Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón, 2003

Crews, Sarah C., 2018, Two new species of flattie spiders (Araneae: Selenopidae) and descriptions of undescribed males from the Caribbean, Zootaxa 4446 (1), pp. 125-137 : 127-128

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Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón, 2003


Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón, 2003 View in CoL

( FIGs 1–3 View FIGURES 1–12 , MAp 13)

Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón, 2003: 120 View in CoL , figs 7–8 (♀).

Crews 2011: 89, figs 101–102, 187 (♀).

Type material. Holotype: fEmAlE, MAlvErN, SANtA CruZ MOuNtAINs, St. ElIZAbEth PArIsh, JAmAIcA. AlAyóN (2003) stAtEs It Is dEpOsItEd IN thE PEAbOdy MusEum; hOwEvEr, thE spEcImEN cANNOt bE lOcAtEd, As rEpOrtEd IN CrEws (2011).

Material examined: JAMAICA: St. Thomas Parish: 1 mAlE, BluE MOuNtAINs PEAk, 18˚2.801’N, 76˚34.068’W, 14 NOvEmbEr 2013, TEAm CArBIO, JA10-3 ( USNM 00003309 About USNM A).

Diagnosis. ThE mAlE Of thIs spEcIEs dIffErs frOm OthEr JAmAIcAN spEcIEs IN Its uNIquE EmbOlIc structurE cOmprIsING thrEE pArts: A shOrt, flExIblE EmbOlus ANd twO AddItIONAl EmbOlIc sclErItEs. ThE EmbOlIc sclErItEs cONsIst Of A lArGE rEctANGulAr sclErItE ANd A trIANGulAr flAp prOjEctING frOm thE bAsE Of thE EmbOlIc structurE. ThE RTA Is AlsO smAllEr thAN IN thE OthEr JAmAIcAN spEcIEs, pArtIculArly thE mRTA ( FIGs 2–3 View FIGURES 1–12 ).

Description. Male: Colour ( FIG. 1 View FIGURES 1–12 ). CArApAcE OrANGE-brOwN IN EthANOl, dArkENING tOwArd mArGIN; stErNum pAlE whItIsh yEllOw; chElIcErAE wIth dArk mOttlING ON AN OrANGE-brOwN bAckGrOuNd thAt lIGhtENs dIstAlly; mAxIllAE pAlE OrANGE-yEllOw, lIGhtENING tO yEllOw-whItE dIstAlly, slIGhtly dusky ON OutEr mArGINs; lAbIum pAlE OrANGEyEllOw, lIGhtENING tO whItE dIstAlly; AbdOmEN dOrsAlly wIth dArk brOwN-blAck pAttErN ON lIGht yEllOw-whItE bAckGrOuNd, mOstly lIGht IN cENtEr, rEddIsh brOwN pOstErIOrly, sOmE lIGht brOwN hAIrs, but mOst hAIrs hAvE bEEN rubbEd Off, vENtrAlly lIGht yEllOwIsh whItE, slIGhtly dArkENING dIstAlly, wIth dArk spOts, mOrE cONcENtrAtEd pOstErIOrly, AbdOmEN dArk ON sIdEs; lEGs lIGht tAN, wIth ANNulAtIONs, mOstly vIsIblE ON fEmOrA ANd pAtEllAE, fAdING dIstAlly, GrEy vENtrAlly, ANNulAtIONs lIkEly mOrE vIsIblE IN lIfE.

Prosoma. 1.05 tImEs lONGEr thAN brOAd; clypEus 0.07 hIGh.

Eyes. AER NEArly strAIGht, PER slIGhtly rEcurvEd; PME lArGEr thAN AME, PLE lArGEst, ALE smAllEst; EyE dIAmEtErs AME 0.20, ALE 0.11, PME 0.22, PLE 0.25; INtErdIstANcEs AME-PME 0.04, PME-ALE 0.16, ALE-PLE 0.21, PME-PME 1.09, ALE-ALE 1.44; OculAr quAdrANGlE AME-AME 0.57, PLE-PLE 1.89.

Sternum. 1.03 tImEs brOAdEr thAN lONG, pOstErIOrly INdENtEd.

