Augochlora (Augochlora) amphitrite ( Schrottky, 1909 )

Alvarez, Leopoldo J., Lucia, Mariano, Ramello, Pablo J. & Abrahamovich, Alberto H., 2014, Description of two new cases of gynandromorphism in Paratrigona Schwarz and Augochlora Smith (Hymenoptera: Apidae and Halictidae), Zootaxa 3889 (3), pp. 447-450 : 448

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Augochlora (Augochlora) amphitrite ( Schrottky, 1909 )


Augochlora (Augochlora) amphitrite ( Schrottky, 1909) View in CoL

( Figs. 5–6 View FIGURES 5 – 6 )

Description. Body length 8 mm, head length 2.26 mm, head width 2.3 mm, mesosoma width (intertegular distance) 1.65 mm, metasoma width (measured across T2) 2.5 mm. Color predominantly metallic green, with bluish tints. Labrum, apical strip on clypeus and antennae dark brown to black. Scutellum with median longitudinal groove. Head mixed, labrum, clypeus and supraclypeal area as a female ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5 – 6 ). Right side: male-like, mandible bidentate yellowish and shorter than females. Antenna broken (F2–11 are missing) but scape 0.38 mm in length and 0.12 mm in width as a normal male. Length of eye 1.56 mm, clypeocular distance 0.14 mm and alveolocular distance 0.26 mm. Lower paraocular area with golden reflections and densely punctate. Paraocular area, frons and scape with white, long and abundant plumose setae. Left side: female-like, mandible bidentate and black, antenna normally developed with ten flagellomeres, scape 0.6 mm in length, 0.12 mm in width as a normal female. Length of eye 1.66 mm, clypeocular distance 0.2 mm and alveolocular distance 0.42 mm. Lower paraocular area without golden reflections and punctures less dense than males. Paraocular area, frons and scape with white plumose setae but shorter and more scattered than males. Mesosoma mixed ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 5 – 6 ) Right side: male-like including fore and middle legs, hind leg lost in part (coxa featured as a male). Length of forewing 5.5 mm. Left side: female-like including all legs. Hind coxa and femur with long and plumose scopal setae. Length of forewing 5.7 mm. Metasoma mixed, with six exposed terga and sterna, general appearance female-like. T1 asymmetric, with right half tending male-like, S1 with median developed tubercle as a female. Genital structure developed as a sting, corresponding to the female. Material examined: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Reserva Provincial Punta Lara (34°46’55’’S, 58°00’44’’W, 2 m. a.s.l), 27–XII–2012, Coll. M. Lucia, L. Alvarez, P. Ramello. The specimen was captured using yellow Moericke traps.













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