Poeciloderrhis mediansclerostylatus, Silva & Lopes, 2018

Silva, Leonardo de Oliveira Cardoso da & Lopes, Sonia Maria, 2018, Six new species of Poeciloderrhis from Brazil (Blattaria: Blaberidae) with a new record and a new combination, Zoologia (e 12483) 35, pp. 1-10 : 4

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.35.e12483

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scientific name

Poeciloderrhis mediansclerostylatus

sp. nov.

Poeciloderrhis mediansclerostylatus sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/ 4172A303-F9EA-4950-977A-F2B8340B52E4

Figs 20–29

Diagnosis. General coloration. Shiny brown ( Fig. 20). Head with dark brown vertex; interocular and interantennal spaces dark brown, other head structures brown; maxillary palps with brown apical segment, with golden cilia. Eyes dark brown ( Fig. 21). Pronotum light brown laterally, semi-transparent with dark brown trapezoidal spot ( Fig. 22). Tegmen ranging from light brown to brown, semi-transparent with dark brown spots. Legs light brown, spines, pulvilli, arolia and claws brown. Abdomen light brown.

Dimensions (mm). Holotype male. Total length: 30.0; length of pronotum: 6.0; width of pronotum: 7.7; length of tegmen: 23.5; width of tegmen: 7.3.

Description of the holotype male. Head triangular with rounded corners, vertex barely exposed in dorsal view; interocular space about 1.24 mm. Antennae long, threadlike and tomentose, surpassing apex of cerci. Maxillary palps with first and second segments reduced, third segment longer than fourth, fifth segment slightly more dilated and densely tomentose.

Thorax. Pronotum wide, convex, angles curved, base with small median projection. Legs with femur I with anteroventral surface with six strong spines up to middle, followed by series of small spines toward apex, apex bearing two strong spines; posteroventral surface with three to four strong spines, one apical; femora II and III bearing few strong spines on their ventral surfaces.Pulvilli present on four tarsal segments, claws symmetrical and specialized, with two rows of small teeth, similar to spines on legs. Tegmen surpassing apex of abdomen. Marginal field elongated, slightly concave, scapular field elongated with oblique venules, discoidal field convex, curved apically, anal field convex and conspicuous.

Abdomen. Tergal modification consisting of longitudinal hump on first segment and complex of four humps on second segment ( Fig. 23). Supranal plate with cerci surpassing size of plate, with conspicuous cilia in ventral view ( Fig. 24). Subgenital plate asymmetric, left style, in ventral view, larger than right style ( Fig. 25). Left phallomere sclerotized ( Fig. 26). Median sclerite with apex spiniform ( Figs 27 and 28). Right phallomere apically resembling hockey stick, with small spines near apex. Membrane of right phallomere with eight spines ( Fig. 29).

Material examined. Holotype male, BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro State, Conceição do Jacareí , 18-XI-1975, Prazeres col. ( MNRJ).

Etymology.The species name, mediansclerostylatus is derived the styliform median sclerite, which is similar to P. imperialis .

Remarks. Poeciloderrhis mediansclerostylatus sp. nov. is similar to Poeciloderrhis imperialis Rocha e Silva & Jurberg, 1978 in coloration of the pronotum (semi-transparent with dark brown trapezoidal spot) and habitus (shiny brown). The new species might be distinguished from P. imperialis by its smaller size 30.0– 31.1 mm (31.6–33.0 mm in P. imperialis ), shape of the tergal modification consisting of longitudinal hump on first segment and a complex of four humps on second segment, while in P. imperialis is composed by a slight elevation, trianguliform near the apex and two elevations next from the base which follows from the center of the structure towards the sides in the first segment and another slight elevation in the base of the second segment. In addition, P. mediansclerostylatus sp. nov. can be distinguished too by its shiny-brown general coloration, while it is shiny light brown in P. imperialis , and genital morphology that presents the median sclerite with an apical spine and right phallomere with an irregular margin in the apex while the median sclerite presents a rounded structure and right phallomere with rounded apex in P. imperialis .


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