Lamprocoris roylii ( Westwood, 1837 )

Rédei, Dávid & Tsai, Jing-Fu, 2016, A revision of Lamprocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Entomologica Americana 122, pp. 262-293 : 274-283

publication ID 10.1664/15-ra-043


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scientific name

Lamprocoris roylii ( Westwood, 1837 )


Lamprocoris roylii ( Westwood, 1837) Figs. 2A, B, D–F View Fig , 3A–B View Fig , 4D–F View Fig , 5C–D View Fig , 6A–C View Fig , 7F–H View Fig , 8D View Fig

Callidea roylii Westwood, 1837: 4 , 16. Syntype(s): Himalaya, Bengalia [= India or Bangladesh]; OXUM!

Scutellera pulchella Westwood, 1839 : liv. Syntype(s): [Himalayas]; depository unknown. Synonymized by Atkinson (1887: 182).

Callidea histeroides Walker, 1867: 28 . Holotype: [India:] Cahar [= Silchar]; BMNH! Synonymized by Distant (1899: 39, 51). Confirmed subjective synonym.

Callidea scripta Walker, 1867: 29 . Syntypes: [India:] Cahar [= Silchar] and Hindostan [= India or Bangladesh]; BMNH! Synonymized by Distant (1899: 39, 51). Confirmed subjective synonym.

Callidea gibbula Walker, 1867: 29 . Holotype: [India:] Punjaub [= Punjab]; BMNH! Synonymized by Distant (1899: 39, 51). Confirmed subjective synonym.

Callidea distinguenda Walker, 1868: 514 . Holotype: [Indonesia:] Sumatra [in error]; BMNH! Junior primary homonym of Callidea distinguenda Reiche and Fairmaire, 1848 and Callidea distinguenda Uhler, 1862 . New subjective synonym.

Callidea distermina Walker, 1868: 578 . New substitute name for Callidea distinguenda .

Lampromicra gloriosa Kirkaldy, 1909: 370 . Unnecessary new substitute name for Callidea distinguenda Walker, 1868 . Junior secondary homonym of Callidea gloriosa Vollenhoven, 1863 .

Callidea roylii : Germar (1839): 119 (reproduction of original description, distribution), Dallas (1849): 186 (listed), Dallas (1851): 28 (records), Herrich-Schäffer (1853): 28 (listed, distribution), Dohrn (1859): 3 (catalogue, distribution), Walker (1867): 28 (records).

Lamprocoris roylii : Stål (1873): 22 (listed, distribution), Distant (1879): 44 (listed), Atkinson (1887): 182 (redescription, records, distribution), Horváth (1889): 29 (record), Lethierry and Severin (1893): 28 (catalogue, distribution), Distant (1899): 39 (listed, synonymy), Distant (1900): 820 (generic placement), Distant (1902): 63 (redescription, distribution), Paiva (1907): 17 (records), Kirkaldy (1909): 301 (catalogue, distribution), Paiva (1919): 351 (records, distribution), Yang (1934): 254 (comparison with lateralis , habitus, records, distribution), Hoffmann (1935): 143, 181 (catalogue, distribution), Tang (1935): 290 (catalogue, distribution), Yang (1962): 23 (in key), 34 (redescription, host plant, record, distribution), Pawar (1973): 213 (record), Hsiao and Zheng (1977): 62 (in key, redescription, figure, photo, distribution), Zhang et al. (1980): 20 (record, phenology), Zhang and Lin (1981): 135 (records, distribution), Chao (1982): 42 (listed, distribution), Zhang and Zhao (1982): 32 (distribution), Wu (1984): 29 (distribution), Chen (1985): 117 (distribution, host plant, phenology), Chen et al. (1985): 45 (host plant, distribution), Jiang (1985): 56 (distribution), Zhang (1986): 426 (distribution), Zhang and Lin (1986): 60 (listed), Chen (1987): 130 (in key), Zhang et al. (1987): 118 (in key, distribution), Chen and Yang (1988): 90 (listed), Li et al. (1988): 139 (redescription, figure, photo, distribution), Zhang and Chen (1988): 289 (record), Zhang and Lin (1988a): 84 (record, distribution), Zhang and Lin (1988b): 75 (records, distribution), Zhang and Zhao (1988): 30 (record), Q.H. Chen (1990): 116 (redescription, records, host plant), Zheng and Jin (1990): 141 (records), Wu et al. (1992): 454 (listed), Zhang and Lin (1992a): 19 (listed), Zhang and Lin (1992b): 109 (record, distribution), Zhang et al. (1992): 220 (redescription, habitus, distribution), Lin et al. (1993): 168 (record, distribution, host plants), Zhang (1994): 32 (distribution), Zhang et al. (1994): 63 (distribution), Lei and Zhou (1998): 36 (listed, distribution), Lin et al. (1999): 45 (redescription, habitus, distribution, host plant), Hua (2000): 168 (listed, distribution), Thapa (2000): 56 (listed, distribution), Fang and Wu (2001): 63 (host plants, distribution), Li and Bu (2001): 125 (record), Huang and A (2004): 2 (host plant, economic importance), Liu and Wang (2004): 174 (record, distribution), Tan (2005): 312 (records), Göllner-Scheiding (2006): 197 (catalogue, distribution), Huang et al. (2006): 316 (listed), Liu and Fu (2006): 391 (listed), Liu and Ju (2006): 326 (listed), Xue and Bu (2006): 219 (redescription, distribution), P.X. He et al. (2007): 95 (record), Li and Liu (2007): 211 (redescription, distribution), Peng et al. (2007): 242 (listed), Li et al. (2008): 212 (listed), S. Zhang et al. (2008): 802 (listed), Tsai and Rédei (2009): 46 (diagnostic characters, distribution), Tsai et al. (2011): 178 (comparison with lateralis ), Liang et al. (2014): 379 (listed).

