Cassidinoma denticulata (Boheman, 1850)

Fernandes, Flávia Rodrigues & Borowiec, Lech, 2013, Review of the genus Cassidinoma Hincks (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Omocerini), Zootaxa 3620 (4), pp. 544-552 : 545-551

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3620.4.4

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Cassidinoma denticulata (Boheman, 1850)


Cassidinoma denticulata (Boheman, 1850) View in CoL

( Figs. 1–16 View FIGURES 1 – 2 View FIGURES 3 – 4 View FIGURES 5 – 8 View FIGURES 9 – 11 View FIGURES 12 – 14 View FIGURES 15 – 16 )

Polychalca denticulata Dejean, 1836: 368 (nomen nudum).

Desmonota denticulata Boheman, 1850: 141 (lectotype in NRS designated by Borowiec, 1999, type locality: Paraguay), 1856: 23, 1862: 61; Gemminger & Harold, 1876: 3626; Fiebrig, 1910: 198.

Oma denticulata: Spaeth, 1913: 128, 1914: 22 ; Bruch, 1915: 364; Maulik, 1916: 578; Blackwelder, 1946: 735; Costa Lima, 1955: 229.

Cassidinoma denticulata: Viana, 1964: 48 ; Buzzi, 1988: 565, 1994: 206; Świętojańska, 2009: 41.

Oma denticula [sic] var. krishna Maulik, 1916: 579 (holotype in BMNH, type locality: South America).

Oma denticulata var. krishna: Spaeth, 1931: 306 ; Blackwelder, 1946: 735.

Canistra drakei Kolbe, 1887: 27 (two syntypes in ZMHU, type locality: Paraguay); Spaeth, 1914: 23 (synonymy).

Desmonota monstrosa Boheman, 1850: 144 (holotype in NRS, type locality: Brazil), 1856: 23, 1862: 63; Gemminger & Harold, 1876: 3626.

Oma monstrosa: Spaeth, 1913: 128, 1914: 23 ; Maulik, 1916: 578, Blackwelder, 1946: 735.

Cassidinoma monstrosa: Viana, 1964: 129 ; Borowiec, 1999: 40; Borowiec & Świętojańska, 2012, syn. nov.

Type locality. Paraguay.

Type material examined. Desmonota denticulata Boheman, 1850 : lectotype (NRS), labeled: “ Paraguay ” “Mhm” “ Type ” “ Lectotype //des. L. Borowiec”. Oma denticula var. krishna Maulik, 1916 : holotype (BMNH), labeled: “ Type ” “S. America // 25.1.94 ” “ Oma denticula //Boh.// var. Krishna Maulik //S. Maulik det.// Type of var.” “Ex coll.//Camb. Univ. Mus.//1916.261”. Canistra drakei Kolbe, 1887 : two syntypes (ZMHU), labeled: “ Paraguay //Drake” “63708” “ Drakei //Kolbe// Paraguay 1887” “ Syntypus // Canistra // Drakei //Kolbe, 1887//L. Sekerka des. 2008”. Desmonota monstrosa Boheman, 1850 : holotype (NRS), labeled: “ Brasil ” “ Type ”.

Redescription. Measurements: body length: 10.00–13.00 mm, body width: 7.75–11.00 mm, pronotum length: 2.50–3.75 mm, pronotum width: 6.25–7.50 mm, body length/width ratio: 1.19–1.43, pronotum width/length ratio: 1.83–2.50.

Body ( Figs. 1–2 View FIGURES 1 – 2 ): rounded with elytral margins crenulated. Body metallic cupreous to nearly black, slightly shiny, sometimes underside metallic green, mainly on metasternum and ventrites.

Head ( Figs. 3–4 View FIGURES 3 – 4 ): dorsally visible, densely punctate and striate, slightly wrinkly. Coronal suture without striation and reaching front. Antennae long, reaching humeral angles of elytra, more than two times pronotum length. Antennae bright cupreous or black, with antennomeres VI–XII opaque. Antennomeres I–V short, subglabrous, each with base narrower than apex; antennomeres VI–XII different in shape and much longer than I–V, sparsely covered with pubescence. Antennomere XI two times longer than wide. Clypeus semicircular, projecting, wider than long, coarsely and finely punctate, pubescent, with sparse short setae; apex of anterior margin protruding, with median groove. Labrum flattened, wider than long, with emarginate and trisinuate posterior margin.

Thorax. Pronotum ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ): trapezoidal, less than two times wider than long; pubescent, with sparse short setae, finely punctate. Surface irregular, coarsely granulated and with depressions. Anterior margin distinct and concave, narrow and not concealing head. Lateral margin expanded, obtusely angled on latero-posteral sides, with deep sulcus along the margin. Delimitation between disc and margin indistinct. Disc with elongate longitudinal sulcus and a pair of deep circular depressions. Deep impressions on sides of pronotum. Posterior margin bisinuated.

