Dolichogenidea bonbonensis Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019

Fagan-Jeffries, Erinn P., Cooper, Steven J. B. & Austin, Andrew D., 2019, New species of Australian microgastrine parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae) documented through the ‘ Bush Blitz’ surveys of national reserves, Zootaxa 4560 (3), pp. 401-440 : 413-414

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scientific name

Dolichogenidea bonbonensis Fagan-Jeffries & Austin

sp. nov.

Dolichogenidea bonbonensis Fagan-Jeffries & Austin sp. nov.

( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 )

Material examined (including Genbank numbers of DNA barcodes). Holotype: South Australia: ♀ Bon Bon Stn, 30°18'50"S 135°32'50"E, 28/x/2010, R. Kittel, Bush Blitz Svy RK129 on Acacia victoriae sweep netting (SAMA: 32-036126; Genbank COI: MH138727 View Materials WG: MH139204 View Materials ). Paratypes: South Australia: ♀ Witchelina Stn, 30°01'07"S 137°54'04"E, 23/x/2010, R. Kittel, Bush Blitz Svy RK091 sweeping Acacia victoriae (SAMA: 32- 036127; Genbank COI: MH138708 View Materials WG: MH139188 View Materials ). Western Australia: ♀ Kariijini NP, Weano Gorge Rd, 22°21'19"S 118°15'00"E, 25/iv/2003 – 15/v/2003, C. Lambkin & T. Weir, Malaise grassy dry creek Eucalyptus & Acacia scrub, 695 m (ANIC: 32 130220; Genbank COI: MH138946 View Materials WG: MH139367 View Materials ).

Diagnosis. Dolichogenidea bonbonensis can be separated from D. biroi , D. ilione ( Nixon 1967) , D. lipsis and D. tasmanica by the absence of a white gena blotch. Dolichogenidea bonbonensis has ovipositor sheaths slightly shorter than the metatibia (ovipositor sheaths length/metatibial length 0.7–0.9) whilst D. acratos ( Nixon 1967) , D. brabyi , D. eucalypti , D. expulsa ( Turner 1918) , D. garytaylori , D. hyposidrae and D. orelia ( Nixon 1967) all have

ovipositors much shorter, half the length of the metatibia or less, whilst D. carposinae ( Wilkinson 1938) , D. coequata ( Nixon 1967) , D. cyamon ( Nixon 1967) , D. finchi , D. hyblaeae ( Wilkinson 1928) , D. ilione , D. inquisitor ( Wilkinson 1928) , D. iulis ( Nixon 1967) , D. labaris ( Nixon 1967) , D. lobesiae , D. mediocaudata , D. miris , D. platyedrae ( Wilkinson 1928) , D. stantoni , and D. xenomorph all have ovipositor sheaths longer than the metatibia. Dolichogenidea kelleri has slightly longer ovipositor sheaths than D. bonbonensis (equal to metatibia) and a less well-defined areola. Dolichogenidea gentilis ( Nixon 1967) has a similar ovipositor sheath length/metatibia ratio to D. bonbonensis , but D. gentilis has the propodeal areola poorly defined, whilst D. bonbonensis has a clearly defined areola. Dolichogenidea heterusiae ( Wilkinson 1928) has ovipositor sheaths approximately equal to the metatibia, but can also be separated from D. bonbonensis by having a more rugulose propodeum ( D. bonbonensis has a mostly smooth propodeum). Dolichogenidea heterusiae can also be separated by the prominent carinae on the lateral margins of T1, which are not present in D. bonbonensis . Dolichogenidea upoluensis (described from a single male) and D. agonoxenae are described as having a rugose propodeum, whilst D. bonbonensis has a mostly smooth propodeum ( Table 1).

Description. FEMALE. Colour: all dark, antenna dark; coxae (pro-, meso-, metacoxa) dark, dark, dark; femora (pro-, meso-, metafemur) pale/light brown, dark, dark; tibiae (pro-, meso-, metatibia) light brown, dark, dark; tegula and humeral complex dark; pterostigma dark; fore wing veins dark. Head: antenna slightly shorter than body length; body length (head to apex of metasoma) 1.9–2.1 mm; ocular–ocellar line/posterior ocellus diameter 1.6–1.8; interocellar distance/posterior ocellus diameter 2.6–2.8. Mesosoma : anteromesoscutum evenly and densely punctate; mesoscutellar disc with a few fine punctures associated with setae; number of pits in scutoscutellar sulcus 13–15; maximum height of mesoscutellum lunules/maximum height of lateral face of mesoscutellum 0.5. Wings: fore wing length 2.1–2.3 mm; length of veins r/2RS 1.1–1.6; length of veins 2RS/2M 1.0–1.3; length of veins 2M/(RS+M)b 1.2–1.3; pterostigma length/width 2.5–2.8. Legs: metatibia inner spur length/metabasitarsus length 0.5. Propodeum: clearly defined areola, open at anterior end, lateral carinae present and reasonably straight, otherwise mostly smooth with some reticulate rugose sculpturing at anterior centre. Metasoma: T1 length/width at posterior margin 1.1–1.2; T1 shape broad, rectangular, almost parallel-sided; T1 sculpture rugose with irregularly shaped punctures, longitudinal strigosity or rugosity in posterior half; T2 width at posterior margin/length 3.8–4.3; T2 sculpture almost smooth, some sparse punctures associated with setae; T3 sculpture smooth and shiny; hypopygium with central membranous area mid-ventrally; ovipositor sheaths length/ metatibial length 0.7–0.9.

MALE. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name bonbonensis is from the collecting locality of the holotype, Bon Station, South Australia. It is a Latin second declension adjective.

Distribution. This species has been collected from central South Australia and northern WA.

Remarks. The specimen from WA shows slight variation in colour of the metasoma, and in the curvature of the carinae at the base of the propodeal areola. However, there is less than 0.5% difference in the COI sequences of this specimen and those from South Australia, and all specimens share a WG haplotype. As such, we include the WA specimen in the type series despite the small morphological differences. The BOLD BIN for D. bonbonensis is BOLD:ADL4681.

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