Dolichogenidea fernandeztrianai Abdoli and Talebi, 2019

Abdoli, P., Talebi, A. A. & Farahani, S., 2019, Dolichogenidea fernandeztrianai sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Microgastrinae) from Iran, J. Agr. Sci. Tech. 21 (3), pp. 647-658 : 650-654

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.3732008


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scientific name

Dolichogenidea fernandeztrianai Abdoli and Talebi

sp. nov.

Dolichogenidea fernandeztrianai Abdoli and Talebi sp. nov.

( Figures 2 View Figure 2 and 3 View Figure 3 )

Type of Material

Holotype: Female, Mazandaran Province, Noor, Chamestan , Tangehvaz (36° 21′ 55.68″ N, 52° 06′ 10.32″ E, 702 m a.s.l.), 05.ix.2011 ( TMUC) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 2 females, same data as Holotype ( TMUC) GoogleMaps .


The newly described species can be distinguished from all previously described species of the genus Dolichogenidea from the Palaearctic region by the following combination of characters: Antennal flagellomeres, all coxae and metafemur dark brown to black; tegula reddish yellow or yellow; pterostigma whitish yellow with brownish margin; propodeum with areola weakly defined by an impression; fore wing vein R1 as long as or slightly longer than pterostigma; vein R1 4.90× as long as distance of vein R1 to vein 3RSb ( Figure 3- A View Figure 3 ); T1 more or less parallel- to subparallelsided i.e., slightly narrower medially; T1 smooth, with a distinct protuberance on central area; T1 length 1.70× posterior width; T2 smooth, transverse and rectangular; T3 longer than T2 ( Figure 2-F View Figure 2 ); hypopygium pointed apically and slightly protruding beyond apical tergites; ovipositor sheath with uniform width from base to apex and clearly longer than metatibia ( Figure 2- E View Figure 2 ).

Description (Female-Holotype)

Body Length without Ovipositor: 2.50 mm, antennae length 2.60 mm and forewing length 2.60 mm

Head: Antenna about as long as body; F 2, 3, 14, 15 length/width: 2.40, 2.40, 1.30 and 1.30, respectively; mouthparts not elongated ( Figures 2-A and -B View Figure 2 ); head rounded or weakly constricted behind eyes ( Figure 2- C View Figure 2 ); upper face (frons) smooth to rather finely punctate; gena, vertex and lower face (face) distinctly punctate; basal width of mandible 3.20–4.00× malar space length ( Figure 2-A View Figure 2 ); OOL, OD, POL length: 0.13, 0.06 and 0.13 mm, respectively ( Figure 2- C View Figure 2 ).

Mesosoma: Anteromesoscutum densely punctate and setose, notauli indistinct; scutoscutellar suture narrow, distinctly crenulate; mesoscutellar disc finely and sparsely punctate to smooth and shiny; metanotum with uniform coarse wrinkles; anterior half of propodeum with few punctures and shiny, rest mostly smooth to slightly uneven; propodeum without distinct areola, weakly defined by an impression; pronotum weakly punctate; propleuron punctate; prepectal carina absent; mesopleuron medially smooth with some punctures on antero- and ventro-lateral parts; metapleuron weakly wrinkle to smooth, anteriodorsal corner rugulose, and with deep medial pit on anterior half ( Figure 2-D View Figure 2 ).

Wings: Forewing length 2.60 mm; Forewing length/width: 2.90; vein R1 as long as or slightly longer than pterostigma; Pterostigma length/width: 2.50; vein R1 4.90× as long as distance of vein R1 to vein 3RSb; vein r as long as or slightly longer than vein 2RS; vein 1-CUb slightly shorter than vein 1-CUa ( Figure 3-A View Figure 3 ).

Legs: Metafemur length/width: 3.60; length of metafemur, metatibial, metabasitarsus and sum of other metatarsal segments i.e., sum of segments 2, 3, 4 and 5: 0.75, 0.85, 0.40 and 0.60 mm, respectively; length of metatibial inner and outer spur 0.20 and 0.17 mm, respectively; metatibia inner spur length/metabasitarsus length: 0.50.

