Agathidium fawcettae Miller and Wheeler, 2005

MILLER, KELLY B. & WHEELER, QUENTIN D., 2005, Slime-Mold Beetles Of The Genus Agathidium Panzer In North And Central America, Part Ii. Coleoptera: Leiodidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 (291), pp. 1-167 : 161-163

publication ID<0001:SBOTGA>2.0.CO;2

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Felipe (2021-08-29 11:40:49, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 14:30:05)

scientific name

Agathidium fawcettae Miller and Wheeler

sp. nov.

Agathidium fawcettae Miller and Wheeler View in CoL ,

new species Figures 172 View Figs , 354–356 View Figs , 380 View Fig

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype, Ƌ in AMNH labeled ‘‘NC: Macon Co., Highlands VIII Q.D.Wheeler Lot #8 4021/ HOLOTYPE

Agathidium fawcettae Miller and Wheeler, 2003 [red label with black line border]’’.

TYPE LOCALITY: United States, North Carolina, Macon Co., Highlands.

DIAGNOSIS: This species is distinguishable from most species by the large, well­developed eyes, the prominent sutural stria extending nearly two­thirds the length of the elytron (in most specimens), the moderately broad metasternum beset with setae and relatively large metasternal fovea, the small metafemoral tooth (fig. 172), and the characteristic male genitalia (figs. 354–356). This species is exceptionally similar to A. exiguum . See the diagnosis under that species for characters to separate the two.

DESCRIPTION: Body small to moderately large (TBL = 1.95–2.66 mm), broad, robust (PNW/TBL = 0.46–0.55), rounded, strongly contractile.

Head and pronotum dark red; elytra red to dark red, not iridescent; venter red to redbrown; antennae and palpi red­yellow; legs yellow to yellow­red.

Head broad (MDL/OHW = 0.59–0.60), dorsal surface flattened, dorsoventrally compressed; with very fine punctures, each with a short, very fine seta, surface between punctures shiny, lightly microreticulate, consisting of fine, isodiametric cells; frontoclypeal suture obsolete medially; eyes prominent, protruding, not reduced; gula concave; antennomere ratios: length I:II:III = 1.6:1.0:1.9, width VII:VIII:IX = 1.0:1.0:1.9. Pronotum very large, broad (PNL/PNW = 0.68), strongly convex, anterolateral lobes strongly produced, lateral margin broadly curved, not angulate; with very fine, sparse punctures, each with a short, very fine seta, surface between punctures shiny, lightly microreticulate. Elytra broad, lateral margins strongly rounded, apically rounded (SEL/ELW = 0.78–1.07); punctation and surface similar to pronotum; sutural stria extending from apex to nearly two­thirds length of elytron. Flight wings well developed. Mesosternum broad, not declivitous; medial carina moderately developed. Metasternum relatively slender (MTL/MTW = 0.15–0.17), medially flat, gently sloping dorsad anteriorly; oblique femoral carinae well developed, but not prominent medially on metasternum.

Male tarsi 5­5­4; pro­ and mesobasotar­ someres somewhat laterally expanded, with small ventral field of spatulate setae; mandibles not modified; metafemur moderately broad, with small, subapical tooth on posterior margin, apical margin irregularly sinuate (fig. 172); metasternal fovea large, transversely ovoid, with large brush of fine, dense, long seta. Median lobe in lateral aspect slender, bent basally, gently curved thereafter, apical portion long and thick in lateral aspect, not distinctly expanded apically (fig. 355); in ventral aspect slender, lateral margins parallel, apical portion slightly constricted medially, apex broadly rounded (fig. 354); operculum flat, short, robust, broad basally, gradually narrowed to broadly rounded apex (fig. 354); lateral lobes very slender throughout length, long, nearly straight, very slightly expanded apically, with 2 stout, subapical setae (fig. 356).

Female tarsi 5­4­4.

ETYMOLOGY: Named in honor of scientific illustrator Frances Fawcett for her superb contributions to this study of Agathidium and her encouragement over many years.

DISTRIBUTION: This species is widespread in eastern North America (fig. 380).

