Andesobates longipalpis Smit, 2002

Smit, Harry, 2021, New records of water mites from Chile (Acari: Hydrachnidia), with the description of three new species, Acarologia 61 (2), pp. 274-290 : 281

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Andesobates longipalpis Smit, 2002


Andesobates longipalpis Smit, 2002

Paratetrahygrobatella magellanicus Tuzovskij & Stolbov, 2016 – new syn.

New records. 1/0/0, Río Blanco affluent to Río Enco, 39°55 ′ 9.53 ″ S 728 ′ 50.85 ″ W, prov. Cautín, 12 Nov. 1984, leg. T. Gonser; 1/0/0, Río Futangue, affluent to Lago Ranco Sud, 5 km

W Riñinahue, prov. El Ranco, 40°20 ′ 1.48 ″ S 72°16 ′ 4.31 ″ W, 25 Nov. 1984, leg. T. Gonser; 3/23/5, Estero el Aguada o el Volcan, near National Park Laguna del Laje, 37°27.768 ′ S 71°18.951 ′ W, prov. Biobío, 1407 m a.s.l., 7 Dec. 2018 ; 0/1/0, Río Correntoso, E of Pucón, 39°19.256 ′ S 71°52.967 ′ W, prov. Cautín, 411 m a.s.l., 9 Dec. 2018.

Remarks. The genus Paratetrahygrobatella has been synonymized by Smit (2020) with Andesobates . However, also at the species level, there are no marked differences between A. longipalpis and A. magellanicus (males: both species with a large dorsal plate, Cx­IV large and more or less triangular, genital field with three pairs of widely separated acetabula). Therefore, I propose to synonymize the two species.

Distribution. Known from Argentina ( Smit 2002) and Chile ( Tuzovskij & Stolbov 2016a).

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