Brachysomus (Hippomias) kubanensis, Reitter, 1888

Yunakov, Nikolai, 2022, A review of the genus Brachysomus Schoenherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae), Zootaxa 5193 (1), pp. 1-165 : 15-16

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Plazi (2022-10-03 11:03:57, last updated 2023-11-07 13:12:42)

scientific name

Brachysomus (Hippomias) kubanensis


Brachysomus (Hippomias) kubanensis View in CoL group ellipticus Yunakov, 2006: 312 E: ST (Western Caucasus)

kovali Yunakov, 2006: 315 E: GG (Abkhazia)

kubanensis Reitter, 1888: 236 (Platytarsus) E: GG (Abkhazia) ST (Western Caucasus)

Brachysomus (Hippomias) ponticus group

armatus Yunakov, 2006: 305 A: TR (Kastamonu)

assingi Yunakov, 2006: 304 A: TR

boroveci Yunakov, 2006: 303 E: GR (Peloponnes)

commutatus Košťál, 1992: 47 A: TR

curvimanus Yunakov, 2006: 306 A: TR (Izmir)

oertzeni Faust, 1889: 70 E: GR (Eubea)

ponticus Apfelbeck, 1898: 296 E: BU GR A: TR

= ponticus Apfelbeck, 1899: 800 objective synonym and primary homonym

= anatolicus Smreczyński, 1977: 394

samos Yunakov & Gemann, 2012: 60 E: GR (Samos I.)

simulans Yunakov, 2006: 305 E: GR (Peloponnes)

tannourinensis Szénasi & Németh, 2019: 390 A: LB

Brachysomus (Hippomias) rhinomioides group

rhinomioides Košťál, 1992: 47 E: UK (Crimea) A: TR (Sinop)

Brachysomus (Hippomias) sulcatus group

alexeevi Yunakov, 2006: 310 E: ST (North Ossetia)

merkli Yunakov, 2006: 310 E: RO

= machaerophorus Białooki, 2007: 156 , syn. n.

podolicus Białooki, 2007: 157 E: UK

polonicus Wanat & Mazur, 2005: 292 E: PL RO UK

sulcatus Yunakov, 1999: 13 E: UK (Crimea)

Brachysomus (Hippomias) transsylvanicus group

albanicus Apfelbeck, 1911: 222 (Platytarsus) E: AL

argutus Yunakov, 2006: 308 E: SB

carpathicus Košťál, 1992: 40 E: RO SB

fallax Yunakov, 2006: 307 E: GR

laticollis Košťál, 1992: 42 E: RO

mikati Košťál, 1992: 45 E: BU (Pelasiza) GR (Drama)

moczarskii Penecke, 1924: 14 stat. res. E: GR (Thessalia)

pelex Yunakov, 2006: 302 E: GR (Athos Mt.)

transsylvanicus Seidlitz, 1868: 90 (Platytarsus) E: RO (Dobruja)

= solarii Formánek, 1906: 38

verae Košťál, 1992: 44 E: RO

xanthianus Germann, Braunert & Kakiopoulos, 2016: 178 E: GR

Identification keys

Subgenera of genus Brachysomus

1 Epifrons almost parallel-sided, at level of antennal insertion almost as wide as vertex between eyes. Both ventral and dorsal margins of antennal scrobes distinct. Lateral margins of epifrons partly hiding antennal sockets......... Brachysomus s. str.

- Epifrons distinctly narrowed apically, at level of antennal insertion narrower than vertex. Only ventral margin of antennal scrobe distinct, dorsal margin shortened or obsolete. Lateral margins of epifrons not hiding antennal sockets..... Hippomias

Species groups of subgenus Brachysomus s. str.

1 Elytral interstriae with rows of dark or light acute erect piliform setae ( Fig. 95 View FIGURES 95–99 , 100 View FIGURES 100–105 ). Recumbent scales lanceolate and piliform. Epistome in male bears process in lateroapical angle (Fig, 99, 203D, 204G)........................... B. mihoki group

- Elytral interstriae with rows of light obtuse setae ( Figs. 180A View FIGURE 180 , 190A View FIGURE 190 ). Recumbent scales oval or narrowly lanceolate, sometimes deeply excised apically. Epistome in male without process in lateroapical angle. Body length 1.5–3.0 mm............... 2

2 Body densely or sparsely covered with round, ovate, lanceolate or piliform scales, not excised at apex. Eyes slightly or (rarely) moderately convex, but not hemispherical.................................................................. 3

- Body densely covered with elongate scales deeply excised apically. Eyes strongly convex, hemispherical.... B. hirtus group