Lamprocoris royli [incorrect subsequent spelling]: Schouteden (1904): 28 (catalogue, habitus, distribution), Stichel (1961): 730 (catalogue, distribution), Stichel (1962): 210 (catalogue, distribution), Sienkiewicz (1964): 114 (records).

Callidea histeroides : Atkinson (1887): 190 (reproduction of original description, distribution), Lethierry and Severin (1893): 48 (as of unknown identity, catalogue, distribution).

Callidea gibbula : Atkinson (1887): 190 (reproduction of original description, distribution), Lethierry and Severin (1893): 48 (as of unknown identity, catalogue, distribution).

Callidea scripta : Atkinson (1887): 190 (reproduction of original description, distribution), Lethierry and Severin (1893): 48 (as of unknown identity, catalogue, distribution).

Callidea distinguenda : Lethierry and Severin (1893): 48 (as of unknown identity, catalogue, distribution).

Philia distinguenda : Distant (1899): 36, 50 (listed), Schouteden (1904): 29 (catalogue, distribution).

Lampromicra distinguenda : Kirkaldy (1909): 299 (catalogue, distribution), Cassis and Vanags (2006): 371 (listed, distribution).

TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED: Callidea roylii Westwood, 1837 . LECTOTYPE (present designation): ♀, ‘Type’ [circle with red margin]; ‘ Bengal’ [hw]; ‘Roylii Hope’ [hw, folded]; ‘ Lamprocoris \ roylii \ Westw.’ [hw]; ‘TYPE. \ = = \ WESTW. ( HOPE) \ C. Hemipt. 1837 \ Part I, page [pr] 16 [hw] \ Distant, P.Z.S. \ 1900, p. 807-825.’ [with red frame]; ‘TYPE [pr] HEM.: No 26 [hw] \ CALLIDEA [hw] \ ROYLII [hw] \ WESTWOOD [hw] \ HOPE DEPT. OXFORD [pr]’ [with black frame] ; pinned, segments II–IV of left and segments I–IV of right antenna, tibia and tarsus of right hind leg, tarsi of right fore and left mid legs, apical segments of tarsi of left fore, right mid and left hind leg lacking, right fore and left hind legs broken off and attached to body with glue ( Figs. 2A–C View Fig ) (OXUM). PARALECTOTYPE?: ♂, ‘Westw. \ Nepal.’ [hw circle]; pinned, right hind leg lacking, minor damages on antennae and tarsi ( RMNH).

Callidea histeroides Walker, 1867 . HOLOTYPE: ♂, ‘Type’ [circle with green margin], ‘Cahar’ [gray, hw], ‘ Bowring \ 63. 47*’, ‘16. CALLIDEA HISTEROIDES .’ [cut from p. 28 of WALKER (1867)], ‘BRIT. MUS. \ TYPE No. \ HEM. [pr] 554 [hw]’ [pink square]; pinned ( BMNH).

Callidea scripta Walker, 1867 . LECTOTYPE (present designation): ♀, ‘Type’ [circle with green margin], ‘Cahar’ [gray, hw], ‘ Bowring \ 63. 47*’, ’17. CALLIDEA SCRIPTA’ [cut from p. 29 of WALKER (1867)], ‘BRIT. MUS. \ TYPE No. \ HEM. [pr] 555 [hw]’ [pink square]; pinned, intact ( BMNH). PARALECTOTYPES: ♀, ‘Para- \ type’ [circle with yellow margin], ‘ India’, ‘ Callidea \ scripta [hw] \ Walker’s catal.’; pinned (BMNH); ♀, ‘Para- \ type’ [circle with yellow margin], ‘Cahar’ [gray, hw], ‘ Callidea \ scripta [hw] \ Walker’s catal.’; pinned, genital capsule lacking (BMNH).

Callidea gibbula Walker, 1867 . HOLOTYPE: ♂, ‘Type’ [circle with green margin], ‘ Punjab \\ 54 \ 74’ [gray circle, hw], ‘18. CALLIDEA GIBBULA .’ [cut from p. 29 of WALKER (1867)], ‘BRIT. MUS. \ TYPE No. \ HEM. [pr] 556 [hw]’ [pink square]; pinned, all legs lacking ( BMNH).

Callidea distinguenda Walker, 1868 . HOLOTYPE: ♀, ‘Type’ [circle with green margin], ‘ Sumatra’ [W.L. Distant’s hw], ‘ Saunders \ 65. 13.’, ‘ CALLI-DEA DISTINGUENDA’ [cut from p. 514 of WALKER (1868)], ‘BRIT. MUS. \ TYPE No. \ HEM. [pr] 459 [hw]’ [pink square]; pinned, teneral, distorted and wrinkled, both antennae, all right legs, left hind leg, tarsus of left fore leg lacking ( BMNH).

