Amphidraus quinini, Galvis, William, 2017

Galvis, William, 2017, Nineteen new species of Amphidraus Simon, 1900 (Salticidae: Euophryini) from Colombia, with comments about their conservation, Zootaxa 4286 (1), pp. 1-40 : 14-15

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Plazi (2017-07-15 08:44:01, last updated 2024-11-26 06:57:14)

scientific name

Amphidraus quinini

sp. nov.

Amphidraus quinini View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 8a–d View FIGURES 8 , 17d–e View FIGURES 17 , 21h–i View FIGURES 21 , 24e, 24k View FIGURES 24 , 26c View FIGURES 26 , 27 View FIGURE 27

Types. Holotype: male from Reserva Natural Cerro Quininí , Tibacuy, Cundinamarca, Colombia, 1740 m, 4.336805°N, 74.496111°W, 17–24.X.2015, Grupo Artropofauna Universidad Nacional de Colombia ( ICN –Ar 8266) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: one female with same data as holotype ( ICN –Ar 8267). Two males from the same locality, 1887 m, 4.324833°N, 74.493305°W, 17–24.X.2015, Grupo Artropofauna Universidad Nacional de Colombia ( ICN –Ar 8270). GoogleMaps

Etymology. The epithet is a noun in apposition that honors the Natural Reserve where the species was found, the Natural Reserve Cerro Quininí , ancient territory of the Panches or Tolimas indigenous people of the Cariban language family, known by the Spanish invaders as fearsome warriors and cannibals, whose lives revolved around war.

Diagnosis. Males of A. quinini sp. nov. can be easily distinguished from those of the remaining species of the genus by the presence of a bilobed RTA, with the ventral lobe long and finger-like, and the dorsal lobe serrated and wide ( Figs 8a–b View FIGURES 8 , 21h–i View FIGURES 21 ). Females of A. quinini sp. nov. are similar to those of A. guaitipan sp. nov. by their general disposition of internal structures of the epigyne, but can be distinguished from those by their longer copulatory ducts, with the posterior epigynal border concave, and a semi-quadrangular epigynal pocket ( Figs 8c–d View FIGURES 8 , 24e, 24k View FIGURES 24 ).

Description. Male (holotype). Total length: 2.39. Carapace lustrous black, 1.24 long, 0.91 wide, 0.72 high ( Fig. 17d View FIGURES 17 ). OC black lustrous, 0.63 long. Anterior eye row 0.96 wide and posterior 0.85 wide. Sternum black lustrous, 0.49 long, 0.38 wide. Labium black lustrous, 0.08 long, 0.13 wide. Chelicerae black with four retromarginal and two promarginal teeth. Palp brown with distal femur and patellae with long white hairs, with a bilobed RTA, with the ventral lobe long and finger-like, and the dorsal lobe serrated and wide, rounded tegular lobe (TL) and long embolic filament (EF) ( Figs 8a–b View FIGURES 8 , 21h–i View FIGURES 21 ). Legs 4312, all black with I–II with metatarsi–tarsi yellowish, and III–IV yellow. Leg macrosetae: femur, I–II d 1 di; III d 2 di; IV v 1 di; patella, III–IV r 1 me; tibia, I v 2-2 -2; II v 2-1 -2, p 1 di; III–IV v 0-1-0, p 0-1-1, r 0-1-1; metatarsus, I v 2-2; II v 2-2, p 1 di; III v 1 -0-1, p 1-0-2, r 2 di; IV v 1 -0-1, p 1-0-1, r 1-0-2. Abdomen brown with cream-colored posterior marks and stripes ( Fig. 17d View FIGURES 17 ).

Variation (n= 3 males). Total length 2.01–2.39. Carapace length 1.11–1.27.

