Brachysomus (Brachysomus) hispidus ( Redtenbacher, 1849 )

Yunakov, Nikolai, 2022, A review of the genus Brachysomus Schoenherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae), Zootaxa 5193 (1), pp. 1-165 : 26-27

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Plazi (2022-10-03 11:03:57, last updated by Felipe 2022-10-03 18:57:24)

scientific name

Brachysomus (Brachysomus) hispidus ( Redtenbacher, 1849 )


Brachysomus (Brachysomus) hispidus ( Redtenbacher, 1849)

Figs. 83, 84, 146, 147, 183, 235B

Sciaphilus hispidus Redtenbacher, 1849: 455 . Type locality: ‘Austria’; Formánek 1905: 188 ( Brachysomus ); Dalla Torre et al. 1937: 173; Smreczyński 1966: 86; Dieckmann, 1980: 260 (fig. 110 on p. 257); Košťál 1991b: 81.

Brachysomus banaticus Formánek, 1922: 79 . Type locality: ‘Banat’; Košťál 1991b: 80.

Redescription. Measurements: Body length 2.2–2.4 mm, width 1.2–1.35 mm. Vestiture: Body and head evenly and densely covered with spatulate scales, setose. Scales not overlapping. Setae strongly erect, weakly spatulate, obtuse, evenly covering head and pronotum. Elytral interstiae with 1–2 rows of setae (as long as width of interstria or longer). Head and pronotum with more short setae. Antennae with thin hairs. Colouration: Integument dark-brown to black, appendages pale brown to reddish-yellow. Scales uniformly pale grey, without pearly shine.

Head: Rostrum weakly transverse or as long as wide, weakly narrowed apically, with lateral margins in line with lateral margins of temples. Antennal sockets partly visible in dorsal view. Pterygia not projecting from outline of rostrum. Antennal scrobes sharply developed, deep, directed to ventral margin of eye, reaching ventral side of rostrum. Epistome flat, not delimited by carina. Epifrons narrowed from base to midlength and parallel-sided from midlength to apex, flat, with thin median carina, without transverse depression; at the level of antennal insertion ca. 2/3 width of vertex. Vertex weakly convex, finely striate and longitudinally punctate; striae frequently interrupted. Eyes oval (VW/ELD = 1.25–1.60), strongly convex, highest posteriorly. Antennae: scape gently curved and widened distally; funicular antennomeres: 1st elongate, 1.75x longer than wide, 2nd 1.3x longer than wide, 3rd–7th moniliform; club spindle-shaped.

Thorax: Pronotum transverse [PL/PW = 0.65–0.78 (0.715)] widest at middle, gently and evenly convex at disc and sides, evenly constricted anteriorly and posteriorly, densely finely punctate, disc without lateral depressions.

Elytra: oval [EL/EW = 1.30–1.34 (1.32)], weakly and gradually convex at disc and sides. Mesonotum and base of elytra vertical. Elytral interstiae distinctly convex, shiny, 2x wider than striae. Punctures broadly separated. Spaces between punctures weakly concave, as long as diameter of puncture. Legs: Fore tibiae straight, with apical external angle not protruding. Hind tibiae in male with small mucro. Second tarsomere weekly transverse. Fifth fore tarsomere extending beyond apical lobes of 3rd less than by length of the lobes.

Abdomen: First ventrite with posterior margin deeply sinuate. Male 5th ventrite transversally convex, apical margin with dense row of long setae, obtuse. Female 5th ventrite weakly transversally convex, with posterior margin widely rounded. Male genitalia: Aedeagus heavily sclerotized at apex, ventral wall membranous; median lobe attenuate, 0.75x as long as apodemes, apex truncate. Endophallus evenly covered with microscopic spiculae; endophallic sclerite bifurcate. Ventral membranes triangular, slightly sclerotized. Parameres, well developed, free, as long as width of tegminal ring; posterior margin of basal piece sinuate. Spermatheca: ramus and collum connate at base, as long as or slightly longer than collum.

Diagnosis. Brachysomus hispidus differs from B. frivaldszkyi and B. fremuthi by the oblong-oval elytra and sinuate internally hind tibiae in male. From B. fremuthi this species also differs by the oblong rostrum, and elongate oval scales covering the body. From B. frivaldszkyi it differs also in the less transverse pronotum and the shape of the rostrum: epifrons of B. strawinskii not convex at base, without depression on apical half, lateral margins not convex.

Distribution. This species inhabits the central and western part of Eastern Europe.

Material examined. AUSTRIA:1♂,1♀,‘Umgebung Wien, Bisamberg,Ing.Prock leg.’ (HNHM).GERMANY: 1♀, ‘Deutschland, Schaufuss’ (HNHM). HUNGARY: 6♂, 11♀, ‘Magyaróvár [= Mosonmagyaróvár],, D. Révy leg.’ (HNHM); 1♀, ‘Békés Prov., Szarvas,, R. Holyński leg.’ (HNHM); 2♂, 5♀, ‘Herkulesfürdő, Hungaria’ (HNHM). ROMANIA: 1♂, ‘Hátzéger Gebirge [mountains near Haţeg], Deubel leg.’ (HNHM). MOLDOVA: 1♀, ‘Moldov[a]’ (HNHM). UKARAINE: 2♀, ‘Ternopol Prov., near Zaleshtshiki, Dobrovlyany riv.,, V.Yu. Nazarenko’ (SIZK); 2♀, ‘Podole, Halicia’ (HNHM, ZMUH).

Dalla Torre, K. W., van Emden, M. & van Emden, F. (1937) Curculionidae: Brachyderinae II. In: Schenkling, S. (Ed.), Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio. Vol. 153. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 133 - 196.

Dieckmann, L. (1980) Beitrage zur Insektenfauna der DDR: Coleoptera - Curculionidae (Brachycerinae, Otiorhynchinae, Brachyderinae). Beitrage zur Entomologie, 30 (1), 145 - 310. https: // doi. org / 10.21248 / contrib. entomol. 30.1.145 - 310

Formanek, R. (1905) Zur naheren Kenntnis der Gattung Brachysomus Stephens. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 24, 169 - 193.

Formanek, R. (1922) Zehn neue Curculioniden nebst Bemerkungen uber bekannte. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 39, 73 - 84.

Kostal, M. (1991 b) Revision der Brachysomus hispidus - Gruppe (Insecta: Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Annalen Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 92, 77 - 85.

Redtenbacher, L. (1849) Fauna Austriaca. Die Kafer nach der analytischen Methode. 27. C. Gerold, Wien, 883 pp.

Smreczynski, S. (1966) Ryjkovce - Curculionidae. Pidrodziny Otiorhynchinae, Brachyderinae. Klucze do oznaczania owadow Polski. Coleoptera: 19 (98 b.). Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 130 pp.