Metasoma: T1 more or less parallel- to subparallel-sided i.e. slightly narrower medially; T1 smooth, with a distinct central protuberance; T1 length 1.70× posterior width; T2 smooth, transverse and rectangular (T2 posterior width 2.75× its medial length); T3 longer than T2 (T3/T2 length: 1.25) ( Figure 2-F View Figure 2 ); hypopygium pointed apically, slightly extending beyond the apex of metasoma; ovipositor sheath with uniform width and slightly curved downwards; ovipositor sheath clearly longer than metatibia (ovipositor sheath 1.20× as long as metatibia), ovipositor sheath length 1.15 mm ( Figure 2-E View Figure 2 ).

Colouration: Body black; except yellow or reddish yellow mouthparts, tegula, fore legs, apex of mesofemur, mesotibia, mesotarsus, basal one-third of metatibia and ovipositor; metatarsus brown; palpi whitish yellow; pterostigma whitish yellow, with brownish margin; wing venation with combination of whitish yellow and brown ( Figures 2 View Figure 2 and 3 View Figure 3 ).

Male: Unknown.

Note: Although there is no available key that covers all Palaearctic species of Dolichogenidea , we provide comparisons of Dolichogenidea fernandeztrianai sp. nov. with all previous keys of Palaearctic Dolichogenidea . Dolichogenidea fernandeztrianai sp. nov. runs close to D. britannica (Wilkinson, 1941) , in the keys by Nixon (1972) but it differs from the latter as follows: in D. fernandeztrianai sp. nov. T1 more or less parallel- to subparallel-sided not narrowed apically and ovipositor sheath 1.20× as long as metatibia (whereas in D. britannicus T1 markedly narrowed towards apex and ovipositor sheath twice as long as metatibia). This species runs into D. jilinensis Chen and Song (2004) [this species is synonymized with D. purda (Papp, 1977) by Liu et al. (2018)] as per the key by Chen and Song (2004), nevertheless, it differs from D. fernandeztrianai sp. nov. as follows: in D. fernandeztrianai sp. nov. T1 length 1.70× posterior width; pterostigma whitish yellow, with brownish margin; anterior half of propodeum with some punctures, shiny, other areas mostly smooth to slightly uneven, propodeum without distinct areola, weakly defined by an impression; notauli not defined (whereas in D. purda , T1 1.50× its posterior width, pterostigma evenly brown; propodeum mostly smooth, with only a small trace of posterior areola carinae near nucha, notauli distinct by crowded punctation). This species runs in the key by Liu et al. (2018) to D. poliobrevis Liu & Chen, 2018 , however, it differs from D. fernandeztrianai sp. nov. as follows: in D. fernandeztrianai sp. nov. T1 more or less parallel- to subparallel-sided i.e., slightly narrowermedially, T1 length 1.70× posterior width; pterostigma whitish yellow, with brownish margin; ovipositor sheath 1.20× as long as metatibia (whereas in D. poliobrevis T1 parallel-sided and as long as posterior width, pterostigma brown, ovipositor sheath nearly as long as metatibia).

Dolichogenidea fernandeztrianai sp. nov. is similar to Dolichogenidea eleagnellae Tobias, 1976 , but it differs from D. eleagnellae as follows: in D. fernandeztrianai sp. nov. scutoscutellar suture narrowed with 20 crenulate; ovipositor sheath clearly longer than metatibia, 1.20× as long as metatibia; pterostigma whitish yellow, with brownish margin (whereas in eleagnellae scutoscutellar suture wide and deep with 10 crenulate; ovipositor sheath slightly longer than metatibia; pterostigma entirely dark i.e. opaque brown to blackish brown, without pale basal spot).

Paratypes: F 2, 3, 14, 15 length/width: 2.40–2.70, 2.40–2.70, 1.16–1.30 and 1.20– 1.25, respectively; OOL,OD,POL length: 0.12, 0.05–0.06 and 0.13–0.15 mm, respectively; Forewing length: 2.70–2.75 mm; Forewing length/width: 2.90–3.00; Pterostigma length/width: 2.60–2.70; length of metafemur, metatibial, metabasitarsus and sum of other metatarsal segments: 071–0.75, 0.83–0.92, 0.41–0.42 and 0.60 mm, respectively.

Etymology: The new species is named in the honor of Dr. Jose L. Fernandez-Triana, specialist on the systematics of Braconidae at the Canadian National Collection of Insects, for his significant contributions to the Microgastrinae knowledge of the world.

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