Female (paratype, ICN–Ar 8267). Total length 2.86. Carapace dark brown with a dorsal lighter mark, 1.31 long, 0.95 wide, 0.63 high ( Fig. 17e View FIGURES 17 ). OC black, 0.63 long. Anterior eye row 0.96 wide and posterior 0.87 wide. Sternum dark brown, 0.54 long, 0.46 wide. Labium dark brown, 0.11 long, 0.24 wide. Chelicerae dark brown, with five retromarginal and two promarginal teeth. Legs 4312, all yellow with lateral dark brown sides. Leg macrosetae: femur, I–II, IV d 1 di; III d 2 di; patella, III–IV r 1 me; tibiae, I v 2-2 -2; II v 1-2 -1, p 1 di; III v 1 me, p 1-1-0, r 1-1- 0; IV v 1 pr, p 1-0-1, r 1-0-1; metatarsus, I v 2-2; II v 2-2, p 1 di; III v 1 -0-1, p 1-0-2, r 1-0-2; IV v 1 pr, p 1-0-2, r 1- 0-2. Abdomen dark brown with dorsal and lateral light brown marks and spots ( Fig. 17e View FIGURES 17 ). Epigyne ( Figs 8c–d View FIGURES 8 , 24e, 24k View FIGURES 24 ) with anterior and medial copulatory openings, long copulatory ducts with the anterior portion concave in disposition, semi-concave posterior border and semi-quadrangular epigynal pocket, and oval anterior spermathecae.

Comments. The type material was collected in pitfall and Winkler traps in an Andean Oak ( Quercus humboldtii ) forest ( Fig. 26c View FIGURES 26 ).

Distribution. Colombia (Cundinamarca) ( Fig. 27 View FIGURE 27 ). Known altitudinal distribution: 1740–1887 m.

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FIGURES 8 a – d. A. quinini sp. nov., a) left male palp, ventral view; b) same, retrolateral view; c) epigyne, cleared, ventral view; d) same, dorsal view. Abbreviations: cd = copulatory duct, co = copulatory opening, e = embolus, ED = embolic disc, EDS = embolic disc spur, EF = embolic filament, fd = fertilization duct, HaD = distal haematodocha, PED = process on embolic disc, po = epigynal pocket, RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis of the male palp, SD = sperm duct, sp = spermatheca, TL = tegular lobe. Scale bars: 0.10 mm.

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FIGURES 17 a – i. A. guatavita sp. nov., a) male holotype (ANDES – IN 3155). A. pae sp. nov., b) male holotype (ICN – Ar 6576). A. quimbaya sp. nov., c) male holotype (ICN – Ar 7746). A. quinini sp. nov., d) male holotype (ICN – Ar 8266); e) female paratype (ICN – Ar 8267). A. sie sp. nov., f) male holotype (ICN – Ar 8254); g) female paratype (ICN – Ar 8255). A. sikuani sp. nov., h) male holotype (ICN – Ar 6558); i) female paratype (ICN – Ar 7185). Scale bars: 0.50 mm.

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FIGURES 21 a – k. Amphidraus spp, left male palp. A. guatavita sp. nov., a) ventral view; b) same, retrolateral view; c) same, dorsal view of the tibia. A. pae sp. nov., d) ventral view; e) same, retrolateral view. A. quimbaya sp. nov., f) ventral view; g) same, retrolateral view. A. quinini sp. nov., h) ventral view, partially expanded; i) same, retrolateral view. A. sie sp. nov., j) ventral view; k) same, retrolateral view.

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FIGURES 24 a – l. Amphidraus spp, epigyne. A. bochica sp. nov., a) ventral view; g) disposition of the internal structures. A. chie sp. nov., b) ventral view; h) disposition of the internal structures. A. guaitipan sp. nov., c) ventral view; i) disposition of the internal structures. A. mae sp. nov., d) ventral view; j) disposition of the internal structures. A. quinini sp. nov., e) ventral view; k) disposition of the internal structures. A. sie sp. nov., f) ventral view; l) disposition of the internal structures.

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FIGURES 26 a – d. Different altitudinal ecosystems where some of the species of Amphidraus here described were found in Colombia. a) Páramo ecosystem, at Las Lagunas Encantadas Natural Reserve, Duitama, Colombia, habitat of A. tundama sp. nov. (~ 3800 m); b) Andean wet forest at Cueva de los Guácharos National Natural Park, Huila, Colombia, habitat of A. guaitipan sp. nov. (~ 2000 m); c) Andean Oak forest (Quercus humboldtii) at Quinini Natural Reserve, Cundinamarca, Colombia, habitat of A. quinini sp. nov. (~ 1700 m); d) Secondary lowland semi wet forest on the outskirts of the city of Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, habitat of A. sikuani sp. nov. (~ 500 m).

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FIGURE 27. Distribution records of the species of the genus Amphidraus Simon from Colombia treated here. Symbols with a dot inside represent species that have distributions in the Cundiboyacense high-Andean plateau, in the Boyacá and Cundinamarca departments.


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural















