Rhabdopleura Allman, 1869

Gordon, Dennis P., Randolph Quek, Z. B. & Huang, Danwei, 2024, Four new species and a ribosomal phylogeny of Rhabdopleura (Hemichordata: Graptolithina) from New Zealand, with a review and key to all described extant taxa, Zootaxa 5424 (3), pp. 323-357 : 331

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5424.3.3

publication LSID




persistent identifier


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scientific name

Rhabdopleura Allman


Rhabdopleura Allman View in CoL in Norman, 1869

Type species. Rhabdopleura normani Allman View in CoL in Norman, 1869, Shetland, by monotypy .

Diagnosis (emended after Maletz 2014). Colonial pterobranchs with fundamentally encrusting, rarely free, tubular constructions with semi-regular to irregular fusellar rings and, in encrusting parts, generally regular zigzag sutures. Erect tubes parallel-sided, originating directly from resorption sites on creeping (or otherwise axial) tubes or indirectly and terminally from a creeping tube via an intervening adnate portion; the latter plus the erect tube comprising a blind-ending side branch. Zooids connected via a robust stolon system (black stolon). Sicular zooid secretes a featureless domal prosicula.

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