PARATYPES: CANADA: Nova Scotia: Portaupique, 25 Aug 1929, CA Frost (1, CNCI). Ontario: Black Sturg. Lake , 1 Aug 1956, Lindberg (1, CNCI) ; Manitoulin I. 2 mi S Maple Pt, 23 May 1982, FIT, A Ritchie (1, CNCI) ; Constance Bay , 12 Jun 1978, M Sanborne (1, CNCI) ; Thunder Bay, Powell Lakes , 24 May 1980, mixed birchpoplar­pine, FIT, M Kaulbass (1, PECK) ; Alfred Bog, Alfred, 10 Jun 1984, M Sanborne (4, CNCI). Quebec: Hull , 29 Jul 1984, BRI staff (1, CNCI) ; Duparquet , 3 Jun 1939, ‘‘lake shore wash up’’, GS Smith (3, CASC) ; Hull, Gatineau Park nr Pinks Lake , 23 Jun 1979, malaise, S Peck, A Davies (1, CNCI) ; Hull Gatineau Park. nr Pinks Lake , 23 May 1979, malaise, S Peck, A Davies (2, PECK) .

UNITED STATES: Alabama: Jeff Co.: Hoover, 9 Sep 1982, U. V., T King (4, CNCI). Georgia: Rabun Co. : Satolah, 29 May 1983, Rhododendron mixed leaf litter, DS Chandler (2, DENH) ; Wilkinson Co.: Big Sandy Creek 8 mi S Irvinton , US 441, 5 Jun 1984, FIT, SA Marshall (1, PECK). Illinois: Champaign Co.: Mahomet, Hart Woods, 20 May 1979, oak woods, malaise, S and J Peck (7, CNCI). Kentucky: Edmonson Co.: Mammoth Cave NP, 15 May 1981, mesic forest, FIT, S and J Peck (1, PECK) ; Mammoth Cave NP, 15 May 1983, mesic forest, FIT, S and J Peck (2, PECK). Massachusetts: state only (1, CMNH). Minnesota: Brainerd, 21 Jun 1951, EJ Kiteley (5, CNCI). New Hampshire: Belk Co.: Lower Gilmanton , 23 Apr 1982, leaf litter, Berlese, SL Radke (1, DENH) ; Carr. Co.: 1 mi N Wonalancet , 7 Aug 1985, FIT, DS Chandler (36, CNCI) ; Coos Co.: Norton Pool , 3 mi NE East Inlet Dam, 26 May 1986, conifer logs, DS Chandler (1, CNCI) ; Norton Pool , 2 mi E East Inlet Dam, 7 Sep 1984, rotten spruce/fir logs, DS Chandler (18, CNCI) ; Norton Pool , 3 mi NE East Inlet Dam, 9 Jul 1986, conifer logs, DS Chandler (1, CNCI) ; Straf Co.: 1 mi SW Durham , 2 Jul 1987, DS Chandler (1, CNCI) ; Spruce Hole 3 mi SW Durham, 27 May 1987, FIT, DS Chandler (2, CNCI) ; Spruce Hole 3 mi SW Durham, 26 May 1987, under oak bark, DS Chandler (1, CNCI) ; Straf. Co.: 1 mi SW Durham , 27 Apr 1987, DS Chandler (2, CNCI) ; Spruce Hole , 3 mi SW Durham, 12 Jun 1982, fir litter, Berlese, DS Chandler (4, DENH) ; 4 mi W Durham, 18 Jun 1982, window trap, RM Reeves (10, DENH). New York: Up Saranac, 11 Jul 1928, JW Green (1, CASC). North Carolina: Valley of Black Mts , 10 Sep 1906, W Beutenmuller (1, AMNH) ; Black Mts, 2 Jul (1, CASC) ; Black Mts (1, CASC) ; Avery Co.: Linville Falls Blue Ridge Parkway mi 317, 2 Jun 1981, 3500̍, FIT, S Peck (3, CNCI) ; Buncombe Co.: Great Cragy Mts, Blue Ridge Parkway mi 371, 2 Jun 1981, FIT, S Peck (14, CNCI) ; Great Cragy Mts Blue Ridge Parkway mi 371, 2 Jun 1981, 4000̍, FIT, S Peck (1, PECK) ; Caldwell Co.: 7 Jun 1985, W Peckard (1, CNCI) ; Haywood Co.: Balsam Mt Blue Ridge Parkway mi 439, 3 Jun 1981, 4400̍, FIT, S Peck (1, CNCI) ; Jackson Co.: Blue Ridge