Asteromphalus hepactis (de Brébisson) Ralfs

Lobban, Christopher S., 2015, Benthic marine diatom flora of Guam: new records, redescription of Psammodictyon pustulatum n. comb., n. stat., and three new species (Colliculoamphora gabgabensis, Lauderia excentrica, and Rhoiconeis pagoensis), Micronesica 2015 (2), pp. 1-49 : 3

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12117576


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scientific name

Asteromphalus hepactis (de Brébisson) Ralfs


Asteromphalus hepactis (de Brébisson) Ralfs Figs 8, 9

Ref. illus.: Hustedt 1927 –1930, fig. 277; Cupp 1943, fig. 32; Hendey 1964, pl. 24, fig. 5; Hernández-Becerril 1991, pl. 28, 29

Samples: GU56A-2, GU52N-4

Dimensions: Length 51 µm, width 47 µm, areolae 5.5 in 10 µm

Diagnostics: One singular ray reaching the center, 6 wide ordinary rays around it (i.e., 7 segments), large areolae.

Comments: Record based on one internal SEM view; the high mantle, shown in HernándezBecerril’s (1991) images is not evident in the vertical image, but the specimen is otherwise consistent with those images and Hustedt’s (1927 –1930) drawing and description.

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