Helicotylenchus minzi Sher, 1966

Bohra, Padma, 2012, Twelve species of nematodes: new records for India, Journal of Threatened Taxa 4 (9), pp. 2889-2899 : 2892

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Helicotylenchus minzi Sher, 1966


Helicotylenchus minzi Sher, 1966

( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 , G–H and Image 4 A–B View Image 4 )

Material examined: Three females, 27.7.2009, Coll. P.Bohra, Reg. No. IV/2331 & 2277.

Measurements: Females: L = 0.61–0.80mm; a = 26–34; b = 5.5–6.4; c = 46–71; c´ = 0.5–1.0; V = 60–65.

Description: Female: Body in loose spiral shape. Lip region truncated, marked by 5 annules. Stylet 26– 28µm long, basal knobs indented anteriorly. Excretory pore anterior to oesophago–intestinal, junction. Hemizonid at level of excretory pore. Female reproductive system amphidelphic. Spermatheca offset; with sperms. Phasmids 2–4 annules anterior to anus. Tail more curved dorsally, terminus irregularly

hemispherical bearing 10–11 annules.

Habitat: Collected from moist soil around the bank of Pichola lake, Udaipur District, Rajasthan, India.

Remarks: H. minzi can be distinguished from H. canadiensis by having shorter stylet; (stylet 30–33µm; female tail terminus hemispherical to irregularly hemispherical with six to 12 annules in H. canadiensis ).

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