Cephennodes (Fusionodes) corpulentus, Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2015

Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2015, The Cephenniini of China. VII. New species and new records of Cephennodes Reitter of Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae), Zootaxa 4033 (3), pp. 393-410 : 404-407

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4033.3.5

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scientific name

Cephennodes (Fusionodes) corpulentus

sp. nov.

Cephennodes (Fusionodes) corpulentus sp. n.

( Figs 23 View FIGURES 23 – 25 , 26–28 View FIGURES 26 – 31 )

Type material. Holotype: CHINA (Sichuan Province): ♂, four labels: " CHINA: W-Sichuan / Ya'an Pref., Tianquan / Co., E Erlang Shan Pass" [white, printed]; " 2900m, 20.VI.1999 / 29.52.36N, 102.17.82E / leg.A.Pütz" [white, printed]; "Sammlung / Andreas Pütz / Eisenhüttenstadt" [yellow, printed]; " CEPHENNODES / (FUSIONODES) / corpulentus m. / det. P. Jałoszyński, '15 / HOLOTYPUS " [red, printed] (cAP).

Diagnosis. Aedeagus in ventral view with nearly egg-shaped capsular part, distal columella weakly protruding; dorsal subapical projection in dorsal view with large oval 'head' and in lateral view strongly protruding dorsally and curved distally.

Description. Body of male ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 23 – 25 ) strongly convex, oval with distinct but shallow constriction between pronotum and elytra, uniformly light brown, covered with yellowish vestiture. BL 1.58 mm.

Head broadest at moderately large but strongly convex and coarsely faceted eyes, HL 0.25 mm, HW 0.35 mm; vertex and frons confluent, weakly convex; supraantennal tubercles weakly raised. Punctures on frons and vertex distinct, moderately large but shallow and with moderately sharp margins, separated by spaces equal to or slightly wider than diameters of punctures; setae short, sparse, suberect. Antennae moderately long, gradually broadening distally from antennomere VII, AnL 0.80 mm, antennomeres I and II strongly elongate, III–V each indistinctly elongate, VI about as long as broad, VII distinctly elongate, VIII distinctly shorter than VII and about as long as broad, IX and X slightly transverse, XI about as long as IX–X together, twice as long as broad, with pointed apex.

Pronotum semioval, strongly convex and distinctly flattened near hind corners, broadest between middle and anterior third; PL 0.50 mm, PW 0.66 mm. Anterior margin arcuate; lateral margins strongly rounded in anterior half and nearly straight in posterior third, distinctly convergent toward nearly right-angled posterior pronotal corners; posterior margin shallowly bisinuate; lateral carinae very narrow and not demarcated from disc; lateral antebasal pits large and deep, each located slightly closer to lateral than to posterior pronotal margin. Punctures on pronotal disc very fine and shallow but dense, those near each anterior pronotal corner appear as slightly coarse scale-like but very fine microsculpture; setae moderately dense and long, only slightly suberect.

Elytra slightly more convex than pronotum, oval, broadest near anterior third and strongly narrowing caudad; EL 0.83 mm, EW 0.73 mm, EI 1.14; subhumeral lines carinate, moderately sharply marked, as long as 0.33 EL and distinctly divergent caudad; basal fovea on each elytron located slightly closer to lateral margin of mesoscutellum than to subhumeral line; elytral apices unmodified, separately rounded. Punctures on elytra slightly more distinct than those on pronotal disc but still superficial and unremarkable; setae similar to those on pronotum. Hind wings not studied.

Metaventrite with short setose postmesocoxal impressions.

Legs moderately long and slender; all tibiae nearly straight.

Aedeagus ( Figs 26–28 View FIGURES 26 – 31 ) stout, AeL 0.40 mm; median lobe in ventral view with egg-shaped capsular part, with lateral apical lobes weakly protruding laterally and distal columella weakly protruding distally; columella with obtuse-angled distal margin; subapical dorsal projection in dorsal view with broad oval head and broad subtriangular base, with constriction in between, in lateral view dorsal subapical projection protruding strongly dorsally and curved distally; dorsal subtriangular projections robust and long; parameres strongly curved mesally and touching at middle at base of distal columella, numerous parameral setae located in subapical region.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Central-southern China: Sichuan Province.

Etymology. The name corpulentus (Latin "corpulent, fleshy, fat") refers to the stout body of this species.

Remarks. External morphology of species included in the subgenus Fusionodes is usually unremarkable, whereas the aedeagi are most complicated among Cephenniini of the Northern Hemisphere and show an enormous array of often monstrous apical lobes and projections, which are strikingly different even between externally almost identical species. The aedeagus of C. corpulentus is most similar to that of C. serratus (which is also known from Sichuan); no other species of Fusionodes has a similar lateral apical lobes surrounding the central apical columella, subtriangular 'fins' or robust lobes projecting from dorsal wall distally to the orifice at the parameral bases and a tail-like dorsal subapical projection. The aedeagus of C. corpulentus is stouter than that of C. serratus , in ventral view the distal margin of columella is obtuse-angled (distinctly subtriangular, nearly right-angled in C. serratus ), and in dorsal view the dorsal subapical projection has a broad oval head and is strongly constricted in its sub-basal region (broadest at base and narrowing toward subtriangular, rounded apex in C. serratus ). Cephennodes corpulentus is also distinctly smaller than C. serratus , with BL 1.58 mm vs. 1.82–1.84 mm, respectively.

















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