Mouthparts. ChElIcErAE wIth sEtAE; mAxIllAE lONGEr thAN brOAd, wIth tuft Of cONspIcuOus sEtAE dIstAlly; lAbIum dIstAlly rOuNdEd, but slIGhtly truNcAtE.

Pedipalp ( FIGs 2–3 View FIGURES 1–12 ). Fm, spINAtION d 0-1-3; cymbIum OvAl IN vENtrAl vIEw, slIGhtly ANGlEd pOstErOlAtErAlly; spArsE scOpulAE tOwArd tIp; cONductOr lIGhtly sclErOtIZEd, but trANsluscENt, rEctANGulAr wIth rOuNd EdGEs, prOjEctING frOm bulb; EmbOlIc structurE wIth thrEE pArts: A fAIrly shOrt, wIdE EmbOlus, bluNt At thE tIp, wIth twO EmbOlIc sclErItEs: ONE A quAdrANGulAr prOjEctION wIth rOuNdEd EdGEs, truNcAtE, wIdENING dIstAlly, ANd ONE thAt Is A trIANGulAr flAp; MA lArGE, curvEd At tIp, wIth sEvErAl smAll tEEth lAtErOmEdIAlly; RTA wIth twO lArGEr brANchEs (vRTA ANd dRTA) wIth A smAll mRTA, whIch Is A trIANGulAr prOjEctION, vRTA OvAl IN vENtrAl vIEw; vRTA ANd dRTA rEctANGulAr IN lAtErAl vIEw.

Opisthosoma. UNsurE If thErE ArE sEtAl tufts As mOst Of thE AbdOmINAl hAIrs ArE wOrN Off.

Legs. LEG I shOrtEr thAN II ANd III, lEG IV mIssING; lEG fOrmulA 231X; NO scOpulAE prEsENt; tArsI I-III wIth strONG clAw tufts (prEsumAbly AlsO ON lEG IV); pr clAw pEr fOOt wIth>10 tEEth thAt ElONGAtE dIstAlly; spINAtION: lEG I, Fm pr 1-1-0, d 1-1-1, rl 1-1-1; TI v 2-2 -2; Mt v 2-2; lEG II, Fm pr 0, d 1-1-1, rl 0; TI 2-2-2-2 (lAst pAIr quItE smAll); Mt 2-2; lEG III, Fm pr 0, d 1-1-1, rl 0; TI v 1-1; Mt v 2-1; lEG IV Fm pr 0, d 1-1-1, rl 0; TI v 1-1; Mt v 2 -? (lEG brOkEN hErE, cOuld bE 2-2).

Measurements. TOtAl lENGth 6.53. CArApAcE lENGth 3.60, wIdth 3.40. StErNum lENGth 1.64, wIdth 1.68. AbdOmEN lENGth 2.93, wIdth 2.39. PEdIpAlp Fm 2.25, Pt 1.25, TI 0.9, TA 1.5, tOtAl 5.9. LEG I: Fm 3.46, Pt 1.48, TI 3.21, Mt 2.86, TA 1.44, tOtAl 12.45. LEG II: Fm 4.00, Pt 1.67, TI 3.46, Mt 2.93, TA 1.51, tOtAl 13.57. LEG III: Fm 4.10, Pt 1.44, TI 3.43, Mt 2.75, TA 1.34, tOtAl 13.06. LEG IV: Fm 4.05, Pt 1.18, TI 2.88, Mt 1.25 (pArtIAl), TA mIssING (L lEG IV AlsO mIssING).

Distribution. ENdEmIc tO JAmAIcA ANd AppArENtly wIdEsprEAd thrOuGhOut thE IslANd (MAp 13).

Life history and habitat preferences. CrEws (2011) rEpOrtEd thAt thE fEmAlE wAs cOllEctEd uNdEr bArk Of EucAlyptus At bOth lOw ANd hIGh ElEvAtIONs. ThErE ArE NO dAtA AssOcIAtEd wIth thE mAlE.














Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón, 2003

Crews, Sarah C. 2018

Selenops petrunkevitchi Alayón, 2003 : 120

Alayón, 2003 : 120
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