Parkway Bear Paw Gap mi 29, 5 Jul 1984, FIT, SA Marshall (1, PECK) ; Macon Co.: Highlands , 9 Jun 1981, QD Wheeler (1, QDWC) ; 1.5 mi NW Highlands , 2 Jul 1983, 3000̍, mixed vegetation, J Pakaluk (1, AMNH) ; Highlands , 4 Jun 1981, QD Wheeler (5, QDWC) ; Highlands , 4 Jun 1981, QD Wheeler (2, QDWC) ; 3 mi NW Highlands , 29 May 1983, rotten wood, DS Chandler (1, DENH) ; Highlands, Aug, QD Wheeler (2, QDWC) ; 3 mi NW Highlands , 14 Aug 1981, on Fuligo Septica, QD Wheeler (1, QDWC). Pennsylvania: Allegheny (1, CMNH) ; Clinton Co.: Bald Eagle Mountain 2 mi W Lamar, 23 Dec 1975, QD Wheeler (1, QDWC) ; Hunt Co.: Rothrock St. Forest Seeger Nat. Area , 30 May 1985, mixed leaf litter, DS Chandler (1, CNCI) ; Luzerne Co.: Nuangola , 12 May 1985, forest, FIT, S Peck (2, PECK) ; Warren Co.: Alleghany Natl For. Hearts Content Scenic Area, 29 May 1985, pine leaf litter, DS Chandler (1, CNCI). South Carolina: Oconee Co. : 12 mi NW Walhalla Oconee St. Park, 3 Jun 1981, FIT, S Peck (1, PECK) ; 12 mi NW Walhalla Oconee St. Park, 3 Jun 1981, 1700̍, FIT, S Peck (7, CNCI). Virginia: Franklin Co.: Blue Ridge Parkway mi 154, Smart View , 31 Aug 1981, 2560̍, FIT, S Peck (7, CNCI) ; Giles Co.: White Rocks , 13 Oct 1985, R Baranowski (1, LUND) ; 6 Oct 1984, 4100̍, on Hemitrichia clavata, SL Stephenson (2, CUIC) ; Grayson Co.: 7 Jul 1983, 5700̍, on Badhamia sp. , SL Stephenson (1, CUIC) ; Pulaski Co.: 7 mi SE Mechanicsburg , 9 Oct 1985, R Baranowski (1, LUND) ; Tazewell Co.: 5 mi N Broadford, 12 Oct 1985, R Baranowski (1, LUND). West Virginia: Nicholas Co.: 8.2 km NE Richwood , 12 May 1986, A Smetana (2, CNCI) ; Preston Co.: 21 Sep 1984, 2600̍, on Physarum viride, SL Stephenson (1, CUIC) ; Tucker Co.: 23 Sep 1984, 3200̍, on Leocarpus fragilis, SL Stephenson (1, CUIC) .

DISCUSSION: This species is extremely similar to A. exiguum . However, the consistent differences in the shape of the apex of the median lobe indicate that two species should be recognized.

This species has been collected nearly every month. It occurs in various conifer and deciduous forest types and has been collected from a wide variety of litter types. Elevation records are from 1700 to 5700 ft. Host records include Fuligo septica , Physarum viride , Leocarpus fragilis , Hemitrichia clavata , and Badhamia sp.

Species of Uncertain Status

A. difficile Matthews

Agathidium difficile Matthews, 1887: 76 View in CoL .

TYPE MATERIAL: Lectotype (designated here to clarify assignment of this name to this species), ♀ in BMNH labeled ‘‘Type [circular label with red line around edge]/ Cerro de Plumas , Mexico. Hoege./ Agathidium difficile [handwritten, yellow label with black line along bottom]/B. C.A., Col., II, I’’. Matthews did not indicate the number of specimens on which he based this description. The single specimen we examined ( BMNH) is therefore designated as the lectotype.