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: INDIA: Kashmir?: Kaschmir [= Kashmir ], Hügel (1 ♀ NHMW) . Himachal Pradesh: Solan , ~1500 m, 24–27.x.1978, JICT (7 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀ SEHU) ; Kulu [= Kullu ], 5000 ft., leg. C. Rost (1 ♀ HNHM) ; Kulu [= Kullu] Distr., coll. Rosenberg (1 ♂ 3 ♀♀ USNM) ; Koolloo [= Kullu], Charleton , coll. P.R. Uhler (1 ♂ USNM) . Uttarakhand: Kumaon, Almora , HCG, coll. Champion, B.M. 1927–409 (3 ♂♂ 11 ♀♀ BMNH, 1 ♀ coll. Roche.RMNH) ; Kumaon, Almora Distr., Chaubattia , 6–7000 ft., S.R. Archer, B.M.1920-175 (1 ♂ BMNH) , Kumaon, Bhowali , (1 ♂ BMNH) ; Kumaon, Bhim Tal [= Bhimtal ], (1 ♂ BMNH) ; Bhimtal, 1500 m, 7.viii.1978, F. Smetacek (1 ♀ RMNH) ; same but 24.ix.1978 (2 ♂♂ RMNH) ; same but 5.x.1978 (1 ♀ RMNH) ; same but 16.x.1978 (1 ♀ RMNH) ; Naini Tal [= Nainital], 6600 ft., 9.ii.1934, J. Graham, B.M.1934-147 (1 ♀ BMNH) ; Naini Tal [= Nainital], Naukutchia Tal [= Naukutchiatal ], 600 m, viii.1961, leg. G. Scherer (2 ♀♀ ZSMC) ; 13 km NW of Nainital, Khairna Bridge env., 900 m, 15.vii.2003, leg. B. Greenway (2 ♀♀ 1 ♂ MMBC) ; Khairna Bridge env., 13 km NW of Nainital, cca. 1000 m, 13–17.vii.2003, leg. Z. Kejval (3 ♀♀ ZJPC) ; Garwal, Uniyalgaon , 5550 ft., 21.v.1946, on Berberis asiatica leaves, Jai K. Uniyal (10 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ USNM) ; same but v–vi.1946 (2 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ USNM) ; same but 10.viii.1946 (4 ♂♂ 1 ♀ USNM) ; Jaunsar, Chakrata , 30.ix.1912 (1 ♀ BMNH) ; Mussoorie (2 ♀♀ BMNH) ; Mussoorie, Dehra Dun, Kemptee [= Kempty ] Falls, ~ 800 m, viii.1961, leg. G. Scherer (1 ♀ ZSMC) ; same, 1400–1600 m, 4.xi.1978, JICT (7 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ SEHU) . West Bengal: Senchal , 17.x.1918, in forest, H. Stevens, B.M.1922-307 (2 ♀♀ BMNH) ; Darjeeling, Christie (1 ♂ 1 ♀ ZSMC) ; Darjeeling, Lebong , 2.x.1990, H. Takizawa (1 ♂ SEHU) ; Gopaldhara, Rungbong Valley , H. Stevens, B.M.1922-307 (2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ BMNH) ; Mungphu [= Mungpoo], coll. Atkinson, B.M. 92-6 (1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ BMNH) ; Pedong (100+ specimens MNHN, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ HNHM) ; ‘ Bhoutan: Maria Basti’ (100+ specimens MNHN) . Sikkim: Sikkim (1 ♂ BMNH, 1 ♂ HNHM) ; same, Christie (1 ♀ ZSMC) ; coll. Atkinson, B.M. 92-6 (1 ♂ 1 ♀ BMNH) ; Tankhola, Tista [= Teesta ] R[iver], 19.ii.1920, H. Stevens (1 ♂ BMNH) ; Peeling env., 2100 m, 18–20.vii.1997, leg. J. Schneider (1 ♂ 1 ♀ ZJPC) . Assam: coll. Signoret (1 ♀ NHMW) . Meghalaya: Khasia [= Khasi] Hills , coll. W.L. Distant, B.M.1911- 383 (1 ♀ BMNH) ; Cherrapunji, Mausmai , 18.xi.1967, netting in grasses, leg. Gy. Topál (1 ♂ HNHM) ; SW of Cherrapunjee [= Cherrapunji], 25 ° 13–4 ' N 90 ° 40 ' E, 900 m, 5–24.v.2005, leg. P. Pacholátko (1 ♂ MMBC) ; 3 km E of Tura , 25 ° 30 ' N 90 ° 14 ' E, 500–1150 m, 1–8.v.1999, leg. Z. Košťál (1 ♂ ZJPC) GoogleMaps . Nagaland: Naga [Hills], Doherty , coll. W.L. Distant, B.M.1911-383 (2 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ BMNH) . Arunachal Pradesh: Etalin env., 28 ° 36 ' 56"N 95 ° 53 ' 21"E, 700 m, 12–25.v.2012, leg. L. Dembický (13 ♂♂ 18 ♀♀ MMBC) GoogleMaps ; 0.3 km SSE of Dirang , 27 ° 20 ' 32"N, 92 ° 16 ' 17"E, 1550 m, 27.iv–1.v.2008, leg. H. Podskalská and P. Šípek (1 ♂ NMPC) GoogleMaps . — SRI LANKA?: Ceylon [in error?], coll. G.W. Kirkaldy, B.M.1912-513 (2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ BMNH, 1 ♂ RMNH) . — NEPAL: Ghanpokhara , 7000 ft., 30.iv.1954, J. Quinlan, B.M.1954-540 (1 ♂ BMNH) ; 2 miles SW of Ulleri , 6–7000 ft., 18.v.1954, J. Quinlan, B.M.1954-540 (1 ♀ BMNH) ; Gandaki distr., Chandrakot , 20 km SW of Pokhara, 1550–1600 m, 1–, leg. P. Kresl (1 ♂ ZJPC) ; Chandrakot, 25 km SW of Pokhara,, leg. Z. Andrš (1 ♂ MMBC) ; Pokhara, BirethantiGorapani , 4–, leg. I. Jeniš (2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ ZJPC) ; Kathmandu Valley, Bagmati, Mulkharka , ~ 2000 m, 18–20.ix.1983, SEHU (1 ♀ SEHU) ; Birethanti env., cca. 1100 m,, leg. J. Moravec (1 ♂ ZJPC) ; Annapurna Himal, Lumle , 17–, leg. A. Kundra jr. (1 ♂ NMPC) ; Arun Valley, Pakhribas–Hongmaya , 1300–1400 m,, leg. J. and J. Probst (1 ♀ NHMW) ; Kanchenjunga Himal Mts., Chiruwa , 1260 m, 27.29 ° N 87.45 ° E, leg. J. Schneider (1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ MMBC) GoogleMaps ; [ Nepal?:] Mt. Everest (5 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ HNHM) ; [ Nepal?:] Teraï (1 ♂ BMNH, 2 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ HNHM, 3 ♂♂ 1 ♀ USNM) . — BHUTAN: Tamji , 6300 ft., 25.ix.1968, M. Ripley (1 ♀ USNM) . — BURMA ( MYANMAR): Kachin State: Adung Valley , 6000 ft., 21.iii.1931, F. Kingdon Ward, B.M.1932-196 (1 BMNH) ; Nam Tamai Valley , 27 ° 42 ' N 97 ° 54 ' E, 3000 ft., 29.vii.1938, R. Kaulback, B.M.1938-741 (22 ♂♂ 24 ♀♀ 4 L 5 BMNH) GoogleMaps ; same but 27 ° 48 ' N 97 ° 48 ' E, 3500 ft., 12.ix.1938 (15 ♂♂ 9 ♀♀ 6 L 5 BMNH) GoogleMaps . — CHINA: Hubei: Shennongjia , 27.vii.1980 (1 ♀ IZAS) , 3.vii.1985, X. Mao (2 ♂♂ NKUM) ; Shennongjia, Songbai , 15.vii.1977, leg. L.Y. Zheng (1 ♂ NKUM) ; same but leg. H.G. Zou (1 ♀ NKUM) ; Xianfeng, on the way from the crossing to Dujuanling , 1650 m, 21.vii.1999, leg. Q. Xie (1 ♂ NKUM) . Sichuan: Wenchuan , 1150 m, 2.viii.1983, leg. S.Y. Wang (1 ♀ IZAS) ; same but 1200 m, leg. X.Z. Zhang (1 ♀ IZAS) ; Luding, Moxi , 1600 m,, leg. S.Y. Wang (1 ♂ 1 ♀ IZAS) ; ‘Env. de Ta-Tsien-Lou’ [= Kangding env.], ‘ Mo-Sy-Mien’ , 1902, P. Aubert (1 ♂ MNHN) . Zhejiang: Mokanshan [= Mt. Mogan ], 12.v. [19]35 (1 ♂ IZAS) . Chongqing: Youyang , 16.vii.1989, leg. S.Y. Wang (2 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ IZAS) ; Nanchuan Distr., Mt. Jinfo , 1300–1400 m, ix.2000, leg. C.R. Li (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Mt. Jinfo , 29 ° 01 ' N 107 ° 14 ' E, 1700–1950 m, 24–, leg. J. Schneider (1 ♂ 1 ♀) GoogleMaps . Hunan: Dong’an, Mt. Shunhuang , 500–900 m, 21.vii.2004, Y.L. Ke (1 ♀ NKUM) ; leg. 27.vii.2004, leg, Y. Tian (1 ♀ NKUM) ; Zhangjiajie National Forest Park , 750 m, 10.viii.2001, leg. W.B. Zhu (1 ♂ NKUM) ; same but leg. W.J. Bu (2 ♀♀ NKUM) ; Yanling, Taoyuandong , 950–1000 m, 18.vii.2004, leg. J.Y. Xu (1 ♂ NKUM) ; same, 950–1050 m, leg. W.B. Zhu (1 ♂ 3 ♀♀ NKUM) ; Hengyang, Mt. Heng , 1250 m, 19.vii.2004, leg. Y. Tian (1 ♀ NKUM) ; same but leg. J.M. Hua (1 ♀ NKUM) ; same but leg. Y.L. Ke (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Mt. Heng , 29.v.1974 (2 ♀♀ IZAS) . Jiangxi: Guanshan National Nature Reserve , Xihe Station, Daxikeng, 300 m,, leg. X. Yu (3 ♂♂ NKUM) . Guizhou: Jiangkou , 700 m, 28.vii.2001, leg. W.B. Zhu (3 ♂♂ NKUM) ; Suiyang, Kuankuoshui National Nature Reserve , 1550 m,, leg. K. Dang (6 ♂♂ NKUM) ; Mt. Fanjing , Tongkuangchang, 700 m, 28.viii.2001, leg. W.J. Bu (1 ♂ 1 ♀ NKUM) ; Leishan, Mt. Fangxiang , Pingxiang Village, 1800–1900 m, 14.ix.2005, leg. C.J. Niu (1 ♀ NKUM) ; Leishan: Mt. Leigong , 1680 m, 17.ix.2005, leg. D. Ding (1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ NKUM) ; Mt. Leigong, Lianhuaping , 17.ix.2005, leg. C.J. Niu (2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ NKUM) ; Mt. Leigong , 1600–1700 m, 14.vii.1983, leg. H.G. Zhou (5 ♂♂ 1 ♀ NKUM) ; same but leg. L.Y. Zheng (1 ♀ NKUM) ; Gan Chouen Fou, Anshunfu [= Anshun ], 1912, P. Cavalerie (1 ♂ MNHN) ; Kouy-Yang [= Guiyang], 1906, P. Cavalerie and Fortunat (2 ♂♂ 1 L 5, MNHN, 1 ♀ MNHN.IZAS) . Yunnan: Longling, Banglazhang , 1300 m, 13.x.2002, leg. H.J. Xue (1 ♂ 1 ♀ NKUM) ; Nanjian, Wuliangshi, Yaoqing , 2200 m, 6.xi.2001 (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Huanglianshan, 24 ° 54 ' N 102 ° 18 ' E, 1900 m,, leg. Deuve and Mantilleri, Rougerie and Tian (1 ♂ MNHN) GoogleMaps ; Lou-Nan , 1931 (1 ♂ 1 ♀ MNHN) ; Dehong, Yinjiang, Toubiguan , 1530– 1790 m, 19.v.2009, leg. M. Li (1 ♂ NKUM) ; same, leg. B. Cai (2 ♂♂ NKUM) ; Longyang, Mangkuan, Baihualin Village , 1600 m, 12.viii.2006, leg. W.B. Zhu (1 ♀ NKUM) ; Jingdong, Mt. Wuliang , 1500–2500 m, 30.viii.2001, leg. Q. Xie (1 ♂ 1 ♀ NKUM) ; same, Wuguiba , 1850 m, 25.v.2001, leg. X.H. Ou (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Jingdong, Wenlong, Bangmai , 1900 m, 10.xi.2001, leg. W.B. Zhu (1 ♂ 1 ♀ NKUM) ; Jingdong, Liyue, Luoshuidong , 1750–1950m, 17.xi.2001, leg. W.B. Zhu (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Yunlong, Mt. Zhiben , 2250 m, (1 ♀ IZAS) ; Tengchong, Zhengding , 1500–2500 m, 30.viii.2001, leg. Q. Xie (1 ♂ 1 ♀ NKUM) ; Gongshan, Dadang Park , 27.43 ° N 98.34 ° E, 1700 m,, Sino-American Exp., leg. H.B. Liang (1 ♀ NKUM) GoogleMaps ; Jinping env., 1300 m, 20.v.1956, leg. Panfilov (1 ♂ IZAS) ; Xishuangbanna: Menghai , 1200–1600 m, 24.vii.1958, leg. F.J. Pu (1 ♀ IZAS) . Guangxi: Longsheng, Huaping , 1420 m,, leg. Y.S. Shi (3 ♂♂ IZAS) ; Longsheng, between Baiya and Huaping, 28.viii.1964, leg. G.C. Wang (8 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ NKUM) ; Tianlin, Laoshan Forest