3 Body almost bare, at most very sparsely covered by short, piliform scales that appear as true hairs rather than as scales under moderate magnification (ca. 40x)............................................................ B. simplex group

- Body with dense or sparse covering of ovate or lanceolate scales................................................ 4

4 Antennal scape distinctly clavate, apical 1/3 significantly swollen................................. B. erinaceus group

- Antennal scape evenly widened to apex...................................................... B. echinatus group

Apfelbeck, V. (1898) K poznannju palearktickih curculionida (Coleoptera). Synonymicki i zoogeograpficki prinosi sa opisom novyh vrsta sa balkanskogo poluostrva [Contribution to Palaearctic Curculionidae. Synonymy and geographical data and descriptions of new species in the Balkan peninsula] Glasnik zemeljskog muzeja Bosni i Hercegovini, 10, 265 - 313.

Apfelbeck, V. (1899) Zur Kenntniss der palaarktischen Curculioniden. Systematische und zoogeographische Beitrage nebst Beschreibungen neuer Arten von der Balkanhalbinsel. Otiorhynchini et Brachyderini. Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus Bosnien und der Hercegowina, 6, 773 - 816.

Apfelbeck, V. (1911) Contributiones ad coleopterorum faunam peninsulae balcanicae. Prinosi poznavanju faune koleoptera Balkanskog Poluostrova. II. Dio. Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini, 23, 209 - 223.

Bialooki, P. (2007) On new taxa of Entiminae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Turkey and South-Eastern Europe. Annales of Upper Silesian Museum, Entomology, 14 - 15, 135 - 195.

Faust, J. (1889) Griechische Curculioniden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1, 66 - 91.

Formanek, R. (1906) Bemerkungen uber bekannte Russler und Beschreibung einer neuen Art. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 25, 38 - 40.

Germann, Ch., Braunert, C. & Kakiopoulos, G. (2016) Brachysomus (Hippomias) xanthianus sp. n. from Thrace, Greece (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 89, 177 - 182. https: // doi. org / 10.5281 / zenodo. 192629

Kostal, M. (1992) Revision der Brachysomus transsylvanicus - Gruppe (Insecta, Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Brachyderinae). Entomologische Abhandlungen, 55 (3), 35 - 49.

Penecke, K. (1924) Zwei neue Russelkafer aus Thessalien. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 41, 13 - 16.

Reitter, E. (1888) Coleopteren aus Circassien, gesammelt von Hans Leder im Jahre 1887. I Theil. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 7, 19 - 26.

Seidlitz, G. (1868) Die Otiorhynchiden sensu str. nach den morphologischen Verwandschaftverhaltnissen ihres Hautscelets. Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift, 12, 1 - 153.

Smreczynski, S. (1977) Neue Russelkaferarten aus Griechenland und aus der Turkei (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, 22 (10), 387 - 396.

Szenasi, V. & Nemeth T. (2019) Description of a new species of the subgenus Hippomias Yunakov, 2006 in the genus Brachysomus Schoenherr, 1823 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) from Lebanon. Zootaxa, 4658 (2), 389 - 395. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4658.2.13

Wanat, M. & Mazur, M. (2005) A new species of Brachysomus from Poland (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae). Genus, 16 (2), 291 - 298.

Yunakov, N. N. (1999) Contribution to the knowledge of broad-nosed weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Entiminae) of Ukraine. Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 7 (1), 9 - 16.

Yunakov, N. N. (2006) Contribution to a revision of the genus Brachysomus Schoenh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Entiminae). Description of new taxa. Proceedings of the Russian Entomological Society, 77, 294 - 329.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 180. Brachysomus echinatus: A: body; B: epistome; C: spermatheca; D: aedeagus, dorsal and lateral view; E: tegmen.

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FIGURE 190. Brachysomus frivaldszkyi: A: body; B: aedeagus, dorsal and lateral view; C: tegmen; D: spermatheca; E: tergite VIII.

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FIGURES 95–99. Brachysomus mihoki, details:. 95: main view, male. 96: main view, female. 97: head, dorsal view. 98: head, lateral view. 99: head, ventral view, lateroapical process showed by arrows.

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FIGURES 100–105. Brachysomus, details: 100: B. podlussanyi sp. n. main view. 101: podlussanyi sp. n., head dorsal view. 102: B. podlussanyi sp. n., head lateral view. 103: B. pseudosetiger sp. n., main view. 104: B. pseudosetiger sp. n., head dorsal view. 105: B. pseudosetiger sp. n., head lateral view.











