Hemicytherura, Elofson, 1941

Schornikov, Evgeny I., 2006, Checklist of the ostracod (Crustacea) fauna of Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan, Zootaxa 1294, pp. 29-59 : 38-39

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Plazi (2016-04-04 13:17:28, last updated 2024-11-26 00:21:15)

scientific name



Genus HEMICYTHERURA Elofson, 1941 View in CoL

69. H. cavata ( Hu, 1981) ­ Schornikov & Chavtur, 2001: 95; 2002: 98; Schornikov & Zenina, 2004b: 218.

70. H. aff. clathrata ( Sars, 1866) ­ Schornikov, 1996: 40 (H. aff. clatrata (sic.); Schornikov, 2000: 185 (H. aff. clatrata (sic).

71. * H. kajiyamai Hanai, 1957 c ­ Aladin, 1987: 820; Schornikov & Chavtur, 2001: 95; 2002: 98; Schornikov & Zenina, 2004b: 218.

Remarks. Soft part structures of this species were described by Kajiyama (1913):4, pl.

1, figs. 19–25, who determined it as Cytheropteron videns Müller, 1894 .

72. * H. tricarinata Hanai, 1957c ­ Gvozdeva et al., 1997: 28; Zenina, 2003: 44. Remarks. Soft part structures were described by Okubo 1980a:16–18, figs. 1e, f, 2i –1, 6a–k.

73. * H. sp. = H. kajiyamai Hanai, 1957c sensu Okubo, 1980a, part. ­ Aladin, 1987: 820; Gvozdeva et al., 1997: 28; Schornikov & Chavtur, 2001: 95; 2002: 98; Zenina, 2003: 44; Schornikov & Zenina, 2004b: 218, figs. 4 (9, 10).

Remarks. Soft part structures of this species were described by Okubo 1980a:16, figs, 1c, d, 2e–h, 5, who determined it as H. kajiyamai Hanai, 1957 c.

Aladin, N. V. (1987) Salinity adaptations and osmoregulation abilities of Ostracoda from the Sea of Japan. Part. 2. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 66 (6), 820 - 825 (in Russian).

Schornikov (Shornikov), E. I. & Chavtur, V. G. (2001) Ostracods of rocky and neighboring shallowwater biotopes in southwestern of Peter the Great Bay. In: The state of environment and biota of the southwestern part of Peter the Great Bay and the Tumen River mouth, 3. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, pp. 85 - 105.

Elofson, O. (1941) Zur kenntnis der marinen Ostracoden Schwedens, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Skagerraks. Zoologiska Bidrag fran Uppsala, 19, 215 - 534.

Gvozdeva, I. G., Gorbarenko, S. A., Rakov, V. A., Lutaenko, K. A., Schornikov, E. I. & Mikischin, J. A. (1997) Primorije paleoenvironment for middle and late Holocene by using outcrop Shkotovo results (Preprint). Pacific Oceanological Institute Far East Branch of Russian Ac. Sci., Vladivostok, 32 pp. (in Russian).

Hanai, T. (1957 c) Studies on the Ostracoda from Japan: 3. Subfamiles Cytherurinae G. W. Muller (Emend. G. O. Sars, 1925) and Cytheropterinae n. subfam. Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section 2, 11 (1), 11 - 36.

Hu, C. H. (1981) Studies on ostracod faunas from the Hengchun Limestone (Pleistocene), southern Taiwan. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 34 (1 - 2), 61 - 93.

Kajiyama, E. (1913) Ostracoda of Misaki, Part 3: Podocopa. Zoologocal Magazine, Tokyo, 25 (291), 1 - 16 (in Japanese).

Muller, G. W. (1894) Die Ostracoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzen Meeres-abschnitte. Fauna und Flora des Golfts von Neapel, 21 Monographien B., 104 pp., Freidlander, Berlin.

Okubo, I. (1980 a) Recent marine Ostracoda in the Inland Sea, Japan - 15: Six species of the subfamily Cytherurinae Muller, 1894, in the Inland Sea, Japan (Ostracoda). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 25 (1 / 4), 7 - 26.

Sars, G. O. (1866) Oversigt af Norges marine Ostracoder. Fornandlinger I Videnskabs-Selskabet I Christiania, 8, 130 pp.

Schornikov, E. I. (2000) Ostracoda as indicators of conditions and dynamics of water ecosystems (Chapter 8). In: Martin, R. E. (Ed.), Environmental Micropaleontolody: the application of microfossils to environmental geology. Topics in Geobiology, 15, pp. 181 - 187, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York.

Schornikov, E. I. & Zenina, M. A. (2004 b) Classis Ostracoda Latreille, 1802 (= Shelled Crustacea). In: Tyurin A. N. (Ed.), Far-Eastern Marine Biosphere Reserve. Biota. Chapter II. Annotated list of marine biota of the Reserve. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 2, pp. 211 - 222 (in Russian).

Zenina M. A. (2003) Ostracods fauna of Amurskyi Bay in region of Chayka station. Abstracts VI Regional conference on topical problems of ecology, marine biology and biotechnology. Far Eastern National University, 43 - 45.















