Tachinus, Gravenhorst, 1802

Veselova, Elena, 2011, On the fauna of Tachyporinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of the Russian Far East. I. The genus Tachinus Gravenhorst, 1802, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 11 (1), pp. 73-92 : 74-77

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13204293

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Tachinus View in CoL (Tachino derus) rubricollis

Rambousek, 1921 sp. propria

( Figs. 1–7 View Figures 1–10 , 12–17, 19–20, 22–24.)

Tachinus rubricollis Rambousek, 1921 View in CoL , Časopis Československé Společnosti Entomologické, XVII, 3–4: 82

Tachinus (s.str.) rubricollis View in CoL ; Winkler, 1925: 402 Tachinus rubricollis View in CoL ; Scheerpeltz, 1934: 1512 Tachinus (s.str.) rubricollis View in CoL ; Tichomirova, 1973a: 150

Tachinus rubricollis View in CoL ; Ullrich, 1975: 11 Tachinus rubricollis View in CoL ; Kurcheva, 1977: 66 Tachinus rubricollis View in CoL ; Herman, 2001, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 265: 979

Tachinus (incertae sedis) rubricollis View in CoL ; Smetana, 2004: 349

Tachinus (s.str.) latissimus Tichomirova, 1973 , Ekologia pochvennykh bespozvonochnykh: 116, syn.nov.

Tachinus (s.str.) latissimus ; Tichomirova, 1973a: 150

Tachinus latissimus ; Kurcheva, 1977: 66 Tachinus (s.str.) latissimus ; Ullrich, 1975: 173 Tachinus latissimus ; Filatova, 1983, Teoretikografovyie metody v biogeograficheskikh issledovaniyakh: 73

Tachinus (s.str.) latissimus ; Herman, 2001, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 265: 956

Tachinus (s.str.) latissimus ; Smetana, 2004: 346

[?] Tachinus nigriceps View in CoL ; J. Li, 1992: 55

[?] Tachinus nigriceps ; J. Li, 1993, Studies on fauna and ecogeography of soil animals: 43

Tachinus (Tachinoderus) nigriceps ; L.-Z. Li, 1995a, The Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology, I(2): 209

Tachinus (Tachinoderus) nigriceps (pars); Schülke, 2005, Linzer biologische Beiträge, 37(2): 1569

Tachinus View in CoL (Tachino derus) nigriceps View in CoL mandschuricus Ullrich, 1975: 317, syn.nov.

Tachinus (Tachinoderus) nigriceps mandschurius (sic!); Herman, 2001, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 265: 971

Tachinus (Tachinoderus) nigriceps mandschuricus ; Smetana, 2004: 344

Material. CHINA: Holotype, male: „Chikuanshan | S.Mandschur[ia] [NE China, Jilin Province, Chi-kuan Shan, 42,99ºN 130,27ºE]”, „ nigriceps Shp | det. Bernh[auer] | lg. Rost. BangH[aa]s”, „Chicago NH Mus[eum] | M.Bernhauer | Collection”, „ nigriceps Shp. | Ann. Mag. N. Hist. | 1889, p. 384.” <folded>, „ Holotypus | Tachinus male | nigriceps ssp. | nov. mandschuri- | cus | des. | W.G.Ullrich 1974 | <vertically:>No. 22244” <red>, „ Tachinus male | nigriceps | ssp.n. mandschuri- | cus | W.G.Ullrich det. | <vertically:>No. 22244”, „ Tachinus (Tachinoderus) | rubricollis Rambousek male | E.M.Veselova det. 2007” ( FMNH).― RUSSIA: MARITIME PROVINCE: Holotype, female: „[42,46ºN 130,63ºE] S Maritime Province. Khasan Village. | Under bark of tree | VI-1967. Tihomirova” <In Russian>, ” Holotypus. Tachinus | latissimus | A.Tichomirova 1967”<red>, „ Tachinus (Tachinoderus) female | rubricollis Rambousek | E.M.Veselova det. 2007” ( ZIN).― 1 female: Tumannyi Cape [43ºN 134º07’E], 03.10.1948 [collector unknown] ( ZMMU).― 1 male: Ussuriyskiy District, Kamenushka, 02.06.1990, S. V.Kazantsev leg.-― 1 female: flood-plain of Poyma River, 30.07– 06.08.1999, A. V.Shavrin leg. „ Tachinus (Tachinoderus) nigriceps Sharp , det. M.Schülke, 2009” ( EV).― 1 male: Siniy Mt. Ridge, 4 km E of Yevseyevka. 07– 09.08.1999. A. V.Shavrin leg. „ Tachinus (Tachinoderus) nigriceps Sharp , det. M.Schülke, 2009” ( EV).― 1 female: Lazovskiy Nature Reserve, Lazo, valley of Lazovka River, 26– 29.06.2007.A. V.Shavrin leg. „ Tachinus (Tachinoderus) nigriceps Sharp , det. M.Schülke, 2008” (collection of A. V. Shavrin, Irkutsk).― 1 female: Lazovskiy Nature Reserve, cordon Prosyolochniy (Ta–Chingouza), 01– 03.07.2007. A. V.Shavrin leg. „ Tachinus (Tachinoderus) nigriceps Sharp , det. M.Schülke, 2008” (collection of A. V. Shavrin, Irkutsk).― JEWISH AUTONOMOUS AREA: 1 male: Dichun, Amur River, 130º45’E, near Radde, 08.08.1978, leg. V. V.Belov ( EV).― KHABAROVSK TERRITORY: 1 male: Bolshekhekhtsirskiy Nature Reserve, Sosninskiy cordon, 25.05.2004, leg. A. V.Tanasevitch ( EV).― AMUR AREA: 1 male, 3 females: Mazanovskiy District, Nora River mouth, 210 m a.s.l., mosses and leaf litter on natural levee and in flood-plain forest with Alnus sp. , Salix spp. , Padus sp. , ferns, Poaceae gen. spp., Carex spp. , Smilacina davurica , etc. 05.08.2006, EV & AR leg. ( EV).― 2 males, 8 females: same place 06.08.2006, EV & AR leg. ( EV).― 1 male: same locality, bracket-fungi and epigenous gill fungi on dead and alive standing willows, 06.08.2006, EV &AR leg ( EV).

