Cryptus, Fabricius, 1804

Watanabe, Kyohei, 2020, Expression of green fluorescent protein defines a specific population of lamina II excitatory interneurons in the GRP :: eGFP mouse, Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum (Natural Science) 49, pp. 29-66 : 41

publication ID 10.5167/uzh-196963


persistent identifier

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Key to Japanese species of the genus Cryptus View in CoL View at ENA (Female only)

(Female of Cr. lugubris atrifemur View in CoL is unknown)

1. Metasomal tergites largely red or orange ( Figs 6D, E View Fig )....................................................................................2

-. Metasomal tergites without large red or orange area.................................................................................3

2. Metasomal tergites red except for base of T I and T IV (excluding base) to apex of metasoma. Flagellum with a white band. Body usually longer than 10 mm. .............................. Cr. dianae (Gravenhorst, 1829) View in CoL

-. Metasomal tergites entirely orange except for base of T I ( Figs 6D, E View Fig ). Flagellum without a white band ( Fig. 6D View Fig ). Body shorter than 8.5 mm. ....................................... Cr. daidaigaster sp. nov.

3. Legs nearly entirely black. Antenna without a white band. Apex of metasomal tergite without a white spot. ....................................... Cr. konoi Uchida, 1936 View in CoL

-. Femora reddish brown to red. Antenna with a white band. Apex of metasomal tergite with or without a white spot.............................................................................4

4. Apex of T VII without a white spot. Fore and mid coxae each entirely black. ...................................... Cr. spiralis (Fourcroy, 1785) View in CoL

-. Apex of T VII with an oval white spot. Fore and mid coxae each black with yellow area. ...................................... Cr. nipponensis Uchida, 1930 View in CoL (not seen by the author)

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