Scutellum ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ): triangular, projecting and shiny. Prosternal process ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ): broad, flattened, pubescent, with sparse short setae and deep punctation. Anterior margin slightly projecting and expanded, with short prosternal collar present as transverse striations. Median region wrinkly, punctate, with striation and longitudinal depression. Posterior margin slightly expanded, with three obtuse angles. Mesosternal process ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ): broad, projecting, pubescent, less than two times longer than wide, deeply emarginate on middle of anterior margin. Metasternum ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 5 – 8 ): broad, pubescent, with slightly transverse striation and longitudinal sulcus medially. Metepisternum glabrous and smoothly sculptured. Legs: tibia densely pubescent, with golden long setae, especially on distal part. Tarsi dorsally pubescent; tarsomere V slightly longer than III; tarsal pad dense. Tarsal claws simple ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9 – 11 ). Elytra ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9 – 11 ): granulated and irregularly tuberculated; punctation irregular, coarse and fine, except a row of deep and elongate punctures along the elytral suture. Elytral setae golden, small and sparse. Base of elytra as wide as base of pronotum. Anterior margin bisinuate and serrate. Humeral processes short, moderately protruding. Elytral disc gibbous and regularly convex with distinct impressions, strong carina, and pair of elevated tubercles; punctures with deep foveae and as coarse as punctures on marginal region. Lateral margin crenulate with small and regular denticles; expanded margin very narrow and smoothly punctate. Submarginal row rudimental and marginal row absent. Apex of epipleura pubescent.

Abdomen. Ventrites ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9 – 11 ): metallic, with smooth punctures and transverse striation. Female genitalia ( Fig. 12–14 View FIGURES 12 – 14 ): tergite VIII exposed and sclerotized. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12 – 14 ) large, weakly sclerotized, the posterior margin broad and setose; spiculum gastrale elongated, apically enlarged and truncated, longer than posterior margin of sternite VIII. Tergite IX formed by two plates connecting basally by membrane; posterior margin weakly sclerotized and setose. Sternite IX ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12 – 14 ) formed by pair of coxites densely setose, mainly on posterior margin, and connected basally by a membrane. Spermathecae ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 12 – 14 ): vasculum sclerotized, long and hooked; apex thinner than base and slightly obtuse. Duct elongate, and heavily spiral coiled, more than ten times longer than vasculum; duct insertion on ventral base of vasculum. Accessory gland duct simple, not sclerotized, connected to dorsal base of vasculum. Ampulla elongate, conical, twice shorter than vasculum. Bursa copulatrix membranous, without sclerites. Male genitalia ( Fig. 15–16 View FIGURES 15 – 16 ): aedeagus heavily sclerotized and curved; apex slightly acute and thinner than base; ostium with a pair of lateral plates. Ejaculatory duct elongate, sclerotized, more than three times longer than aedeagus.

Distribution ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 ). Argentina: Misiones. Bolivia: Santa Cruz. Brazil: Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, São Paulo. Paraguay: Alto Paraguay, Alto Paraná, Caazapá, Cordillera, Guairá, Itapúa, San Pedro.

Host plant. Cordia salzmani (Boraginaceae) (Fiebrig, 1910).

Remarks. Comparison of the types of C. denticulata and C. monstrosa does not reveal any significant differences between them. Thus, there is no evidence to recognize two different species.

Cassidinoma shares some characters with other Omocerini genera as described by Hincks (1952): delimitation of opaque and pubescent antennomeres (= distal antennomeres in Borowiec 2000) beginning on antennomere VI or VII, much longer than the subglabrous and bright antennomeres (= proximal antennomeres in Borowiec 2000). Prosternal process broad, usually somewhat flattened and slightly expanded posteriorly. Tarsal claws without teeth.

