Phintella chunfen, Yang & Wang & Zhang, 2024

Yang, Zhiyong, Wang, Weihang & Zhang, Junxia, 2024, On a new genus and seven species of Chrysillini from China (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae), Zootaxa 5477 (2), pp. 101-135 : 120-124

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5477.2.1

publication LSID


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scientific name

Phintella chunfen

sp. nov.

Phintella chunfen spec. nov. (#分DZÞƦ)

Figs 102–110 View FIGURES 102–104 View FIGURES 105–110

Type material. CHINA: Hunan Province: Holotype: ♂ (MHBU-ARA-00021942), Chenzhou City, Yizhang County, Mangshan National Forest Park , 24.9792°N, 112.8829°E, 776 m a.s.l., 31 May 2021, Y. Mu & W. Wang leg. GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition taken from the Chinese pinyin "chunfen " for "Vernal Equinox". It is one of the 24 solar terms. The wise ancient Chinese devised the 24 solar terms from celestial observations, which served as a guiding system for agricultural productivity.

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to Phintella fodingensis Wang, Mi & Peng, 2023 and P. mii Wang & Li, 2020 in the general shape of palpal bulb (see Wang et al. 2023: 26, figs 15A–C, 16A–G; Wang & Li 2020: 58, figs 9A–D, 10A–G). It differs from P. fodingensis by its thicker embolus and wider lamellar tegular process ( Figs 106, 109 View FIGURES 105–110 ; vs. embolus slimmer and process narrower in P. fodingensis ); the dorsally bent RTA in retrolateral view ( Figs 106–107, 109–110 View FIGURES 105–110 ; vs. RTA not bent dorsally in P. fodingensis ). It can be differentiated from P. mii by the PL reaching half length of tibia ( Figs 105–106, 108–109 View FIGURES 105–110 ; vs. PL reaching full length of tibia in P. mii ).

Description. Male. Habitus as in Figs 102, 104 View FIGURES 102–104 . Measurements of holotype: carapace 1.82 long, 1.44 wide; opisthosoma 1.93 long, 1.23 wide; eyes: AME 0.41, ALE 0.20, PME 0.04, PLE 0.15; legs: Ⅰ 4.44 (1.30, 0.66, 1.12, 0.83, 0.53), II 3.42 (0.95, 0.40, 0.86, 0.64, 0.57), III 4.13 (1.18, 0.45, 0.96, 0.95, 0.59), IV 4.48 (1.36, 0.42, 1.02, 1.10, 0.58); leg formula 4132. Carapace black, with some white scales on eye field ( Fig. 102 View FIGURES 102–104 ). Chelicerae pale yellowish brown, with two promarginal teeth and one retromarginal tooth ( Fig. 103 View FIGURES 102–104 ). Opisthosoma black, with white lateral margins and thin white chevrons in posterior half ( Fig. 102 View FIGURES 102–104 ).

Palp (105–110): embolus straight in ventral view; RTA with sturdy base, bent to dorsal side in retrolateral view; lamellar tegular process wide; proximal lobe of tegulum narrow.

Female. Unknown.

Natural history. Foliage dwellers.

Distribution. China (Hunan) ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).













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