TYPE LOCALITY: Mexico, state of Mexico, Cerro de Plumas.

DISCUSSION: This species was not included in Fall’s (1934b) revision. The lectotype is a female glued to a card. Many of the appendages (legs and antennae) are broken but are glued to the card as well. Because the specimen is a female it is impossible at this time to confidently assign other specimens to this species or to exclusively diagnose the species. It is clearly a member of the A. oniscoides group and the A. aztec subgroup. The eyes are relatively large and multifaceted and TBL = 2.3. The specimen is nearly black, not iridescent, and is very typical of members of this group of species. Matthews (1887) pointed out that specimens have a longitudinal impressed line immediately adjacent to the suture in addition to a sutural stria. However, most A. aztec subgroup species have a similar impressed line and a sutural stria. We did not remove the apparently very fragile specimen from the card or otherwise seek to examine the ventral surface for possible distinguishing features. Instead, we chose to leave the specimen for a future researcher to examine with improved technology and knowledge of Agathidium oniscoides group females.

Fall, H. C. 1934 b. A review of the North American species of Agathidium. Entomologica Americana 14: 99 - 131.

Matthews, A. 1887. Insecta, Coleoptera, Silphidae, Corylophidae, Trichopterygidae, Sphaeriidae, Scaphidiidae. In F. C. Godman and O. Salvin (editors), Biologia Centrali-Americana; or, contributions to the knowledge of the fauna and flora of Mexico and Central America: pp. 72 - 96. London: R. H. Porter.

Gallery Image

Figs. 145–172. Agathidium oniscoides­group species, left male metafemur, ventral aspect: 145, A. oculeum. 146, A. recurvatum. 147, A. impensum. 148, A. cheneyi. 149, A. tenangoense. 150, A. rumsfeldi. 151, A. hirsutum. 152, A. cortezi. 153, A. tumidiventre. 154, A. aztec. 155, A. iridescens. 156, A. dentigerum. 157, A. stephani. 158, A. akrogeneios. 159, A. appalachium. 160, A. pocahontasae. 161, A. carolinense. 162, A. gallititillo. 163, A. divaricatum. 164, A. bushi. 165, A. georgiaense. 166, A. chauliodoum. 167, A. microphthalmum. 168, A. nimbosilva. 169, A. oniscoides. 170, A. rubellum. 171, A.

Gallery Image

Figs. 329–356. Agathidium oniscoides­group species, aedeagus: 329–313, A. bushi: 329, ventral; 330, median lobe, lateral; 331, left lateral lobe, lateral. 332–334, A. georgiaense: 332, ventral; 333, median lobe, lateral; 334, left lateral lobe, lateral. 335–337, A. chauliodoum: 335, ventral; 336, median lobe, lateral; 337, left lateral lobe, lateral. 338–340, A. microphthalmum: 338, ventral; 339, median lobe, lateral; 340, left lateral lobe, lateral. 341–343, A. nimbosilva: 341, ventral; 342, median lobe, lateral; 343, left lateral lobe, lateral. 344–347, A. oniscoides: 344, ventral; 345, apex of median lobe, ventral, specimen from Macon City, NC; 346, median lobe, lateral; 347, left lateral lobe, lateral. 348–350, A. rubellum: 348, ventral; 349, median lobe, lateral; 350, left lateral lobe, lateral. 351–353, A. exiguum: 351, ventral; 352, median lobe, lateral; 353, left lateral lobe, lateral. 354–356, A. fawcettae: 354, ventral; 355, median lobe, lateral; 356, left lateral lobe, lateral.

Gallery Image

Fig. 380. Geographic distribution of Agathidium fawcettae.


American Museum of Natural History


Chicago Academy of Sciences


Canadian National Collection Insects


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


California Academy of Sciences, Dudley Herbarium


University of New Hampshire


Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratiore de Paleontologie


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Ein Yabrud collection catalogue entries at The Hebrew University


McGill University, Redpath Museum


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Cornell University Insect Collection