Farm , 1200–1600 m, 27.v–, leg. M. Wang (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Tianlin, Laoshan , 1200–1400 m,, leg. J.W. Liu (1 ♀ IZAS) ; Tianlin, Langping, Mt. Linao , 1400 m, 28.v.2002, leg. G.F. Jiang (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Xing’an, Mt. Mao’er , 1000– 1200 m, 23.viii.1992, leg. L.Y. Zheng (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Napo, Nianjing , 900 m, 11.iv.1998, leg. C.D. Zhu (1 ♂ IZAS. NKUM) ; Jinxiu, Yonghe , 500 m, 12.v.1999, leg. D.C. Yuan (1 ♂ IZAS. NKUM) ; Jinxiu, Jinzhong Road , 1000 m, 10.v.1999, leg. F.S. Huang (1 ♂ IZAS) , same but 1100 m, 12.v.1999, leg. X.K. Yang (2 ♂♂ IZAS. NKUM) ; same but leg. H. Xiao (1 ♂ IZAS. NKUM) ; same but leg. M.Y. Gao (1 ♂ IZAS. NKUM) ; Nanning, Mt. Daming , 5.viii.2011, leg. X. Xing (1 ♀ NKUM) ; same but 7.viii.2011 (4 L 5) ; same but 9.viii.2011 (6 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ NKUM) ; Longzhou, Mt. Daqing , 360 m, 19.iv.1963, leg. S.Y. Wang (1 ♂ 1 ♀ IZAS) ; same but 25.iv.1963 (1 ♂ IZAS) . Fujian: Kuatun [= Guadun ], 27.40 ° N 117.40 ° E, 2500 m,, J. Klapperich (1 ♂ NMPC) GoogleMaps ; same locality,[19]46 (1 ♂ NMPC) ; same, 5.viii.[19]46 (2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ NMPC) ; same, 26.ix. [19]46 (1 ♂ NMPC) ; Guadun,, leg. F. Jiang (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Wuyishan , 24.ix.1989 (1 ♂ NKUM) ; same but 3.viii.2009, leg. Z. Ye (1 ♂ NKUM) ; same but 1160–1220 m, 1.viii.1983, H.Z. Zhou (1 ♂ IZAS) ; [Wuyishan:] Tongmu , 1.viii.1980, leg. K.C. Zhang (1 ♀ NKUM) ; Jianyang, Huangkeng, Aotou , 700– 900 m, 8.viii.1960, leg. F.J. Pu (1 ♂ NKUM) ; Chong’an, 740–900 m, 6.vii.1960, leg. Y.R. Zhang (1 ♂ IZAS) ; Chong’an, Xingcun, Sangang , 740 m,, leg. Y.R. Zhang (1 ♂ IZAS) ; Chong’an (various dates and collectors, several additional specimens in IZAS) ; Sha County, 1980, leg. R.X. Chu (1 ♀ NKUM) . Tibet: Mêdog , 800–1000 m, 19.x.1982, leg. Y.H. Han (1 ♂ IZAS) ; same but 15.v.1983 (1 ♂ IZAS) ; same, 880–1100 m, 16.viii.2003, leg. H.J. Xue and X.P. Wang (1 ♂ NKUM) ; same, 11.vii.2013, leg. W.B. Yi (1 ♀ NKUM) ; Mêdog, Baibung [= Bepung ], 800–900 m, 15.v.1983, leg. Y.H. Han (1 ♂ IZAS) ; same but 850 m, (1 ♂ IZAS) ; same but 800–1200 m, (3 ♂♂ 1 ♀ IZAS) ; 780–1000 m, 12.viii.2003, leg. M.C. Wei and W. Xiao (1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ NKUM) ; same, 780–1100 m, 13.viii.2003, leg. H.J. Xue and X.P. Wang (3 ♀♀ NKUM) ; Mêdog, Gelin , 1550–1900 m, 24.v.1983, leg. Z. Lin (1 ♂ 1 ♀ IZAS) . — THAILAND: Chiang Mai Prov.: Doi Inthanon, Payap , 2300–2450 m, 18.xii.1965 (1 ♀ RMNH) . — LAOS: Phongsaly Prov.: Phongsaly env. , ~ 1500 m, 21 ° 41–2 ' N 102 ° 06–8 ' E, 28.v–, leg. V. Kubáň (1 ♂ MMBC) . Luang Prabang Prov.: Luang Prabang, Natung , 29.iii.1918, R. Vitalis de Salvaza, B.M.1918-1 (1 ♀ BMNH) ; Luang Prabang, Ban Nam Mo , 30.iii.1918, R. Vitalis de Salvaza, B.M.1918-1 (1 ♀ BMNH) . Xiangkhouang Prov.: Xieng Khouang! [= Xiangkhouang Prov.], 1916, R. Vitalis de Salvaza (1 ♂ 1 ♀ BMNH) . Vientiane Prov.: Ban Van Eue , 15.vii.1965, native collector (1 ♀ BPBM) ; same but 31.vii.1965 (2 ♀♀ BPBM) ; same but 30.xi.1965 (1 ♀ BPBM) ; Gi Sion Village, de Tha Ngone , 10–24.x.1965, native collector (2 ♀♀ BPBM) . — VIETNAM: Lao Cai Prov.: Tonkin, Chapa [= Sa Pa ], vi.1916, R. Vitalis de Salvaza, B.M.1918-1 (1 ♂ 2♀♀ BMNH) ; Tuyen Quang Prov.: Chiem Hoa , viii–iv, H. Frühstorfer (5 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ NHMW) . Cao Bang Prov.: Phia Den env., Phia-Oats Mts. , 105 ° 52 ' 14"N 22 ° 34 ' 01"E, 800– 1200 m, 30.v.–, leg. E. Jendek (4 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ ZJPC) . Nghe Anh Prov?: ‘ Annam, Prov. de Vins, Thado par Cuaras’ [around Vinh?], 400 m, iii–iv.1913, E. le Moult (3 ♂♂ RMNH) . Lam Dong Prov.: Da Lat, Nui Lang Bian[g] Mts. , 2000 m, rainforest, No. 796, 12.xii.1994, leg. S. Mahunka, Gy. Sziráki and L. Zombori (1 ♂ HNHM) ; same but No. 800, singled (1 ♂ HNHM) . — MALAYSIA: Pahang: Cameron Highlands, Ginting Kial , 5200 ft., 18.vii.1928, B.M.1935-354 (1 ♀ FMSM. BMNH) ; same but 19.vii.1928 (1 ♀ BMNH) ; Cameron Highlands, G[inting] Jerbakar , 4481 ft., 27.vii.1938, H.H. Pendlebury, B.M. 1935-354 (2 ♀♀ FMSM. BMNH) ; Cameron Highlands, Tanah Rata , No. 73, 21–30.iii. 1995, singled in and around the town, leg. O. Merkl (1 ♀ HNHM) ; Cameron Highlands, 4500–4800 ft.,, H.H. Pendlebury (1 ♂ FMSM. BMNH) ; Pahang, 5000 ft., [19]74, coll. P. Roche (1 ♂ RMNH) ; same but [19]74 (1 ♂ RMNH).

