Ochthebius (Cobalius) anzar, Villastrigo & Hernando & Millán & Ribera, 2020

Villastrigo, Adrian, Hernando, Carles, Millán, Andrés & Ribera, Ignacio, 2020, The neglected diversity of the Ochthebius fauna from Eastern Atlantic and Central and Western Mediterranean coastal rockpools (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 20 (4), pp. 785-801 : 791-795

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s13127-020-00463-y

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Ochthebius (Cobalius) anzar

sp. nov.

Ochthebius (Cobalius) anzar View in CoL sp. nov.

Type locality. Morocco, Sidi Ifni, 29° 20′ 47.3″ N 10° 11′ 51.7″ W GoogleMaps .

Type material. Holotype male ( NMW) “4 MOR Sidi Ifni, S. port 6.iv.2018 /rockpools on sandstn. & beach/ 29° 20′ 47.3″ N

10° 11′ 51.7″ W / Alfambra, Hernando, Ribera, Villastrigo leg.”, with red holotype and DNA voucher labels. Aedeagus dissected and mounted in DMHF on a transparent card, pinned with the specimen. Used for DNA extraction and sequencing ( Table 1), with voucher number IBE-AV180. Used also for SEM observation (without metallic coating). Left meso- and metatarsi missing .

Description. Habitus as in Fig. 2d View Fig . Length: 1.54 mm; width: 0.62 mm. Body colour uniformly shiny dark brown, including appendages.

Upper surface of head ( Figs. 2d View Fig and 3d View Fig ) with a fine microreticulation with isodiametric meshes, more impressed laterally; with sparse setiferous punctures with short thick whitish setae. Surface of clypeus and labrum shiny, somewhat rugose laterally, anterior margin of labrum sinuated, with a very sparse punctation; setae shorter than on head; with two foveae on vertex. Eyes large, prominent. Without ocelli.

Pronotum ( Figs. 2d View Fig and 4d View Fig ) hexagonal, lateral margins round- ed anteriorly, straight posteriorly, coarsely and irregularly serrat- ed; surface smooth and shiny, with very sparse small punctures and very irregular, larger setiferous fossae of irregular margins

AV372, after DNA extraction); f male of O. (Cobalius) balfourbrownei (specimen from Boa Vista, Cabo Verde); g holotype of O. (Cobalius) lanthanus (from Ribera and Foster 2018). See Table 1 for details of the specimens and different diameters, less dense on disk. Anterior angles obtuse, posterior ones rounded; with a very narrow hyaline band at anterior and posterior margins.

Elytra ( Fig. 2d View Fig ) elongate, oval; margins regularly arched, serrated through their length, with shallow, spaced denticles. Surface with irregular series of shallow setiferous punctures, with very short, recurved whitish setae; surface uniformly covered with a micropunctation and small irregular striae ( Figs. 2d View Fig , 5d View Fig , and 6d View Fig ). Apterous.

Legs ( Fig. 2d View Fig ) short and robust, with rows of strong, short spine-like setae, without natatorial setae.

Surface of metaventrite shiny, with sparse setiferous punctures, denser on lateral margins. Abdominal ventrites i-v densely pubescent, setae short and whitish, surface with a very impressed microreticulation; ventrites iv-v with longer, erect setae on posterior margins; ventrites vi-vii with a fine, shallow microreticulation, with a series of setiferous punctures on posterior margin, with robust, recurved setae.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 7c View Fig ) with main piece evenly curved, of uniform width, apex pointed. Distal lobe tubular, finger-like, with apex dilated, hyaline. Parameres inserted near basal third of median lobe, not reaching its apex.

Etymology. Named after Anzar, from the Berber mythology, god of the seas, rivers, rain, and water in general. Noun in apposition.

Additional material. One female ( IBE): “Lanzarote, Órzola, Caletón Blanco/ 29° 13′ N 13° 26′ 33″ W /washing intertidal sand/ 31.3.2018. C. Andújar leg.”. Used for DNA extraction and sequencing ( Table 1), with voucher number IBE-AV178. The specimen is damaged, with right elytra broken, right mesotibae and mesotarsus, and right metatibiae and metatarsus, detached and glued on same card; pronotum with surface detached. Size larger (1.82 mm), body shape more robust; microreticulation on head more strongly impressed; pronotum more rounded, marginal denticles shorter; spine-like setae on legs longer GoogleMaps .

Distribution ( Fig. 10 View Fig ). Only known from Sidi Ifni (holotype) and Lanzarote, Canary Islands (additional possible material).

Habitat. The particular microhabitat of the specimen from Sidi Ifni is unknown (the specimen was not recognised as different in the field). It was collected either in rockpools (together with O. lejolisii ), or below boulders in gravel in the intertidal zone (together with Aepopsis robinii tingitanus Alluaud, 1932 , Carabidae , Phytosus (Phytosus) spinifer Curtis, 1838 and Actocharis sp. , both Staphylinidae ) ( Fig. 8a View Fig ). The specimen from Lanzarote was found floating in a bucket after washing sand from the intertidal zone ( Fig. 8b View Fig ). A subsequent visit to the area in 2019 did not render any additional specimen. Other intertidal fauna found in the same locality included Aepus gracilicornis meridionalis Machado, 1992 , Carabidae , and Actocharis sp. , Staphylinidae .

Remarks. Differences in the COI gene between the female from Lanzarote and the holotype of O. anzar sp. nov. from Sidi Ifni are ca. 0.7%, but we do not designate this specimen as paratype as it is a female, and due to some deviating morphological characters with the holotype of O. anzar sp. nov. (which, however, may be due to sexual dimorphism) and due to the different provenance.


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