
Sirin, Deniz, Mol, Abbas & Ciplak, Battal, 2011, Myrmeleotettix Bolivar (Orthoptera, Gomphocerinae) in Anatolia on the basis of morphological and behavioural characters: data suggest a new species from southern end of the Anatolian refugium, Zootaxa 2917, pp. 29-47 : 43-44

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.207270


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scientific name



Key to species of Myrmeleotettix

1a Tegmina and hind wings well developed and extending beyond the middle of hind femora in both sexes................. 2

1b Tegmina and hind wing strongly reduced and reaching not above the middle of hind femora................ brachypterus

2a Subcostal and radial veins of hind wing not thickened distinctly on the apical part; ratio of maximal width of median to cubital field of tegmen much less than 5.5........................................................................ 3

2b Subcostal and radial veins of hind wing thickened distinctly on the apical part; ratio of maximal width of median to cubital fields of tegmen ≥ 5.5.......................................................................... pluridentis

3a Ratio of maximal width of median/cubital field of tegmen is ≤ 2.0............................................... 4

3b Ratio of maximal width of median/cubital field of tegmen is> 2.0............................................... 6

4a Tegmina extending beyond end of hind femora in both sexes; length/width of the longest middle antennal segment is about 2.5

4b Tegmina not reaching to the end of the hind femora in female and hardy reaching it in the male; length of the longest middle antennal segment is about 1.5...................................................................... palpalis

5a Antennae with a distinct apical club; maximum/minimum distances between lateral carinae 1.7–1.9; body length/tegmina length 1.11–1.29 in both sexes; tegmina length/pronotum length 4.0– 4.1 in male and 4.1–4.2 in female......... antennatus

5b Antennae club gradually widened toward the apex; ratio of maximum to minimum distances between lateral carinae 2.1–2.2; body length/tegmina length 1.35–1.50 in both sexes; tegmina length/pronotum length 3.7–3.8 in male and 3.3–4.0 in female............................................................................................. longipennis

6a Ratio of the minimum width/medial length of mesosternal interspace 1.0–1.2............................ angustiseptus

6b The minimum width/medial length of mesosternal interspace 1.75–2.0........................................... 7

7a Hind margin of tenth tergum weakly widened laterally; maximal length/widest of foveolae 1.5 in male and 2.0 or less in female.............................................................................................. pallidus

7b Hind margin of tenth tergum with tooth-like process laterally of the middle; maximal length/width of foveolae is more than>2.0 in both sexes..................................................................................... 8

8a Maximal width of median/cubital field 3.0–4.0; length of antenna 6.6 –7.2 mm in the male and 5.0– 5.8 mm in the female; costal vein of tegmina reach to frontal margin nearly at 2/3 of tegmen and stigma located in apical 3/10–4/10 both in male and female; maximal length/width of tympanum 4.4–5.0 in male, 3.2–3.8 in female............................. maculatus

8b Maximal width of median/cubital field 2.4–2.5; length of antenna 5.6–6.2 mm in the male and 4.5–4.8 mm in the female; the costal vein of tegmina reach frontal margin near the apex and the stigma located in 2/10 of tegmen both in male and female; maximum length/width of tympanum 3.0– 3.2 in male, 5.0– 5.8 in female............................... ethicus sp. n.













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