DIAGNOSIS: Similar to L. (s. str.) lateralis in habitus, size, and color, but differs in the following characters: 3+3 discal vittae pronotum oblique, mesal pair broadened posteriorly and produced posteriad of second pair ( Figs. 2A View Fig , 3A View Fig ); inner outline of red marginal vitta of abdomen incised around spiracles ( Figs. 2B, E, F View Fig , 3B View Fig ); posteroventral outline of genital capsule weakly emarginate ( Fig. 4F View Fig ); laterotergites IX elongate oval (7F, G). In doubtful cases dissections of external male ( Figs. 4D–E View Fig , 5C–D View Fig , 6A–C View Fig ) and female ( Fig. 7H View Fig ) will provide several additional diagnostic characters.

REDESCRIPTION: COLOR: General body color iridescent metallic green, frequently with strong purplish shade, usually more strongly reflective than in L. lateralis , decorated with black to metallic blue markings ( Figs. 2A–B View Fig , 3A–B View Fig ) as follows: basal half of clypeus; cicatrices, a median vitta not reaching anterior and posterior margins, 2+2 obliquely transverse submedian bands and 1+1 patches at humeri of pronotum; a median and 1+1 submedian spots on basal tumescence, 2+2 patches around middle (usually confluent into an anteriorly convex arch), 1+1 submarginal patches slightly posteriad to middle, 1+1 large submedian patches close to apex, and a median patch subapically on scutellum; ex-posed part of fore wing dark brown to black; thoracic pleura and venter rather uniformly metallic green, peritreme of metathoracic scent gland ostiole and surrounding evaporatorium black; abdominal venter metallic green, ventrites III–VII broadly margined with black anteriorly, ventrites III–VIII with a marginal vitta laterad of spiracles bright red to orange, inner outline of bright marginal vitta incised around spiracles, spiracle + trichobothria of each segment widely surrounded by black; genital capsule and female terminalia as general body colour (laterotergites VIII either metallic green or red); abdominal dorsum red; antenna, labium and legs as in L. lateralis .

STRUCTURE: General facies as in L. lateralis . Head: short, 1.3–1.4 times as wide as its median length, 1.5–1.6 times (♂, ♀) as wide as interocular distance. Antenna Segment IIb about 1.4–1.9 times as long as IIa, segment IV 1.55–1.7 times as long as III. Labium projecting between hind coxae or extending to base of abdomen. Thorax: Pronotum as in L. lateralis . Scutellum usually slightly broader than its length. Thoracic pleura and sterna Peritreme less curved apically than in L. lateralis . Pregenital abdomen: As in L. lateralis .

External male genitalia: Genital capsule ( Figs. 4 D–F View Fig ) with 1+1 tubercles laterally, posterior margin shallowly emarginate at both sides of midline in dorsal view ( Fig. 4D View Fig ), posteroventral outline more shallowly concave in lateral view than in L. lateralis ( Fig. 4F View Fig ); median projecion of cup-like sclerite closely approaching ventral rim posteriorly. Paramere ( Figs. 5C, D View Fig ) similar to that of L. lateralis but crown shorter, more gracile and less sharply curved, with rather obtuse apex; lateral edge at base of crown strongly prominent; with a narrow membranous joint between crown and stem. Phallus ( Figs. 6A–C View Fig ): hinge ( Figs. 6B, C View Fig : hi) weakly protruding; phallotheca ( Fig. 6C View Fig : phth) barrel-shaped with 1+1 strongly sclerotized and pigmented, sharply protruding callose thickenings dorsolaterally, with remnants of 1+1 dorsolateral thecal processes present as hardly noticeable rudimentary protrusions ( Fig. 6B View Fig : thp); two pairs of symmetrical conjunctival processes (cp-II, cp-III): cp-II ( Figs. 6A, B View Fig : cp-II) long, membranous, with a small, weakly sclerotized, granulate lobe ventrally close to its base, distal fourth strongly sclerotized and pigmented, apically sharp; cp-III ( Figs. 6B, C View Fig : cp-III) sclerotized, narrow, rod-like, contralateral counterparts broadly separated at base, strongly curved dorsad around middle, surrounding apical portion of aedeagus; aedeagus ( Figs. 6B, C View Fig : aed) relatively gracile, without highly elevated dorsal lump basally, proximal half coarsely crenulate laterally, directed posterodorsad, then sharply curved dorsad, distal half almost vertical, weakly curved.

External female genitalia ( Figs. 7F–H View Fig ): Terminalia in resting position ( Fig. 7F View Fig ) similar to the condition found in L. lateralis but laterotergites IX ( Fig. 7G View Fig ) less broadly oval; contralateral valvifers VIII coplanar laterally, but their mesal portions conspicuously projecting posteriad. Gynatrium with a small posteromedial pouch ( Fig. 7 H View Fig : pmgp); 1+1 large, saccular dorsolateral pouches ( Fig. 7H View Fig : dlgp) surrounding base of spermathecal duct, each with an obliquely directed, elongate, strongly sclerotized and pigmented lateral sclerites ( Fig. 7H View Fig : lgs); 1+1 broad anterolateral pouches ( Fig. 7H View Fig : algp) without distinct ring sclerites; fecundation sclerite surrounding base of spermathecal duct, continued into a short stem posteriorly (strongly curved in lateral view), with 1+1 large, flattened lateral projections forming a transverse carina-like structure ( Fig. 7H View Fig : fec) immediately anteriad of base of spermathecal duct, associated with 1+1 thin, apically clavate processes perhaps also derived from the fecundation sclerite. Spermatheca proximal duct relatively short but distinctly longer than that of L. lateralis , of uniform diameter; dilation large, globose; distal duct narrower and slightly shorter than proximal duct; apical receptacle elongate, apically globose.

MEASUREMENTS (in mm; n = 5 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀): Body length 8.5–10.0 (♂)/9.0–11.0 (♀); length of head 1.80–2.10, width across eyes 2.42–2.88, interocular distance 1.56–1.84; lengths of antennal segments (I) 0.64–0.88: (IIa) 0.40–0.58: (IIb) 0.75– 0.95: (III) 1.04–1.25: (IV) 1.62–1.95; median length of pronotum 3.00–4.00, humeral width 5.70–5.80; length of scutellum 4.75–6.40, greatest width 5.30–7.00, greatest width of abdomen 5.40–7.10.

HABITAT AND BIONOMICS: It most frequently occurs in woodland habitats and forest edges, usually on shrubs ( Yang, 1962; Chen, 1985; Q.H. Chen, 1990). Not much information is available on its host plants; it has been recorded from unspecified Paulownia spp. ( Paulowniaceae ) ( Chen et al., 1985; Lin et al., 1993, 1999), and one of the specimen examined by us was collected on Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. ( Berberidaceae ) in Uttarakhand, India. According to Huang and A (2004) it is harmful in macadamia orchards (mainly Macadamia ternifolia F.Muell. , Proteaceae ) in Yunnan, damaging leaves and shoots, but damage only occurs sporadically and the loss is generally not more than 2–3 %.

REMARKS: A single female syntype of Callidea roylii was received from OXUM and it is designated as lectotype. An additional conspecific male apparently originating from Westwood’s collection and currently deposited in RMNH has been examined too, it is potentially part of the original syntype series. The type material of Scutellera pulchella cannot be found in any collections accessed by us but the illustration accompanying the original description leaves no doubt that the synonymy proposed by Atkinson (1887) is correct. Re-examination of the types of Callidea histeroides , C. scripta and C. gibbula confirmed the synonymies proposed by Distant (1899).

Callidea distinguenda proposed by Walker (1868: 514) was preoccupied and it was corrected to C. distermina in the same work ( Walker, 1868: 578) without any further comment; this act can be interpreted either as proposal of a new substitute name or an author’s corrigendum intended to correct an inadvertent error (ICZN, 1999: Art., but in any case Walker (1868) validly replaced C. distinguenda with C. distermina ; this replacement was apparently overlooked by all subsequent authors. A careful examination of the holotype of C. distinguenda and direct comparison with specimens of L. roylii concluded that it is a teneral, distorted specimen of L. roylii , therefore the synonymy of the two species is proposed. The type locality of C. distinguenda (Sumatra) is erroneous.

DISTRIBUTION: The species is distributed all over the humid subtropical parts of South China, and it is broadly extending along the southern ranges of the Himalayas; we have seen voucher specimens from southern Vietnam (Da Lat) and the Malay Peninsula ( Fig. 8D View Fig ). It is apparently connected to the subtropical semievergreen and deciduous forests of the Sub-Himalayan belt and South China. We present the first country records for Burma, Laos, Vietnam and Malaysia. Pawar (1973) recorded the species from Sri Lanka and we have seen old voucher specimens from the country; these records fall outside the known distribution range of the species so strikingly that we suspect that they are erroneous. The record from the New Hebrides ( Sienkiewicz 1964) is evidently wrong.

INDIA: Kashmir?; Himachal Pradesh!; Uttarakhand!.; West Bengal!; Sikkim!; Assam!; Meghalaya!; Nagaland!; Arunachal Pradesh! — SRI LANKA: Ceylon! (BMNH [in error?]), Hambantota? ( PAWAR 1973 a [in error?]). — NEPAL! — BHUTAN ( YANG 1934). — BURMA (MYANMAR): Kachin State! (new record). — CHINA: Shaanxi (P.X. HE et al. 2007); Hubei!; Anhui (S. ZHANG et al. 2008); Zhejiang!; Sichuan!; Chongqing!; Hunan!; Jiangxi!; Guizhou!; Yunnan!; Guangxi!; Guangdong ( ZHANG et al. 1987); Fujian!; Tibet! — THAILAND: Chiang Mai Prov.! — LAOS: Phongsaly Prov.!, Luang Prabang Prov.!; Xiangkhouang Prov.!, Vientiante Prov.! (new record). — VIETNAM: Lao Cai Prov.!; Tuyen Quang Prov.!; Cao Bang Prov.!; Lam Dong Prov.! (new record). — MALAYSIA: Pahang! (new record).


Netherlands, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorische Museum ("Naturalis") [formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie]


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]


Austria, Wien, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien




Hungary, Budapest, Hungarian Natural History Museum


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]


Germany, Muenchen [= Munich], Zoologische Staatssammlung


Czech Republic, Brno, Moravske Muzeum [Moravian Museum]




France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Czech Republic, Prague, National Museum (Natural History)


China, Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology


China, Tianjin, Tianjin, Nankai University


USA, Hawaii, Honolulu, Bernice P. Bishop Museum
















Lamprocoris roylii ( Westwood, 1837 )

Rédei, Dávid & Tsai, Jing-Fu 2016

Lampromicra gloriosa

Kirkaldy 1909: 370

Callidea distinguenda

Walker 1868: 514

Callidea distermina

Walker 1868: 578

Callidea distinguenda

Walker 1868

Callidea distinguenda

Walker 1868

Callidea histeroides

Walker 1867: 28

Callidea scripta

Walker 1867: 29

Callidea gibbula

Walker 1867: 29

Callidea histeroides

Walker 1867

Callidea gibbula

Walker 1867

Callidea scripta

Walker 1867

Callidea gloriosa

Vollenhoven 1863

Callidea distinguenda

Uhler 1862

Callidea distinguenda

Uhler 1862

Callidea distinguenda

Reiche and Fairmaire 1848

Scutellera pulchella

Westwood 1839

Callidea roylii

Westwood 1837: 4

Callidea roylii

Westwood 1837
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