Differential diagnosis. T. rubricollis differs from the closely related T. nigriceps Sharp, 1888 by the antennal segment 10 shorter, as wide as long, by the apical segment of maxillary palpi more elongated, about twice as long as penultimate one, by the absence of ground sculpture on the pronotum, by the elytra shining without distinct ground sculpture throughout, excluding the very base and posterolateral angles.

The male of T. rubricollis is distinguishable by the acute angular shape of the medioposterior impression of the abdominal sternite 7 with a peculiar granular pattern (figs. 19–20), by the narrower emargination of the abdominal sternite 8 (figs. 15–17), by the less robust and more tapering parameres (figs. 1–6), by the not helical sclerotized tube of the endophallus (fig. 7).

The female of T. rubricollis differs from those of T. nigriceps by the deeper lateral emarginations of the abdominal tergite 8 (fig. 23). The spermatheca as in fig. 24.

Remarks. The description of T. rubricollis Rambousek, 1921 is based on the male collected by S.Jureček in Vladivostok under an oak in 1919. This type had remained the single known specimen of T. rubricollis till the Japanese Tachinus revision by L.-Z.Li (1995, 1995a) was published. Unfortunately, despite several requests, the holotype of T. rubricollis from the National Museum (Natural History), Prague, had not been made available for my examination.

T. latissimus Tichomirova, 1973 was described from Khasan (S Maritime Province); it was not compared with T. rubricollis in the differential diagnosis, but it was stated to be allied to T. (s.str.) collaris Gravenhorst, 1802 (a synonym of T. corticinus Gravenhorst, 1802 ). Tichomirova has definitely never seen Rambousek’s type; T. collaris , T. rubricollis , and T. latissimus are placed one after another in the Catalogue of the USSR Staphylinid fauna ( Tichomirova 1973a).

Ullrich (1975, p.11) had not seen any specimens of T. rubricollis and T. latissimus when describing T. nigriceps mandschuricus from Chi-kuan Shan (SE Mandschuria). Having seen no types of both species, L.-Z. Li (1995a) redescribed T. rubricollis under the name of T. nigriceps (see below). Later, Schülke (2005) without having revised the types of T. nigriceps mandschuricus and T. nigriceps Sharp, 1888 placed both the former and T. rubricollis in the synonymy of T. nigriceps , though he had examined the holotype of T. rubricollis carefully and provided a redescription with photographs of both the total beetle and the details.

I have studied the types of T. latissimus and T. nigriceps mandschuricus . Those correspond well to Rambousek’s description of T. rubricollis and also to the redescriptions by both L.-Z.Li (under the name of T. nigriceps ) and Schülke. Therefore T. latissimus and T. nigriceps mandschuricus are to be considered as junior synonyms of T. rubricollis . The types of all the three taxa are noteworthy in having been collected within a restricted geographical area (the type locality of T. nigriceps mandschuricus was mapped by Schülke (l.c.) erroneously). At the same time, neither the T. nigriceps female holotype nor the male of the same species from the type locality (see below) are conspecific with T. rubricollis (see the „Differential diagnosis” above). Thus, T. rubricollis can not be regarded as a synonym of T. nigriceps .

T. rubricollis has been known from both Far-Eastern islands and the Asian mainland: S Maritime Province ( Rambousek 1921; Tichomirova 1973; Kurcheva 1977; Filatova 1983; Schülke 2005), NE China ( Ullrich 1975; Schülke 2005), and Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (L.-Z. Li 1995a). The records of T. nigriceps from Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces, NE China (J. Li 1992, 1993), seem to be related to T. rubricollis as no reliable finds of the former from the Asian mainland are known. In the present paper, T. rubricollis is also recorded for the first time for the N Amur basin and the Khabarovsk Territory. Now one can suppose the Nora River mouth to be a NW limit of the species range.


Field Museum of Natural History


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













Veselova, Elena 2011

Tachinus (incertae sedis) rubricollis

Smetana A. 2004: 349

Tachinus (s.str.) latissimus

Smetana A. 2004: 346

Tachinus (Tachinoderus) nigriceps mandschuricus

Smetana A. 2004: 344

Tachinus latissimus

Kurcheva G. F. 1977: 66
Ullrich W. G. 1975: 173

Tachinus rubricollis

Kurcheva G. F. 1977: 66
Ullrich W. G. 1975: 11


Ullrich W. G. 1975: 317

Tachinus (s.str.) latissimus

Tichomirova A. L. 1973: 150

Tachinus (s.str.) rubricollis

Tichomirova A. L. 1973: 150
Scheerpeltz O. 1934: 1512
Winkler A. 1925: 402
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