Additional material examined. ARGENTINA: Misiones: (5 MZSP) “ Argentina //Loreto//Missiones// Dirings_ II.1955,” “ Oma // denticulata // var. preta _Cas nº257// var. preta ”; (1 MNRJ) “ Argentina – Misiones//Loreto/ / IX.1954 //F.H. Walz col.”; (3 MNRJ) “Coleção//Campos Seabra” “Loreto Misiones// Argentina //Fevereiro 1955[II.1955]//A. Maller” “ Cassidinoma // denticulata //(Boh.)//Det. M. Viana 1962” “3.”; (2 MNRJ) “Coleção// Campos Seabra” “S. Pedro Misiones// Argentina //janeiro 1956 [I.1956]//A. Maller” “3xCa257a// San Pedro //Mis. Arg.//1.56” “ Cassidinoma // denticulata //(Boh.)//Det. M. Viana 1962” “3.”; (1 MNRJ) “ Argentina Misiones// Pastoreo Grande// II.1954 //F. Walz col”. BRASIL: Bahia: (1 MTD) “ Brasil.//Bahia” “ Canistra // Drakei . Kol. ” “128”; Mato Grosso: (1 MZSP): “M. Grosso//Murtinho//XI.924//R. Spitz” “ Cassidinoma denticulata //(Boh.)//Det. M. Viana 1962; Goiás: (1 AMB) “Coleção A.M. Bello” “Luziânia//GO – Brasil // XI-1974 //Col. A. Bello”; (1 DZUP) “Ca.//257.//11.38_Goiaz//Bananeiras [A. Maller coll.]”; Mato Grosso do Sul: (1 MZSP) Guaicurus// XI.938; (1 MZSP) “M. Grosso//Guaicurus//XI.938” “ Cassidinoma // denticulata //Boh.//Det. M. Viana 1962”; Minas Gerais: (1 MNRJ) “ Brasil – M. Gerais//Nova Lima// III.1993 //R. Guimaraes”; São Paulo: (1 MZSP) “Itaguare//(P. P) [Padre Pereira],//6995” “ Desmonota // denticulata //Spaeth det.” “2.” “ Cassidinoma // denticulata // Boh.//Det. M. Viana 1962”; PARAGUAY: (1 MZSP) “ Paraguay ” “ denticulata //Spaeth det.” “ Oma // denticulata // Spaeth Franz” “ Cassidinoma // denticulata //(Boh.)//Det. M. Viana 1962” “2.”; Itapúa: (2 MZSP) “ Paraguay //Vega// Prov. Itapuá//12.54 Dirings” “ Oma //denticu-//lata B.”; (3 DZUP) “Ca.//257.//11.53_ Paraguai //Itapuá [A. Maller coll.]; (1 DZUP) “Ca.//257.//12.54_ Paraguai //Itapuá [A. Maller coll.]” “ Oma denticulata ”; (3MNRJ) “Coleção// Campos Seabra” “ Paraguay //Depto. Itapuá//Vega// XII.1954 //Coll. A Maller” “3xCa257.//Vega//Dpto. Itapuá// Paraguai //12.54”; (1 MNRJ) “Coleção//Campos Seabra” “Vega// Paraguai //Dezembro 1954 [XII.1954]//A Maller” “ Cassidinoma // denticulata //(Boh.)//Det. M. Viana 1962” “3.”; Alto Paraguay: (1 MZSP) “ Paraguay //Alto Paragay [ Paraguay]// XI.53 Dirings” “ Oma //denticu//lata B.”; (1 MNRJ) “ Paraguay //Alto Paraguay //Colonia Primavera// X.1953 //J. Foerster col.” “ Oma // denticulata //Boh//F. Monrós det. 1957”; (1 MNRJ) “ Paraguay //Alto Paraguay // Colonia Primavera// X.1953 //J. Foerster col.” “ Cassidinoma // denticulata (Boh.) //M. A. Monné det. 1975”; (1 MNRJ) “Coleção//Campos Seabra” “Alto Paraguai // Paraguai //Novembro 1953 [XI.1953]//A. Maller” “ Cassidinoma // denticulata //(Boh.)//Det. M. Viana 1962” “3.” “Ca257.(raris.)// Oma // denticulata Boh. //Alto Paraguay //11.53”; (1 MTD) “ Paraguay ” “Gehr. W. Müller//Vermäeht. 1909” “Staatl. Museum für//Tierkund Dresden”; (1 LB) “ Paraguay //Dr. Ross”; (1 LB) “ Paraguay ” “ denticulata //Spaeth det.”; (2 LB) “Baden” “ Paraguay //C. Fiebrig S. V.” [Two specimens pinned together]; Cordillera: (1 LB) “ Paraguay //San Ber-//nadino// Fiebrig S.V.// 26.XI ” “[illegible]; (1 LB) “ Paraguay //San Ber-//nadino//Fiebrig S.V.// 26.XI ”. (1 LB) “[illegible]” “Sommer” [without additional data].


We are greatly indebted to the following curators for allowing us to visit and study their collections and/or loan type material and other specimens: AMB (Ayr Bello); BMNH (Max Barclay); DZUP (Lúcia Massutti de Almeida); MTD (Olaf Jaeger); MNRJ (Miguel Monné), MZSP (Sônia Casari) and ZMHU (Joachim Willers). We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for the critical comments on the manuscript. FRF also thanks the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), for the scholarships awarded (SWE/GD). Additional thank to the Laboratory of Hymenoptera from MZSP, for the use of automontage stereomicroscope.

































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