 3 , 4A–E View FIGURES 4 ).

Colouration in ethanol. As in males, but preserved specimens slightly darker with dorsal prosoma more uniformly coloured (3E–H) and live animals without the typical male V-shaped pattern on dorsal prosoma ( Fig. 3I View FIGURES 3 ).

Scars. Holotype male: Right coxa IV with small round scar ventrally retro-medially (right leg IV absent); OS with 2 left corresponding oval scars laterally to ventrally in posterior half.

1 female: Left coxa I with small round scar ventrally; petiolus with 2 slightly elongate scars ventrally; opisthosoma with 1 small round scar ventrally in front of spinnerets.

1 female: Right chelicera with fang broken and 1 round scar fronto-internally in distal half; right palpal Fe with 1 U-shaped scar prolatero-medially; right Fe I with 1 small round scar pro-proximally, 1 elongated scar dorso-proximally, 1 round scar pro-dorsally in distal half and 2 corresponding roundish scars ventrally in distal half; left Ti I with 1 round scar ventro-distally and 1 corresponding U-shaped scar dorso-distally; left Mt I with 1 large scar with rest of segment missing; right Cx IV with 1 round scar ventrally in proximal half.

Variation. Paratype male: BL 24.8, PL 11.0, OL 14.0. Paratype females (n=5): BL 22.8–33.5, PL 11.4–14.8, OL 11.9–20.0.

Distribution. Vietnam (Tuyen Quang and Bac Kan Provinces) ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ).


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