Lamprocoris, STAL, 1865

Rédei, Dávid & Tsai, Jing-Fu, 2016, A revision of Lamprocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Entomologica Americana 122, pp. 262-293 : 263-267

publication ID 10.1664/15-ra-043

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scientific name




Lamprocoris Stål, 1865: 34 . Type species by subsequent monotypy ( Stål, 1866: 155): Scutel-lera lateralis Guérin-Méneville, 1838 .

Lamprocoris : Mayr (1866): 18 (in key), Stål (1866): 155 (listed), Stål (1873): 9 (in key), 22 (synopsis), Atkinson (1887): 181 (redescription, subgeneric classification, fauna of India), Lethierry and Severin (1893): 28 (catalogue), Distant (1899): 39 (listed), Distant (1902): 42 (in key), 62 (redescription, distribution, fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma), 27 (re-description, catalogue), Schouteden (1904): 16 (in key), Bergroth (1908): 141 (catalogue), Kirkaldy (1909): XXXV (type species), 289 (distribution), 301 (catalogue, distribution), Yang (1934): 239 (in key), 253 (diagnosis, fauna of China), Hoffmann (1935): 181 (listed), Tang (1935): 289 (catalogue, China), Beier (1937): 2190 (listed), Yang (1937a): 317, 1937b: 213 (distribution), Ishihara (1947): 64 (listed), Sti-chel (1961): 730 (catalogue, Palaearctic), Stichel (1962): 210 (catalogue, Palaearctic), Hsiao and Zheng (1977): 55 (in key), 61 (fauna of China and Taiwan), Datta et al. (1985): 19 (listed), Chen (1987): 125 (in key), 130 (key to species in China), Lin and Zhang (1993): 113 (in key), Liu and Wang (2004): 173 (in key), GöllnerScheiding (2006): 197 (catalogue, Palaearctic), Tsai et al. (2011): 68 (in key), 175 (redescrip-tion, subgeneric classification, distribution, fauna of Taiwan), Aukema et al. (2013): 435 (catalogue, Palaearctic).

DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosed within Scutellerinae by the following combination of characters: body short, broadly oval ( Figs. 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig ), dorsally glabrous; head short, lateral margin deeply emarginate anteriad to eyes; antennal segment IIb not more than two times as long as segment IIa; scutellum covering most of fore wing but leaving margin of abdomen narrowly ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig , 3A–B View Fig ) or broadly ( Figs. 3C–D View Fig ) exposed; lateral angles of abdominal ventrites more or less tumescent; abdominal venter without median furrow.

REDESCRIPTION: A detailed redescription of the genus was provided by Tsai et al. (2011); it is not repeated here.

HABITAT AND BIOLOGY: Except for a few host plant records scattered in the literature, the biology of Lamprocoris species is virtually unknown. Published data are reviewed under the respective species.

DISTRIBUTION AND DIVERSITY: The genus is endemic to the Oriental Region. It contains two rather dissimilar subgenera, Lamprocoris s. str. (two species) and Sophela Walker, 1867 (monotypic).


1(4) Humeral angle of pronotum unarmed, rounded; ventrites III–VII with weak, inconspicuous tubercles submarginally (subgenus Lamprocoris s. str. ). Small species (8.5–11 mm), dorsum decorated with black to deep metallic blue markings ( Figs. 1–2 View Fig View Fig ) except in extreme dark specimens which are nearly uniformly black dorsally........ 2

2(3) Disc of pronotum usually with 3+3 obliquely directed vittae each approaching posterior margin ( Figs. 1A, C View Fig ); abdominal venter broadly margined with bright orange to red (occasionally uniformly metallic in specimens from the Malay Peninsula as in Fig. 1D), bright marginal vitta completely surrounds spiracles, its mesal outline straight View Fig ( Fig. 1B View Fig ) in most specimens (rarely restricted to area laterad of spiracles); posterior margin of genital capsule more deeply excised in lateral view ( Fig. 4C View Fig : arrow); laterotergite of IX conspicuously broad, ovoid ( Figs. 7A View Fig : lt9, 7D)..................... L. lateralis ( Guérin-Méneville, 1838)

3(2) Disc of pronotum usually with 3+3 markings as follows: 1+1 large, oval patches posteriad of calli far remote from posterior margin of pronotum, 1+1 obliquely transversal fasciae posteriad of the previous pair, and 1+1 small patches at humeri ( Fig. 2A View Fig , 3A–B View Fig ) (markings are unrecognizable in specimens completely black dorsally); abdominal venter narrowly margined with bright orange to red, bright marginal vitta restricted to area laterad of spiracles, inner outline incised around spiracles ( Figs. 2B, E, F View Fig ); posterior margin of genital capsule shallowly excised in lateral view ( Fig. 4F View Fig : arrow); laterotergite of IX elongate oval ( Figs. 7F, G View Fig )...................... L. roylii ( Westwood, 1837)

4(1) Humeral angle of pronotum produced into a sharp spiniform process; ventrites III–VII each with large, conspicuous anterolateral and posterolateral tubercles submarginally well visible in dorsal view (subgenus Sophela Walker, 1867 ). Medium-sized species (12–16 mm), dorsum uniformly bright purple or pink, without dorsal markings ( Fig. 3 View Fig )..................... L. spiniger ( Dallas, 1849)













Rédei, Dávid & Tsai, Jing-Fu 2016


Stal 1865
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