Telaepolella tubasferens, Lahr & Anderson & Kubik & Grant & Gant & Katz, 2012

Lahr, Daniel J. G., Anderson, O. Roger, Kubik, Gabriela M., Grant, Jessica, Gant, Anastasia L. & Katz, Laura A., 2012, Morphological Description of Telaepolella tubasferens n. g. n. sp., Isolate ATCC © 50593 ™, a Filose Amoeba in the Gracilipodida, Amoebozoa, Acta Protozoologica 51 (4), pp. 305-318 : 317

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.12.024.0784

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Telaepolella tubasferens

sp. nov.

Telaepolella tubasferens n. sp.

Diagnosis: With characteristics of the genus. Locomotive form usually 50–300 µm at widest breadth. Capable of producing a large multinucleated form up to 500 µm with hundreds of nuclei. Stationary form is flat with thin hyaline sheet that may be broad and wide or slender with many lacunae. Presence of floating form. Produces at least two types of cysts: round with regular outline and non-round with irregular shape. Round cysts may have thin or thick walls. Round, thin-walled cysts remain viable at least for six months.

Etymology: tubasferens . Gr. tuba – trumpet, horn; ferens – bearer, in reference to the trumpet-shaped, microtubular tapered structures present in the cytoplasm.

Type material: The mono-eukaryotic culture deposited at ATCC ©, number 50593 ™.


American Type Culture Collection

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