Paurocephala maculipennis Uichanco, 1921

Mifsud, D. & Burckhardt, D., 2002, Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Old World jumping plant-louse genus Paurocephala (Insecta, Hemiptera, Psylloidea), Journal of Natural History 36 (16), pp. 1887-1986 : 1961-1962

publication ID 10.1080/00222930110048909

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treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-08-26 16:45:24, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 21:50:15)

scientific name

Paurocephala maculipennis Uichanco


Paurocephala maculipennis Uichanco View in CoL , stat. n.

(gures 17A, 18A, G, 19A, I, K, 20A, 42) Paurocephala psylloptera maculipennis Uichanco, 1921: 276 . Syntypes, 14, 8, Philippines:

Luzon, Laguna, Los Baños , 2 February 1918, Ficus nota (C. F. Baker) Acc. No. 18178

(UPPC), not examined.

Description. Species of the psylloptera type.

Adult: head and clypeus brown; vertex covered by inconspicuous setae. Antenna brown, segments 1–3, basal half of segment 4, and entire segments 5 and 6 yellow; segment 9 without a long basal seta. Thorax entirely brown and covered by short setae dorsally. Metascutellar horn small, blunt apically. Forewing transparent; veins brown; pterostigma brown. Forewing with short setae on veins (vein Rs with 11–15 setae); Rs vein strongly curved in the middle. Surface spinules con ned to cells cu1, apex of m1 and m2; radular spinules present in m2, reduced in cu1. Legs yellow to brown, tarsal segments darker. Meracanthus short, curved laterally, pointed apically. Abdomen brown, genitalia yellow. Male paramere almost straight, widest in distal third, truncate apically, few relatively short setae posteriorly visible from lateral view; inner surface with two hooks apically, row of stout setae con ned to basal half. Measurements and ratios as in table 2A–C.

Fifth instar larva: colour unknown. Antenna 9-segmented; segments 1 and 2 without sectaseta, agellum with ve sectasetae grouped in 2, 2 and 1. Dorsal sclerites covered by sectasetae as large as marginal ones, simple setae lacking or inconspicuous. Forewing pad with four or ve sectasetae marginally; humeral lobe lacking. Caudal plate rounded marginally; sectasetae present dorsally and marginally. Arolium triangular and petiolate, expanded basally. Anus ventral, outer circumanal ring with a single row of pores, laterally connected to two circular pore elds. Measurements and ratios as in table 3.

Host plants. Ficus nota (Moraceae) .

Distribution. Philippines ( Uichanco, 1921; Braza and Calilung, 1981) including Palawan ( Miyatake, 1971 p.p.)

Material examined. Philippines: 2, 1, Maao , Occ. Negros, P. I., 27 December 1929 , ‘ Locotol’, Mailum forest (W. D. Pierce); 1, 1, Los Baños , Mt Makiling , 3 December 1988 , Ficus sp. (A. T. Barrion) ; 6, 5, 3 larval exuviae , same data but 9 April 1965 , Ficus nota (L. D. Tuthill) ; 4, 3, same data but Laguna, College , 16 April 1976 ( R. D. Braza) ; 1, Davao (experimental station), May 1962 (M. R. Gavarra) ; 3, 3, same data but September to December 1962 ; 6, 4, same data but January to March 1963 , 1, same data but May 1963 ; 1, 2, same data but November to December 1963 , 3, same data but January to March 1964 ; Palawan: 4, 1, 18 larvae, Mt St Paul N. P., Sabang Cabayugan road, 25 January 1988, (?) Ficus sp. , ant-attended (J. H. Martin) ( BMNH, NHMB, USNM). Dry and slide mounted .

Comments. P. maculipennis Uichanco diVers from P. psylloptera Crawford in the shape of vein Rs in the forewing and in the shape of the genitalia. It is considered to be a species distinct from P. psylloptera and given here species status.

BRAZA, R. D. and CALILUNG, V. J., 1981, Some Philippine Psyllids (Psyllidae: Homoptera), The Philippine Entomologist, 4, 319 - 360.

MIYATAKE, Y., 1971, Studies on the Philippine Psyllidae (Hemiptera: Homoptera) I. Results of the Natural History Survey by Osaka Museum of Natural History and National Museum of the Philippines, 1969. Part I, Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History, 25, 51 - 60.

UICHANCO, L. B., 1921, New records and species of Psyllidae from the Philippines Islands, with descriptions of some preadult stages and habits, The Philippine Journal of Science, 18, 259 - 288, 5 pls.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Natural History Museum Bucharest


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