Centris (Ptilotopus) auriceps, Entomologia & Nacional & Quinta da Boa Vista & Cristóvão & Janeiro & E-mail, 2019

Entomologia, Departamento de, Nacional, Museu, Quinta da Boa Vista, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro., Cristóvão, São, Janeiro, Rio de & E-mail, Brasil., 2019, Two new Brazilian species of oil-collecting bees of the genus Centris (Ptilotopus) Klug (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Revista Chilena de Entomología 1, pp. 79-85 : 81

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scientific name

Centris (Ptilotopus) auriceps

sp. nov.

Centris (Ptilotopus) auriceps sp. nov.

( Figs. 1, 2)

Diagnosis. This new species is easily recognized by the yellowish coloration of clypeus and labrum, by the yellowish pubescence on T2 ( Fig. 2) and the yellowish-orange hairs on head and fore legs that contrast with the brown pilosity on the rest of the body ( Figs. 1, 2).

Description. Holotype male. Measurements (mm): Approximately body length: 25.1. Head width: 6.7. Forewing length: 20.1. Mandible basal width: 1.8. Mandible length: 3.4. Escape length: 1.0. F1 length: 1.6. F2 length: 3.5. F3 length: 4.5. UID: 2.7. DII: 3.4. Coloration: Integument of head in general dark brown, but mandible light brown with dark brown apex ( Fig. 1). Labrum, clypeus, supraclypeal and paraocular areas yellowish ( Fig. 1). Antenna brown, escape, pedicel and F1 slightly reddish brown. Forelegs and pronotal lobe light brown. Mesoscutum, mesoscutellum and tegula dark brown ( Fig. 2). Hypoepimeral tubercle, metanotum, metepisternum and propodeum reddish brown. Middle and hind legs brown ( Fig. 2). Terga and sterna brown with yellowish brown distal margin. Wings brown with slight violet iridescence ( Fig. 2). Pubescence: Head and forelegs yellowish-orange ( Figs. 1, 2). Mesosoma with brown hairs, slightly darker on mesoscutum and mesoscutellum ( Fig. 2). Middle and hind legs with dark brown hairs ( Fig. 2). Metasoma with brown hairs, similar to those on mesoscutum, except T2 with yellowish hairs ( Fig. 2). Integument and sculpture surface: Labrum with fine areolation, almost absent, with coarse and relatively scattered punctation, with a narrow and not well-defined smooth longitudinal area. Clypeus strongly areolate and with fine and dense punctation, coarser and scattered towards the lateral sides. Distal margin of terga and sterna smooth. Structures: Maxillary palpus with five palpomeres (relative lengths: 2 nd>3 rd>1 st>4 th ≈5 th). Mandible with three apically acute teeth, except second widely rounded (relative lengths: 1 st>2 nd>3 rd) ( Fig. 1). Apical tooth widely separated from the others ( Fig. 1). Third tooth with apex directed upwards. Trimmal angle absent. Acetabular carina reaching the base of second tooth ( Fig. 1). Labrum relatively semicircular, without longitudinal carina ( Fig. 1). Clypeus convex (lateral view) and with concave upper half (dorsal view). Central area of epistomal suture slightly more convex than central area of clypeal lower margin ( Fig. 1). Inner orbits of compound eyes slightly diverging downwards ( Fig. 1). Occipital area not visible behind the eyes (frontal view) ( Fig. 1). Vertex slightly above the upper orbital tangent. External lateral area of lateral ocelli with a deep longitudinal cavity directed backwards. Pronotal lobe rounded. Mesoscutum without glabrous area on posterior half. Mesoscutellum with two rounded glabrous protuberances. Axilla raised, rounded and glabrous. Tegula with a small rounded protuberance on central inner side. Hypoepimeral area with relatively acute protuberance. Claws with well-developed internal tooth.

Type specimen. Holotype male, with the following data label: Coleção Campos Seabra \ Cachimbo Pará - Brasil julho 1955 F. M. Oliveira ( MNRJ).

Etymology. From Latin aureus (golden) and ceps (head) due to the yellowish-orange pubescence on head.

Distribution. The distribution of this new species remains restricted to Cachimbo, in the Amazonian state of Pará, northern Brazil.

Comments. This species exhibits a unique pattern of coloration of pilosity that makes it easily recognized and unmistakable between the species of Centris (Ptilotopus) . The female of this new species is unknown.


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro













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